King Who Will Cross

Chapter 211: Do not cooperate with Japanese manufacturers?

Li Daniu was also a little caught off guard by the speeches of various countries on this time. He never thought that there would be so many countries that favored Tuvalu openly and secretly.

Li Daniu is no longer naive. He will not believe that the reason why these countries did this is because Tuvalu took advantage of this incident, and he will not think that these countries are sympathizing with Tuvalu's weakness , speak out.

There are too many injustices in this world, how many people will face these injustices when it is not about their own interests?

After thinking about it, Li Daniu found that he actually underestimated the technology he released.

Virtual reality technology has always been like a mysterious lock. No matter how many people have studied it for many years, there is no way to make a breakthrough.

Before Li Daniu, the so-called virtual reality technology on the earth was just a pseudo-virtual reality technology created by relying on the improvement of other hardware, such as display and projection.

And the products released by Li Daniu, although they can't be regarded as virtual reality technology in science fiction, but undoubtedly, the lock locked on virtual reality technology has been opened.

After reaching a certain position, what they see in their eyes is not only the products released by Li Daniu, but the technologies displayed, but they will regard these technologies as the cornerstone and develop more powerful technologies.

Coupled with Li Daniu's own genius + length + style + literature + learning, ww≠w.c→fwx.n≦et, this makes other countries ignore Japan and almost all support Tuvalu.

In fact, those countries that "speak out of righteousness" have nothing to lose. They just follow the trend and say a few beautiful words. In their view, it is impossible for Japan to choose to go to war with Tuvalu when so many countries claim to protect Tuvalu.

With a few words on the scene, you can get the friendship of Tuvalu, and more importantly, it is really a very cost-effective thing to get the friendship of Li Daniu.

The sense of smell of businessmen is undoubtedly keen. After speaking in many powerful countries, they knew that they no longer needed to wait and see. If they waited any longer, it would be absolutely impossible to get another chance to cooperate with Li Daniu in the future. So, they flocked to Tuvalu again.

Many of these companies that come to negotiate are companies with a government background in a certain country.

Li Daniu basically negotiated the cooperation matters in the general direction on the first night. Because of his energy, it is impossible for him to get involved in all industries. Therefore, you only need to seize a few industries with the highest profits and use technology to invest in cooperation to maximize profits.

As for some other cooperative manufacturers, Li Daniu plans to only provide finished parts, for example, 360-degree panoramic cameras required by automakers. For example, some key components of 3D projectors required by projector manufacturers. For example, motion capture devices and analysis software required by some equipment manufacturers.

Because of technology monopoly, the profits of these parts cannot be underestimated. As for whether the parts that manufacturers take back at high prices can generate enough profits, that is not what Li Daniu needs to care about.

Therefore, the biggest problem Li Daniu is facing now is not the matter of being a Japanese reporter, but the problem of insufficient production capacity.

Although Li Daniu bought a top-ranked manufacturer in China before, and invested a lot of money in renovation. However, in the face of the demand for parts from manufacturers all over the world, and his own need to process and produce his own VR glasses, the production capacity is really seriously insufficient.

According to the forecast of the person in charge of the factory owned by Li Daniu, their full-scale production capacity can only guarantee the production of VR glasses. Moreover, it is impossible to allocate any spare capacity in the early stage of VR glasses. Production of components required by other manufacturers.

Because in the initial stage of the release, the entire market is blank, and more than half of all consumers who have watched the video of the press conference have already prepared their own banknotes, waiting for the product to be launched and start buying it.

Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible for a factory to satisfy the global market.

Only when the market has formed a virtuous circle to a certain extent, and most consumers who have the desire to buy have successfully purchased this product, can the factory be able to spare capacity and supply other parts.

Therefore, the suggestion given to Li Daniu by the person in charge of that factory is that if there are already enough orders, you can choose to directly purchase a factory with production capacity, or entrust other factories to process it.

Not to mention Li Daniu, even the person in charge of Li Daniu's factory would not consider the matter of building a factory by himself, because the construction of a large factory takes a year and a half, and what they received The profit of the order is more than 100%. If the production is delayed by one year, it is equivalent to a year late in making money.

In the face of astonishing profits, the premium generated by the acquisition of the factory is simply a drop in the bucket, and Li Daniu doesn't care at all.

In Li Daniu's view, the two options of acquiring factories with production capacity and finding factory OEMs can be done at the same time.

Acquire factories to assemble parts, and let the foundry produce suitable parts according to technical specifications. In this way, it can not only ensure that the technology will not be leaked to a certain extent, but also maximize the expansion of production capacity.

When arranging these tasks, Li Daniu once again lamented that there was no one available. Although there is no shortage of capable talents among the seven billion people on earth, these talents are either working in other companies, or Li Daniu is not at ease in using them.

For example, when negotiating with those manufacturers, although Li Daniu has already handed over the effects that the parts can achieve to a group of salesmen of TC Virtual Reality Technology Company, but when negotiating with those manufacturers, many problems still need to be reported to Li Daniu for resolution. . Because those people just know what it is and don't know why it is. When negotiating with manufacturers, some technical problems are involved, and they have no way to solve them.

There is only one person who understands these technologies, and that is Li Daniu, who developed these technologies. Although many technicians and researchers have been recruited, the loyalty of these people is a big problem. Therefore, it is impossible for Li Daniu to let them truly understand these technologies.

Li Daniu, who was caught up in the busyness, finally understood what it was like to be incapacitated. If this continues, not to mention continuing to develop new technologies, even the daily routine of martial arts practice has to be compressed for a certain amount of time.

"I want people, people with professional competence and work ethic."

For Li Daniu today, he no longer needs to seek suitable talents from headhunting companies. Any industry under his name, as long as he discloses the news of recruiting, then, in a short period of time, he can be recruited. To countless resumes.

This has advantages and disadvantages. Needless to say, there are countless talents for him to choose from. The disadvantage is that there are too many job seekers, and it is difficult to identify truly suitable talents in a short period of time.

After handing over these issues to his subordinates, Li Daniu announced to the outside world very helplessly that he would temporarily stop cooperating with any new manufacturers, because the previous cooperation intentions and the resulting order intentions had left him with more than enough energy.

Hearing this manufacturers who were late for a game were full of regret, and at the same time complained to the Japanese government. If they hadn't intervened, then these manufacturers would not have been able to wait for the situation to become clear. Then decide how to cooperate, and for a few days at night.

Who knows when Li Daniu will start cooperating with other manufacturers again? One month or half a year?

If you are a step slower, it is equivalent to your own products, one generation or even two generations behind the products of those manufacturers that have successfully cooperated with Li Daniu.

The impact of this gap can even bring a previously incomparable company to the brink of bankruptcy.

In addition to this decision, many people also discovered a problem, that is, none of the companies that had successfully reached a preliminary cooperation intention with Li Daniu were Japanese. Not even a multinational company with Japanese capital injection can reach a cooperation with Li Daniu.

What is the reason?

Many people have already guessed the answer, but no one believed it, because it represented a very considerable profit, would any businessman have trouble with money? Even if the merchant is a king! (To be continued.)

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