King Who Will Cross

Chapter 488: You can call me Lord God!

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to really live?"

If it were fans of online novels from Li Daniu's previous life, nine out of ten would be able to tell the source of this sentence. "EΩ┡Small" said WwnW. 1XIAOSHUO. com

But it is a pity that Dave, as a teenager who grew up under the star-spangled banner of capitalism in the United States, his biggest hobby in life is not online novels, but comics.

Therefore, Dave was confused when he heard this sentence for the first time. Because the artificial metal skeleton has not yet been installed, Dave can only lie on the hospital bed and continue to suffer from paralysis.

Trying to look up and look around, Dave didn't see anyone else in the room. Just when he thought that he had auditory hallucinations due to serious injuries, that strange voice came from his ear again.

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to really live?"

Dave exclaimed: "Who, who is talking? Matt? Todd? Don't play me anymore, okay?"

Seeing Dave terrified but unable to move through the camera, Li Daniu had an urge to laugh.

It's not that he doesn't have sympathy, but because Dave, a mentally handicapped boy who aspires to be a super hero, is still afraid. Moreover, it was as frightened as a little girl was frightened.

"Friday, follow the script."


After Li Daniu and Friday finished this conversation, Dave in the single room was horrified to find that a white light ball with a diameter of about 30 cm suddenly appeared above his head.

"What the hell, don't come near me, doctor doctor...Dad, Dad..."

During Dave's frantic shouts, the white ball of light stopped 1o centimeters above his nose, and then stood still.

The tip of Dave's nose could even feel the heat released by the white light ball. After he breathed a sigh of relief, he continued to shout crazily.

Unfortunately, to Dave's great disappointment, not only did the pager fail to call anyone in, but even his roar seemed to be heard by no one.

Out of the corner of his eye, Dave could even catch a glimpse of a man in a white coat lingering in the window above his hospital room door. Then, after taking a look into the ward, he left directly.

"The doctors are dying too?"

When Dave was extremely sad and terrified, he heard that strange voice for the third time, and this time, he could distinguish it very clearly. That voice came from the white ball of light in front of him.

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to really live?"

Dave stopped calling, and asked cautiously, "Who are you? No, what are you?"

It's a pity that the white ball of light didn't answer his question, and didn't ask him again, it just stayed 1o centimeters above his nose like that.

Dave didn't understand what was going on now, but as a manga lover, his dream was to become a superhero, and when he found that the white ball of light didn't cause any harm to him, he gradually became more courageous.

"I think?"

As soon as Dave's doubtful words fell, the white light ball uttered a voice again, saying, "Please confirm your choice again!"

Dave, who heard this sentence, seemed to understand something, and said a little excitedly: "I think!"

This time, his voice was extremely firm.

After Dave confirmed it, the white ball of light made a voice again, saying, "Congratulations, you have become an infinite tester."

Before Dave could ask what an infinite tester is, the white light ball suddenly flickered and then disappeared, revealing a pair of glasses wrapped inside.

What surprised Dave was that the glasses he was wearing on his face flew up inexplicably, and then the glasses floating in front of him stuck on his face very smoothly.

What he didn't notice was that the four flying insects flew out of the ward directly after replacing the glasses.

After seeing this miraculous scene, Dave became excited and asked in a low voice, "Hi, are you still there?"

A voice sounded in Dave's ear instantly, and he replied, "Hello, tester, are you calling me?"

Dave twisted his neck hard, but found that there was no one else beside his bed, and there was no audio equipment.

"What are you? What is a tester?"

After Dave asked this sentence, the picture in front of his eyes suddenly changed. Behind the originally transparent glass lens, a white light ball appeared, exactly the same as the light ball that stayed above his nose before.

Dave shook his nose hard and tried to raise his head slightly, but found that the position of the ball of light kept changing with his movements.

"Hello, tester, the picture you see is the image projected on the glasses you are using now."

Dave exclaimed: "Projection, so real? It's so cool to be real."

"I am an intelligent system from the high-dimensional universe. I travel to the infinite universe to find testers and inherit civilization. And you are very lucky to become my infinite tester. You can call me the Lord God!"

"High-dimensional universe? Intelligent system? Inheritance of civilization? The main god?"

If it weren't for the inconvenience, Dave would definitely jump up from the bed directly to express the excitement in his heart.

"This is really cool. In other words, you are an alien artificial intelligence?"

"If the alien you are talking about is the universe where the planet you live in is, then sorry, I am not. I come from a more advanced dimension, and I am far away from you in terms of technology and civilization. the universe we live in."

Dave cheered again, and said excitedly: "It's amazing, so what is a tester? What kind of help can you bring me?"

"The inheritance of civilization and technology must choose a life of kindness and order. When you become an infinite trialist, you can obtain certain reward points through your behavior of kindness and order. Then, you can exchange these reward points for technology Knowledge, wealth, power..."

Although Dave is a little mentally retarded, he is not a fool, and he understands in his heart.

"You mean, you chose me because of my previous behavior?"

"Yes, based on your previous behavior, I judge that you belong to the camp of good order among human beings, so I choose you to be my infinite tester."

Dave was overwhelmed with emotion in an instant, and then asked impatiently: "Then how do you get the reward points? And what can you exchange them for?"

"Reward points are based on your acts of kindness and order, such as saving other people's lives and property, etc., and give different numbers of reward points according to the difficulty of the behavior. As for the items that can be exchanged, do you need to open the exchange list now?"

Dave said excitedly: "Need, of course, how to open the exchange list?"

Just as he finished speaking, the picture he saw through the glasses changed again. The white ball of light exploded instantly, forming a white curtain. On the screen, there are various classification items.

"Science and technology knowledge, wealth, weapons, skills, abilities...etc, abilities?"

Dave's eyes lit up instantly, as if a wolf that had been hungry for three days and three nights suddenly saw its prey, and asked in a trembling voice, "Can you still exchange for abilities?"

"Yes, the evolution of life is diverse. In the universe, there are many life races with special abilities. In order to make it easier to understand, according to the information I have collected on the world you are in, the evolution of life from other worlds The ability produced is named ability."

Dave couldn't wait to say: "If the reward points are exchanged for the ability, will I be able to have the ability immediately?"

"Theoretically so!"

Dave is not in the mood to think about what is called theory at this time, and he can't wait to say: "Help me open the ability exchange list."

After the picture in front of him changed again, Dave saw countless abilities.

"Human body? Hulk transformation? Spiderman mutation? Captain America serum?" Dave completely ignored some exchange items with countless zero exchange point said excitedly: " These are from the comics I have read, how do those super heroes have their abilities?"

"In order to make it easier for you to understand the relevant abilities, I made a data analogy and realized various abilities as comic characters."

Dave asked excitedly: "Then, can I exchange for a human body?"

"According to the reward points you currently have, you do not have the authority to exchange them for human bodies. Please accumulate more reward points before you can exchange them."

Dave was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed the exchange point value behind the exchange item of human body: 999999999.

Dave, who didn't know how to get bonus points at all, asked, "Do I have any bonus points now? How long will it take to get so many bonus points?"

"Please pay attention to the upper left corner of your line of sight, there is your reward point balance. The way to increase the reward point is given by the system after evaluating and analyzing the difficulty of your behavior."

Dave immediately looked to the upper left corner and found a value: 19.

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