King Who Will Cross

Chapter 512: The way back that rocked 1 world!

A woman's sixth sense is very scary!

It is called a celebration dinner because the team members have awakened their superpowers, but it is actually a farewell dinner for Li Daniu himself.

Because of Mindy, Li Daniu, who was reluctant to leave this world, felt for the first time how **** up the King Traversing system he had.

"Why can't you bring people from the movie world to the real world?" Li Daniu looked at Mindy who was enjoying the food, and asked in his heart: "The protagonists of other novels can bring the characters who travel through the world back to the real world. "

The system replied: "Because the author will write collapse!"

Li Daniu froze for a moment: "What did you say?"

"Because of violating the Supreme Rule, the system is temporarily shut down, and it will be turned on again an hour later, when you travel back to the real world."

Li Daniu: "..."

Although Mindy ate deliciously, she could feel that something was wrong with her godfather today.

At the end of the dinner, Mindy ignored Kick-off's claim that he was going on a date with his girlfriend Kelly, and forcibly assigned Kick-off the task of cleaning up the tableware.

When the big daddy went to the training room to practice the super power he had just acquired, Mingdi walked behind Li Daniu who was standing on the top floor terrace.

"Godfather, do you have something on your mind?"

Li Daniu turned around, looked at Mingdi and smiled, and said, "What can I worry about? Don't think too much about it."

Mingdi snorted, walked in front of Li Daniu, lay down on the glass fence, and showed Li Daniu her infinitely beautiful back view.

"Godfather, actually, I've always wanted to ask you a question." Mindy's face was already a little red at this time, so she didn't turn her head, but pretended to be watching the night view of Manhattan and said, "Why didn't you find a girlfriend? Besides, you don't seem to go out to have any one-night stands at night."

Li Daniu was instantly embarrassed, and said with a stern face: "Mindy, how can you say such a thing? I said that your best friend has a problem with her thinking. Did she teach you this?"

Mingdi continued to turn his back to Li Daniu and said: "Godfather, I'm not a child anymore, I'm going to have my sixteenth birthday soon, I understand everything I need to know."

Li Daniu patted his forehead, only to remember that this is the United States, a country that the whole world feels is open.

"You'd better exercise your super power well, don't wait until you need to use it, sometimes it doesn't work."

Mindy suddenly turned her head, with a blush on her puffy face.

"Godfather, the question I'm asking you is very serious, don't change the subject, okay?" Mindy seemed to have thought of something, and asked with a surprised face: "Could it be that you are really the same as that reporter Susan said, A gay?"

"Of course I'm not gay!" After Li Daniu defended himself, he said, "That Susan just took the opportunity to retaliate because she couldn't catch up with me."

Mindy folded her hands on her chest, and a deep groove was squeezed out of her already well-shaped chest.

"If she is revenge, then why don't you ask the company's legal department to trouble her?" Mindy said suspiciously, "Even the members of Congress who said you rigged the election were sued by the legal department." What about a small reporter?"

Li Daniu withdrew his gaze from looking at the ravine, turned his gaze to the brightly lit night scene of Manhattan, and said, "I'm a gentleman, so naturally I can't embarrass a woman."

Mindy hesitated for a moment. In fact, the reason she asked these questions today was of course not to care whether her godfather was gay. but...

Just when she mustered up her courage and was about to say something, she suddenly felt a strong light burst out in the distance. Then, there was an earth-shattering loud noise.

Mindy looked in the direction of the loud noise, and said in surprise, "That's... the location of the Statue of Liberty?"

The Statue of Liberty is the spiritual symbol of the American people. It is located at the mouth of the Hudson River on Liberty Island in New York, not far from Manhattan Island, or the headquarters of Lee Company.

"I gonna go see."

Just when Mingdi was wondering, he heard Li Daniu's voice, and in a short moment, he had already put on the apocalypse armor and was floating on the terrace.

Mingdy didn't know why, but had a sense of foreboding.

"Wait for me, I'll go too."

Li Daniu opened the mask, glanced at Mingdi, and said, "I'll go first, come back after you're dressed as lolita."

After saying this sentence, the footsteps of the Apocalypse armor ejected a very strong flow of energy.


The airflow driven by the Apocalypse armor that took off at high speed made Mindy's hair flutter. The ominous premonition in Mindy's heart became more serious, and she rushed to her equipment room, ready to put on her steel armor of Lolita.

However, just as she passed the training room, she heard a painful wail.


Mingdy rushed into the training room, and saw a three-meter-tall giant wearing only a pair of big pants, lying on the ground and rolling wildly. Mindy, who had already seen his father's superpowers, was not afraid of the giant, but rushed to Big Daddy's side, wanting to see the situation.

"Father, what's the matter with you?"

On the huge three-meter-high body, the veins are exposed, and even the blood vessels can be clearly seen. Big Daddy, whose skin had turned purple all over, punched the ground violently when he saw Mindy wanted to come over.

