King Who Will Cross

Chapter 285: It's that easy to make money

Li Daniu successfully greeted the relevant personnel of the University of Hong Kong with the nonsense reason of being unaccustomed to the environment, and then directly left Hong Kong, the place where the plot of the movie world took place, with his own equipment.

The movie "Chill" is really good, but Li Daniu is not interested in watching a live-action performance again.

After arriving in the United States, Li Daniu returned to a residence arranged by the system, a small villa near the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

"This place is nice." After Li Daniu arrived at his home in this world, he liked the traversal system, and then said, "Why don't you just increase my savings? It doesn't matter if you deduct it from the real world." .”

The system responded with silence.

Shaking his head, Li Daniu is going to do it himself to make a living. There is a standard computer in the villa. Li Daniu took out a mobile hard disk he brought from the real world, connected it to the computer, and started the data import work.

Five minutes later, a simple chat window was displayed on the computer screen.

"Hi master, your smart housekeeper is here for you on Sunday."

After Li Daniu saw this sentence, he laughed. This is a backup smart program he made. The basic code is exactly the same as that of Ultron, but the database is much weaker. Lack of database support, many function templates cannot be enabled, such as the direct voice interaction function.

After entering the relevant instructions to the computer, I began to selectively collect information from the Internet on Sunday to enrich my database.

Although the configuration of this home computer is quite high, it is still a bit low for an intelligent system. So, three hours later, Sunday stopped populating the database.

However, some functions that should be used can also be used successfully.

Li Daniu said to the empty room: "Sunday, test the voice communication system."

"Hello, master." A female voice sounded from the computer's speaker, saying, "I can hear your instructions clearly."

"Okay, start looking for vulnerabilities in the system installed on this computer." Li Daniu gave the order.

Sunday replied: "It has begun!"

This movie world is derived from the real world of Li Daniu's previous life, so almost all histories are the same as his previous life.

Ten minutes later, Sunday said: "Hello, master, all the vulnerabilities of the Windows 10 system on this computer have been checked, do they need to be repaired?"

"Fix!" Li Daniu said: "Pack all these vulnerabilities into a document, and then note the security risks or missing functions caused by these vulnerabilities."

"It's packed!" Sunday said. "The restoration is estimated to take ten minutes!"

Li Daniu nodded, and opened a newly added document on the computer screen, which marked more than 3,000 vulnerabilities according to the serial number, some of which may even directly cause the crash of the Windows 10 system. Of course, there are also some vulnerabilities that are easy to be hacked. Take advantage of loopholes that capture user data. Even Li Daniu discovered some viral functions set by Microsoft itself.

After deleting and selecting these vulnerabilities, Li Daniu picked out a hundred not-too-serious ones and posted them on his facebook account in this world, and then asked Sunday to make some small programs to solve these vulnerabilities and upload them up.

Not only that, but Li Daniu shamelessly @Microsoft boss Bill Gates.

In this world, Li Daniu is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has obtained doctorates in several majors. Ninety-nine percent of the fans of such a person on Facebook are his students and some academics. Dana.

Many people were shocked when they discovered the new developments uploaded by Li Daniu and related patches.

Because Microsoft just released windows 10 a month ago, although many people are staring at the loopholes in this new system, how could it be possible to find more than a hundred in just one month?

Do you really think that Microsoft's programmers eat dry food?

These people who don't believe in evil found that these loopholes really existed after their own experiments, and some repair methods released by Li Daniu were also perfect, and they unanimously started to promote this matter.

Some reporters even reported it directly after learning about it through their friends in academia.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that it caused an uproar, but it did have a lot of influence.

Microsoft officials also quickly responded positively, acknowledging these loopholes, fully affirming Li Daniu's selfless spirit and technology, and willing to provide one million dollars as Microsoft's reward to Li Daniu.

"One million dollars?" Li Daniu sneered a few times. For ordinary people, this is a huge amount of wealth, but for what Li Daniu wants to do, this amount of money is not enough to fit between teeth.

The staff member of Microsoft on the phone who was in charge of contacting Li Daniu found that after he finished talking about the one million dollar award, Li Daniu fell silent, thinking that Li Daniu was shocked by the million dollar reward, and was about to tell his superiors When the task assigned to him was to hire Li Daniu as Microsoft's technical consultant, he heard Li Daniu's very calm voice.

