King Who Will Cross

Chapter 536: Pull New Tuvalu back before dying?

The news that New Tuvalu has built a large-scale Ark reactor is currently only known to a limited number of people. Without exception, these people are all people who maintain absolute loyalty to New Tuvalu.

Of course, the premise is that the more than 20 camouflaged robots secretly guarding the original No. 9 research room are not counted.

But both Li Daniu and Burns know that this secret must not exist for too long, because the scale of several environmentally friendly energy power plants currently owned by New Tuvalu is obvious to all.

After Burns learned about the technology represented by the Ark Reactor, his first reaction was to ask his Majesty the King excitedly: "Your Majesty, do you already have the technology to make nuclear bombs?"

Li Daniu nodded and said: "If we don't consider the raw materials restricted by other countries, then we can manufacture as many nuclear warheads as we want."

Although the Ark reactor is also nuclear energy, it uses palladium unlike the uranium used in conventional nuclear energy. This is the black technology that belongs to the "Iron Man" movie world, but this kind of black technology cannot make nuclear bombs.

Although the explosion of the Ark reactor was very powerful, it was still much weaker than the nuclear bombs that were actually used for destruction.

However, if the Ark reactor is used as the supply source of energy weapons, such as laser swords, energy cannons, etc., then the power per unit area is more destructive than nuclear bombs.

(If you are knowledgeable, please lightly spray, I am pseudo-sci-fi, haha...)

Burns said excitedly: "However, we have a One Piece robot that can mine related raw materials in the sea."

Li Daniu shook his head and said, "It's not as simple as you think."

For Li Daniu, the sea on earth is like his own backyard. But this backyard is a bit too big, just like some jokes said, the cook at home and the security guard at the door chose to break up because they lived in different places.

Burns' excitement gradually calmed down. Possessing a nuclear bomb and possessing the technology to manufacture a nuclear bomb represent completely different international status.

However, thinking of the current complicated international situation and those countries at the hegemonic level, Burns also felt that many things were indeed not as simple as he thought.

"Your Majesty, what means do we have to make other countries mistakenly believe that our country's electricity supply is completely dependent on our few power plants?"

After he figured it out, Burns became worried again, and said, "Should we build a few empty shell power plants?"

Burns' proposal was originally Li Daniu's plan. But now...

Li Daniu said: "I never thought that the Midang Power Company would dare to cut off our electricity, so I was not prepared for this. Now that an unexplainable situation has happened, I have to face it calmly."

If the boss of Meidang Company is taking Suxiao Jiuxin Pills, when he hears Li Daniu’s words, he will cry and say: We didn’t expect you to keep power off after the power outage. If we knew, we wouldn’t cut off your power if we were killed. .

Burns frowned and said, "But I'm worried that those countries are very likely to..."

Li Daniu waved his hand and said, "There is nothing to worry about. The ship will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Don't forget, we also have strategic-level nuclear submarines and nuclear warheads. Besides, our new Tuvalu is also known in the international community." Those with a certain status can't find a reason, how dare they start the war lightly!"

Burns sighed and asked, "Your Majesty, the Midang Power Company, are we..."

At this time, Burns already knew the news that the Midang Power Company had fallen into a large-scale power outage. No need to guess, Burns also knew that His Majesty the King did it.

Li Daniu sneered and said: "People who have never offended me can continue to live comfortably."

Burns hesitated, "However, will the New Zealand government have any objections to such a large-scale power outage?"

Li Daniu said: "Don't worry, this time is different from the last time. Meidang Power Company should borrow the power grid of other New Zealand power companies in time to restore the power supply of 62% of the area."

Burns thought for a moment, laughed, and said, "Then if their own power grid cannot be restored within a short period of time, the Meidang Power Company will go bankrupt directly."

Li Daniu also laughed and said: "It's not that I will, but I am sure!"

Although even if Ao Chuang did not relieve the attack on the power grid of the Meidang Power Company, they could complete the repair by themselves, but this kind of repair requires time and money.

And for a private power company, a long power outage is undoubtedly very fatal.

In New Zealand, people who use the Midang Power Company for power supply were very nervous after discovering a sudden power outage. Because many of them also thought of the past "Ten Black Minutes".

However, when they found that other than electricity, other things such as communication and network were normal, they all calmed down.

Then, countless complaint calls were made to Midang Power Company, and even the relevant government complaint platform in New Zealand.

In order to ensure the credibility of its own company, Meidang Electric Power Company had no choice but to use a competitor's power grid.

Twelve hours later, after intense negotiations and various technical means, all areas controlled by the Meidang Power Company have resumed power supply.

It was still the meeting room that decided to cut off the power to New Tuvalu, but unlike the last time, all the participants today were gloomy.

Some shareholders directly went into a rage: "As the chairman, you issued such a stupid order. Not only did it fail to achieve the desired effect, but it caused us heavy losses. You need to give us an explanation."

The chairman of Meidang Power Company said with a dead face: "Don't forget, you also agreed with this approach at the time."

Shareholders instantly shut down!

Someone reported: "Currently, in the areas covered by our grid, as long as 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity is used, our company will lose 03 New Zealand dollars. So far, we have lost 5.72 million New Zealand dollars."

"More than 35% of our customers have proposed to terminate the electricity contract, including many large enterprises."

"Our company's stock has fallen by more than 15%, and it is still showing a downward trend at present."

Every report is like a bayonet, piercing the hearts of the chairman and shareholders. After spending more than a dozen dollars, all the participants knew that they were terminally ill as if they had learned half a year ago.

The chairman sighed deeply, as if he had let out all the air in his chest.

"Do you have any good countermeasures?"

His response was silence!

The chairman glanced at the other two important, making the two important shareholders choke in their throats if they wanted to ask the chairman to buy back their shares.

"In this case, let's start the sale negotiation and notify those few of our competitors!"

A shareholder finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "How much is our share worth if we sell it at this time?"

The chairman asked back weakly: "Then tell me, what should I do?"

Facing the silent conference room again, the chairman said: "At the beginning I insisted on completing the technological transformation, but you voted to terminate the technological transformation because of excessive investment. Now, we have no chance to turn around."

Unlike Internet companies with inflated market capitalizations, power companies own their own power plants, which are substantial assets. Therefore, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate way to withdraw at this time.

Otherwise, when the number of users drops sharply, even if you want to sell your own power plant, you will not be able to sell it at a high price.

The person in charge of the business department said with a sad face: "At this time, they will definitely not easily agree to our sale, because we are now using their power grid to create benefits for them. So..."

The chairman said: "Let's minimize the loss as much as possible."

After the meeting was over, the chairman sat in his office without regretting what he had done before.

The shopping mall is so cruel, if you make a mistake, you will lose everything. If you always regret your previous decisions, how can you get to where you are today?

Looking out of the window, the chairman of Midang Power Company laughed cruelly, and said to himself: "Except for nuclear power plants, how can you not stop power supply? They built nuclear power plants secretly, haha... When I die, I will also pull you on your back."

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