After the loss of the east wind, the United Army was in a terrible situation. Moreover, because the Ming emperor was standing in Cao Cao's army, the morale of Cao Cao's army rose greatly, while the United Army was a little frustrated.

This led to Cao Cao's killing all the way, and then he let the United Army close the door and let the dogs kill him. Yu was speechless when he saw it, didn't he say that Cao Cao was a great master of the art of war? How could you make such a mistake?

Cao Cao is now in a beautiful fantasy of catching Zhou Yu, so he doesn't care about the surrounding environment at all. He relies on a large number of people and high morale to catch up. That's why he let people take care of him.

Therefore, not only do people become stupid when they fall in love, but also when they fall into a beautiful fantasy. After Zhou Yu catches the chance to fight back, it is no longer important whether there is east wind or not. Now Cao Cao is surrounded by them. As long as he kills Cao Cao, the battle of Chibi will be over!

However, Yu is not dead. She doesn't fight. She continues to stay in the sky and watch the play slowly. Just when Yu is ready to intervene again, dozens of people from the United Army rushed to the sky and said to Yu.

The old sky overlord, you have come to the end, and we will win this war.

After hearing this, Yu just snorted and said.

You guys? Isn't it a little too good.

Finish saying frost shadow first appear, and already a knife stealthily attack a person, feather also started!

The gate of hell, open it!

There is a passage to hell on the sky. Countless dead soldiers are passing through the passage to reach the eastern continent. When they see the battlefield below, they want to fight next time. But now they don't know which side is the enemy or the friend. If they kill casually, they probably won't have a chance to come out. However, when Yu fights with others at the same time Hou also said distractedly.

I'm a member of Cao Cao's army now, so is there any problem helping Cao Cao?

The spirits of the dead all roared and rushed down. The spirits collected by Yu were all transformed by those who died in the battlefield. The only desire in their hearts was to return to the battlefield again and fight well. More importantly, their master was only Yu. Other people's eyes were just creatures that they were allowed to kill, so it's very important There won't be anything happened that the former comrades in arms can't do.

With these almost immortal spirits, Yu can play with these people who dare to fly to the sky. Yu will let them know that even if she does not have the title of sky overlord, the sky is still her territory!

Besides, after seeing a large number of dead souls fall from the sky, Cao Cao was a little worried that he was coming to help Zhou Yu. But when he saw that the dead souls were helping him to kill the enemy, he thought that these dead souls had been sent by the emperor of Hades to help him. At the same time, Cao Cao thought that Yu liked him more. Otherwise, how could he do his best to help him? Sure enough, the power of love is great Big one.

The power of love is not great, Yu does not know, but if Cao Cao dares to say this to Yu, Yu will let Cao Cao have a good insight into her great power.

Fortunately, Yu is playing in the sky, and Cao Cao doesn't have the power to fly in the sky, so he can't tell Yu Shu what he wants to say, but it's better that he doesn't say it, otherwise he doesn't have to fight, because Cao Cao will surely die after saying it.

After cleaning up the group of guys who don't have long eyes in the sky, Yu sees that the war on the sea is almost finished. Kongming has retired, and Zhou Yu is still trying to run. However, Zhou Yu's luck is not good. Because Yu is impatient, Yu starts to break the main pole of Zhou Yu's ship with a chain, and then breaks the bottom of the ship. At this time, Zhou Yu also sees Yu's future He said.

Your majesty! If it's not convenient for you to talk about it.

After hearing this, Yu was also curious about what Zhou Yu wanted to talk to him. So Yu went down to the deck and said.

There seems to be no friendship between us. What do you want to talk to me about?

After hearing this, Zhou Yu said with a smile.

We don't have much friendship, but I have a few things to ask you for help.

Feather slowly laughed and said.

So, governor Zhou, what do you want me to do for you? I won't help you if it's too boring.

Zhou Yu said with a smile that he had nothing to do with Yu's teasing.

I'd like to meet Bofu. Is that ok? And I want you to take care of Bofu's wife, Mrs. bridge.

After hearing this, Yu was a little scared. The first one had no problem, but the latter one was strange. After Yu abandoned the sky Island, she could be said to be a vagrant. How could anyone want to send people to her? However, Yu returned.

Sun CE's words, I didn't receive his soul. It's also useful for you to find me. If you go to black and white impermanence, it can be effective. Otherwise, you can go to the side or place of sun CE's most memorable person. On the other hand, you say that the bridge needs my help. Are you ok? I'm the one who kidnapped her. Now you're giving someone else to me. What's the purpose of this kidnapper?

Zhou Yu said with a bitter smile.

Don't ask me about it. It's my wife who asked me to come. She'll wait for you in the room of Qiaofu. If you promise, I'll go again and my wife will go with you.After hearing this, Yu Xiang remembers that she seems to have forgotten to collect all the souls of the three kingdoms' famous generals, but it's not too late now. As for some of them, if they are collected by the prefectural government first, then grab them!

Before Yu left again, he suddenly said to Zhou Yu.

You just gave me some good suggestions. In return, I will take you back to Dongwu.

After that, regardless of Zhou Yu's will, he tied up Zhou Yu with a chain and took him away. Kong Ming retreated, Zhou Yu was tied up, and the two commanders of the united army withdrew from the battlefield. Therefore, the system judged Cao Cao's victory, and the reward was that all those who died once in Cao Cao's army had no death, and they were punished and upgraded to a certain level of their skills. The players who did not die had their skills After all, Yu is in Cao Cao's camp, so there won't be too many rewards. However, there are still some informal rewards. For example, as long as there are players involved, they will find that every ten people they kill in the battlefield will automatically get a dollar. There is no mention of this reward system. People who know are busy killing people. How can they have time to talk to them People say that at most it's just a matter of talking to relatives and friends.

So the battle of Chibi is over, but Cao Cao didn't see Yu from the beginning to the end. The flowers, gifts and a lot of touching words that Cao Cao specially prepared are useless. But everyone knows that it's better not to use these things.

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