After hearing Yu's words, the kitten waved a black passage to rescue Yu. She appeared in front of Yu and said at this time.

This is the way to Tianwaitian. Be careful yourself. It's a foul for me to open the back door this time. I can't help you with other things.

After hearing this, Yu nodded and stepped into the passage. Kitten sighed and waved her hand. The passage disappeared. Xiaojin Xiaohei and sun Shangxiang also came back. Xiaojin said when she was sober.

Why is Yu missing? Kitten, have you seen it.

The cat looked at Kim and said.

Feather in order to save frost shadow, so want to go far, because go urgent, so also did not say goodbye with you.

Xiaojin and Xiaohei have no doubt. After all, Yu has a lot of criminal records. In the past, when he was on the sky Island, he would occasionally walk out of the island when he was interested. In order to make the frost shadow far away, we were even expected to. However, after Yu left, Xiaojin and Xiaohei would leave soon, but in this case, sun Shangxiang and judge doll would not be taken care of! When Xiaojin and Xiaohei were in distress, the cat said.

Don't worry. Judge doll and sun Shangxiang will be fine with me.

Under the care of the system, they can still get out unless the kittens do it themselves. Otherwise, in terms of safety, it is basically difficult to have an accident. Xiaohei Xiaojin was convinced that they would stay like this because of Yu. Now that Yu is gone, they will go out naturally.

Kitten said after seeing off Xiaojin and Xiaohei.

Well, let's get along before Yu comes back.

Judge doll and sun Shangxiang have seen the scene of the lovely cat Lori fighting with Shuangying, so they have no objection and obediently follow the kitten.

When Yu enters Tianwaitian again, she meets an old man, an old man fishing by the lake. According to Yu's original personality, she doesn't care whether the old man is fishing or sleeping, especially when she is in a hurry to save Shuangying. Naturally, she doesn't care about the people around her, but the old man has strong strength, so Yu has to pay attention to him, old man With his real yuan, he blocked the road in front of Yu.

Yu looks at the real yuan Qi wall in front of her. She makes all the real yuan out of her body. It's only about half of the wall with the same thickness. It seems that the old man really likes to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Yu finally said to the old man.

How can you let go of your real yuan?

The old man only focused on fishing, but he didn't pay any attention to Yu's words. However, Yu could stare at Qinglong for a day and a night in those days, and now it's no exception. At last, an old man was fishing by the lake, and a young girl was watching. After three days, the old man finally said.

Don't wait for me. I can't open this zhenyuanbi. You can only drill your own hole in it. However, zhenyuanbi will automatically recover, so your attack strength should be enough. Otherwise, please go back.

After hearing this, Yu knew that the real yuan wall was used to select people. People who could not open the gate of Tianwaitian were not qualified to enter Tianwaitian. Since people said that, Yu would not be polite. The chaotic real yuan gathered in the front of the chain and began to dig holes like a drill.

When the old man saw Yu's technique, he thought it was novel. He couldn't even care about fishing, so he stared at Yu. When Yu was about half way through the hole, he gathered Zhenyuan on his palms and broke the air wall in one breath. However, the air wall also recovered very quickly. Zhongyu didn't care to say anything to the old man, so he went directly from the hole into the sky.

After Yu disappeared, the old man continued fishing, but he sighed for himself.

Today's young people are really at stake, but the real yuan on the little girl is really terrible. She can break down my real yuan, but Tianwaitian is not a place to break through.

After the old man sighed, he continued to fish for him, and the entrance of Tianwaitian returned to the previous calm.

It wasn't long before Yu entered Tianwaitian that she knew the use of the air wall outside, because the strength of any creature in Tianwaitian was much higher than that of Yu. You should know that Yu's strength could be said to be a top level expert in the original place, but in Tianwaitian, Yu was not as good as a novice.

In addition, Yu's strength is so weak that even the demons in Tianwaitian are not interested in her, so it's not bad as long as Yu doesn't attack the life protection first.

However, no matter how Yu flies, he will never see the end, so Yu runs to ask Tianwaitian, the immortal beast in Tianwaitian, how big is Tianwaitian and whether it has an end.

But when the fairy beasts heard Yu's question, they said to her with a smile that the reason why the fairy beasts were willing to answer Yu's question was of course the flat peach wine on them.

Don't think about it. On this day, no one has gone up to see the sky. We have trampled on other places, and we haven't seen the end of the sky you said.

After hearing this, Yu was already at the top of the mountain where there was no powerful Warcraft or immortal beast. He was ready to go to heaven!

According to the information of the immortals and beasts, they have been all over the sky, and there is only one day left, so Yu is ready to go to heaven! However, it's a pity that Yu always falls to the ground before he sees the void. If it wasn't for his hard life and the automatic body protection of Hun Dun Zhenyuan, Yu would have fallen to death several times. So every time Yu falls down, she will practice Hun Dun Zhenyuan again. Before she falls to death, Yu plans to continue, constantly climbing the sky to consume Zhenyuan. After falling down, she returns to Zhenyuan The true element inside the feather is more powerful and pure.And Yu's behavior in Tianwaitian has become the object of immortal beast and Warcraft's chat, and even has made a bet on whether Yu was first killed or whether she can really climb the sky to find the end of Tianwaitian that no one has ever found.

But then one day, when Yu finally reached a height, a sudden roar and a fierce impact hit Yu back to Tianwaitian's ground, and the roar rang through Tianwaitian. Even Tianwaitian's old fishermen heard it.

The forbidden area outside the sky! Get down here!

The power contained in this voice is that many of the demons in the sky can only barely resist. However, Yu didn't get up after being hit on the ground. Yu suffered serious internal injury and couldn't exercise in a short time, so Yu just lay in the cave and thought slowly.

The sky outside the sky is a hole outside the cave, that is to say, the end of the sky outside the sky does not exist, since the kitten said that the end of the sky outside the sky is a void, then I will break the void!

At that time, everywhere is the end of the sky!

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