"Actually, the loopholes I found are not only one hundred, but five hundred and seventy-three. So, do you want to communicate with your superiors?"

The vulnerability data mentioned by Li Daniu is much less than what was discovered on Sunday. The reason for this is that Li Daniu has to prepare twice, and he must take precautions against such things as seeking profits from other people's product vulnerabilities.

"Five hundred and seventy-three?" An exclamation sounded from the phone, and then said: "Can you... send us the other loopholes?"

Li Daniu said calmly: "I will contact your boss on Facebook later, and then send him the bug, so, after you hang up the phone now, let him apply as a friend through me, understand?"

After a while of silence on the phone, he replied: "No problem, I will contact our boss now."

After hanging up the phone, Li Daniu made a cup of the Chinese green tea he bought from the market just now, and then walked slowly to his computer room.

"Hi master, your Yanshu account has received a friend request from Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft, do you agree?"

"Agreed." After Li Daniu took a sip of tea, he felt that the taste was very wrong. He frowned and said, "Send him the vulnerability details that I selected separately, and then tell him that I have completed the repair process. Ask him if he needs it!"

"Has been completed!"

After Bill Gates received the document sent by Li Daniu almost instantly, he didn't know that it was the operation of the intelligent system. He thought that Li Daniu had already prepared, and his dissatisfaction with Li Daniu deepened.

When he saw Li Daniu asking himself if he needed a program to fix the vulnerability, he almost cursed in his heart.

Why don't you make an offer directly?

He himself comes from a technical background. Although he no longer participates in Microsoft's technology development, he still knows Microsoft's products very well. After seeing the list of vulnerabilities sent by Li Daniu and the related functional problems, he was sure almost instantly that these vulnerabilities were real.

To be on the safe side, he sent this information to the technology department of his company, and the people in the technology department had already been waiting for it. After getting the list, they immediately started the relevant testing work.

Half an hour later, Bill Gates received a reply from his technical department, who confirmed that these vulnerabilities are real, and, according to the size of the vulnerabilities, they estimated that at least two more than a month.

"Two months?" Bill Gates' face turned dark. It only took him one month to discover so many loopholes and complete the repair work. And the technical team under him, who claims to be the world's top, needs two months to fix these loopholes after others point them out. Is this a joke?

After communicating with Microsoft's current executives, Bill Gates contacted Li Daniu directly.

"Eight million dollars in cash, and a technical consultant position at Microsoft with an annual salary of five million dollars."

Li Daniu laughed and said, "One price, 20 million U.S. dollars! Besides, I don't want to be your technical consultant."

"Do you think these loopholes are worth so much money?" Bill Gates was not angry at Li Daniu's extravagant asking price, and asked very calmly: "You know, our Windows 10 system is currently free."

Li Daniu also said very calmly: "Yes, if there are more than 500 loopholes, it is indeed not worth 20 million US dollars. But what if I say there are 500 more?"

After Bill Gates heard Li Daniu's words, he was exhausted for a while. If Li Daniu told him that he had found more than a thousand loopholes at the beginning, he would definitely think that Li Daniu was crazy.

It's not that he is confident that there are not so many loopholes in his system, but that he believes that no one can discover so many loopholes in such a short period of time. For every system released by their company, many related patches are released almost every month. But these patches are accumulated over time, discovered by thousands of users.

But now, after confirming that the previous 500 loopholes were real, he couldn't believe it.

"If you are willing to be our technical consultant, I can agree to your conditions and even raise your annual salary by another level." Bill Gates' Microsoft doesn't care about this little money, what he cares about is Li Daniu, or , is the technical strength shown by Li'm sorry, I prefer a free working environment! "

Li Daniu, the pretending Bill Gates, was caught off guard.

"Well." Bill Gates said: "If you can sign a non-disclosure agreement, I think we can make a deal!"

"What about the specific content?"

"Except for the one hundred you have announced, we discovered the other loopholes by ourselves." Bill Gates said, "Another point is that in the future, we will buy the loopholes you discovered from you at the same price. All our system loopholes, and solutions. Of course, these loopholes must be guaranteed to be discovered by you first."

"Isn't that what non-staff technical consultants mean?" Li Daniu smiled and said, "If you don't have to go to work on time, how many bugs will you get as bonuses?"

"You can understand it this way."

"Okay, I agree!" (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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