A huge depression instantly appeared on the alloy floor.

"Don't come here... I can't control myself..."

Mindy stood aside worriedly, and shouted: "Father, you need to remove your super powers."

Big Daddy continued to pound the ground with his fists, one after another dents appeared on the alloy floor.

"It can't be lifted, I feel like I'm about to explode... Hurry up and find Tianqi!"

In this superhero team, everyone trusts their captain Tian Qi the most. At this time, the big daddy, who has been a little dizzy from the power of the rampage, can only think of asking Tian Qi for help.

Mindy became even more anxious, and shouted, "But, Godfather..."

At this moment, Mingdi suddenly noticed a communicator hanging on the wall of the training room, rushed over, picked up the communicator, and started to contact Li Daniu.

Amidst the wailing of Big Daddy, Hai Bian Wang, who had just washed the dishes, also ran over and looked at the scene in front of him stupidly.

Li Daniu's voice came from the intercom: "What's wrong, Mindy?"

Mingdy heard the explosion from the intercom, and felt even more nervous, saying, "Godfather, my dad can't seem to control himself."

Li Daniu on the opposite side was silent for a while, and said: "Open the ****... Mingdi hastily pressed a button on the intercom, and Li Daniu's face appeared on the wall of the training room.

And Li Daniu also saw the situation in the training room through the imaging system inside the Apocalypse Armor.

"King Kick-off, you're entangled with Big Daddy. Mindy, find a way to knock him out first."

King Hai Bian hesitated for a moment, and said, "My super power is still..."

Mindy gave Hai Bian Wang a hard look, and said, "If you can't control your superpower, I'll tell Kelly that you're going to chase me."

Hearing these words, King Hai Bian didn't hesitate any longer, and directly jumped at the three-meter-high Big Daddy, and then activated his superpower, making the rubber-like limbs wrap around Big Daddy's body.

"Ah... I'm going to crush you." Big Daddy roared, and began to try to control his body.

Feeling the power of Big Daddy at this moment, King Hai Bian turned extremely pale. He was really afraid that he would be torn to pieces. He hurriedly looked at Mingdy who was stunned aside, and shouted, "Shock him out!"

Mingdi looked hesitantly at Li Daniu on the screen.

Li Daniu said: "Don't worry, he'll be fine. This is very similar to when his superpowers skyrocketed. Knock him out, otherwise he may lose his mind."

Mindy gritted his teeth, picked up a baseball bat next to him, and slammed it **** Big Daddy's head.


The baseball bat was bent 90 degrees, but Big Daddy was unscathed.

Li Daniu said: "Go wear the loli armor!"

Just when Mindy put on the Lolita armor and began to think of a way to stun Big Daddy, Li Daniu stood on top of the Statue of Liberty.

However, the Statue of Liberty at this time has already fallen to the ground.

A masked man in black leather clothes was standing at the foot of the Statue of Liberty laughing wildly.

"Apocalypse, aren't you amazing? Aren't you the killer of evil? Don't you like to save others? This time, I will let you die without a burial."

At this time, the fire engines were already in place, and even the reporters who got the news in advance rushed over and set up cameras one after another.

The masked man pointed to the reporters and said, "I told them an hour ago that I was going to blow up New York, but none of them called the police, and instead ran over with cameras one by one., they all accompany me Let's die together."

At this time, someone finally noticed the thing next to the masked man, and a reporter exclaimed.


There was a rush of soldiers and horses, and everyone looked at the oval object beside the masked man in disbelief.

The masked man looked at Li Daniu who was standing still, laughed wildly a few times and then roared: "I have activated this nuclear bomb, which can destroy the entire New York. Aren't you a superhero? Let's see how you can save people. "

Li Daniu was in a daze at this moment, because he never expected that the supporting role in the farce he arranged would be so involved in the play.

Like all superhero movies, Li Daniu opened his mask and asked, "Who are you and why are you doing this?"

The masked man lifted his mask, revealing a pale, bloodless young face.

"Who am I? Do you remember Frank? I'm his son, you say, why would I do this?"

The lowly reporters were already ashamed at this Someone looked at Li Daniu and cried out sadly: "Tianqi, save us!"

After hearing these words, the others seemed to have hope, and at the same time shouted the word "Apocalypse".

Li Daniu suddenly showed a smile, and said to a working camera: "My name is Tianqi, I am a superhero, and I have a team, please support them as always."

After speaking, Li Daniu activated the Apocalypse Armor, kicked the masked man down, and then picked up the nuclear bomb and rushed into the sky.

A reporter with strong psychological quality rushed to the camera, pointed the camera at the sky, and recorded the most soul-stirring scene in the 21st century.

Ming Di, who just knocked Daddy unconscious, also heard what Li Daniu said through the uninterrupted communication.

When she looked at Li Daniu's smile on the screen in shock, a bright light suddenly burst out on the screen.

Then, the screen goes black and the signal drops out!

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