Later, the kitten didn't know what to say to the mirror demon. The mirror demon took the initiative to stay in the small valley, but every time she saw the title of feather to feather, she was always a bad guy. Now she has determined that feather is a bad guy who uses pig as a concealed weapon.

Yu doesn't know what to say to the mirror demon who has a problem with his mind. Later, Yu doesn't explain and hides from the mirror demon directly. In this way, the moon without heaven is slowly passing, and Yu's level is rapidly recovering. It is estimated that at the end of the moon without heaven, kitten's original appeal will be completed, that is, to help Yu raise his level back to God level, as long as Yu returns to God level If the God level on the handle is unsealed again, there will only be a dead end for the overlord to do it again.

On the 25th day of the moon without heaven, the disaster of heaven came, and the disaster of Yu's becoming God appeared again!

When Yu's Apocalypse appeared, he felt it in the distance, and many other players also found something wrong!

It's because Yu's Apocalypse is the only large light source in the moon without sky. It's really difficult to know. When Yu crosses the Apocalypse again, he finds something wrong. This is the third time for Yu to join the apocalypse. However, the first apocalypse is so small that even the flies don't have to be killed. The second time, there are just a few people on the back. Now this third time, it seems that he wants to ignore all the things in front It's the same when I come back. It's 81 thunder. It's divided into nine rounds.

In the first round, it's good that the pure tianleiyu directly sucks it as a tonic of the nameless mental skill. Yuxi's nameless mental skill is ready to move again. He plans to extend his magic hand to sunflower Zhenqi, who has been fighting against it. However, due to the bad timing, nameless Zhenqi gives up the idea of completing it.

In the second round, it's just that Tianlei Yu, whose power has been strengthened, is still used as a tonic. It's still easy here, but the next round is not so simple. It's all ordinary Tianlei.

The third round of Tianlei is the Tianlei with the five elements attribute of gold. But after the Jinlei falls on Yu, nameless Qi automatically separates the metal Tianlei, and then Mo Longyu and Lei Dao come out by themselves and begin to devour the metal Tianlei.

The next four, five, six, and seven rounds are wood, water, fire, and earth, respectively. However, the feather passes through one by one. Even if the next round of the five elements come out together, it still can't get the feather. However, the energy in the last round is the chaos of the use of the feather!

The sky thunder with chaos attribute can't be resisted by the current nameless Qi. Even sunflower Qi can make it collapse with one blow. However, nameless Qi takes advantage of this opportunity to swallow all the sunflower Qi that has been scattered. This is just the first way to beat the feather to death. Anyone who has used chaos power knows that unless they have the same power or the same level of energy Otherwise, the quantity can't surpass the quality. The feather is the nameless Qi on the measuring feather. How can it fight over the sky.

Feather looking at the sky is condensing the second thunder feather also decided to bet on a! Start to run the heaven and earth Sutra. As long as you cultivate the chaotic power again, you don't have to be afraid of this disaster. It depends on whether you have enough time to cultivate the chaotic power.

However, it's a pity that Yu still can't cultivate the chaotic real yuan when he falls in the second way. The scattered real Qi in his body is even more lax and difficult to control. However, the heaven and earth real Qi and the unknown real Qi are reconstituted by the chaotic real Qi in his body. A weak chaotic real yuan that belongs to Yu appears in Yu's body in this way. The next thing that Yu wants to do is to strengthen it.

This is also the last round of Tianlei. Although each Tianlei is powerful, it takes a long time to gather together. This period of time can also be regarded as healing time. However, there are not many people like Yu who use this time to practice. Although there are many wounds on Yu, the wounds on every one of his body are better. So Yu is not in a hurry to treat, but in a hurry to strengthen The true yuan in general.

But in front of the third way, the chaotic real yuan that Yu cultivates is just like a rough wall. It falls down as soon as it is pushed. The chaotic real yuan is broken up again. However, Yu also has the perseverance to break up. Once, Yu is practicing again. However, Yu doesn't notice that the chaotic real yuan that she cultivates every time is stronger and stronger, and her body is constantly strengthened by the destruction and repair of chaotic real yuan It's changing.

After crossing the eight paths, the chaotic real yuan on Yu has transformed all the unnamed real Qi on him, and the ninth path is also in the sky, ready to fall.

When the ninth Dao's thunder falls, Yu's side suddenly rushes out four people, namely xiongba and his three disciples. Xiongba doesn't intend to make Yu a God, because in this way, he can't fight Yu any more, so xiongba hides away as early as the beginning of the disaster, waiting for the best time to give Yu a fatal blow.

But xiongba forgets one thing: how can Yu be unprepared for the robbery? Yu is really nervous and starts to rob the kitten and frost shadow around Yu. How can they play with Yu's life? So xiongba and others' appearance is completely agreed by frost shadow and kitten, because they are destined to be stepping stones when Yu becomes a god!

Unfortunately, xiongba doesn't know. Otherwise, I don't know if he will spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. When they appear, the thunder in the sky is divided into five feathers. Although they still occupy a large proportion, it's not the degree that Yu can't resist. When Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng see the thunder coming, they use Moke's boundless power to resist the disaster. They both block the disaster After that, there was a trace of chaos in his body, and the real Qi in him was also good.Xiongba resisted the thunder when it came down, but his thunder was second only to Yu's, so xiongba was seriously injured in the end, but he couldn't get rid of it. Among them, Qin Shuang, the eldest disciple of xiongba, was the worst. His hand was blown up by the thunder, and he lost 70% of his real Qi, but the quality of the rest was close to chaos Zhenyuan, and I don't know whether it was good or not It's broken.

After Yu passed through the last thunder, the clouds fell down directly and slowly into Yu's body. A few of them entered the body of the three disciples of xiongba, but xiongba didn't have any. It's really a strange thing.

When Yu came out of the cloud, he was still carrying the unsealed Mo Long Yu and Lei Dao. Although he didn't recognize the master, his power was greatly increased. When Xiong Ba saw it, he left directly and didn't stay any longer. The three disciples just looked at Yu with different looks, but they left behind Xiong Ba without saying anything.

After becoming a God, Yu goes back to his home and wants to find Shuangying to have a good rest. This time, the robbery of becoming a God is not a fake, especially the last one. If it wasn't for the sudden killing of xiongba and others, Yu would probably die under the heaven.

But the feather hasn't found the frost shadow, but let the mirror demon find it first. The mirror demon cries as soon as he sees the feather.

What do you want to do behind me, you villain! Do you want to knock me out with a pig again!

Yu doesn't want to pay attention to this funny mirror demon any more. If all the mirror demons look like this, no wonder he will be on the verge of extinction. Yu just shakes his head and leaves to find frost shadow. But the mirror demon doesn't follow. He keeps in front of Yu and continues to say.

Bad guy! Where would you like to go?

Yu is more impatient when he sees the mirror demon blocking his way. Now he just wants to have a good rest with frost shadow. But if the mirror demon dares to keep blocking his way, Yu will really catch a pig and raise it as a concealed weapon to smash the mirror demon!

At this time, frost shadow and kitten appear together, one pulls away the mirror demon and the other takes away the feather, otherwise there will be another pig in the valley.

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