King Who Will Cross

Chapter 550: Why should the embassy provide it for free?

The special operations team led by Ness has been lurking in the sea near the new Tuvalu King's villa for more than 3 days.

If you count the time it took them to reach this position, then it is understandable that Naith's men have reported that their condition has weakened.

"If we want to maintain the peak combat capability, we must act as soon as possible. Or, we can conduct a strategic retreat. Wait for the action order to be issued, and start operating again."

Facing the reports from his subordinates, Nais also became anxious.

His subordinates are all absolute elites who are one in a million, able to cope with various complex combat environments. However, living in a submarine that dare not rise to the surface for a long time, lack of training and sunshine, the combat ability will definitely decline.

"We can't leave, because it is possible to get action orders at any time." Ness said with a serious expression: "As soldiers, we must solve any difficulties."

While Ness was trying to keep his men in shape, a heated discussion was going on in a secret Pentagon meeting room.

"We have received news that the king of New Tuvalu is conducting secret training for 856 New Tuvalu citizens. The content of the training is likely to be controllable nuclear fusion technology. Regarding the background information of these 856 people, we The analysis has been completed. Although they are all highly educated, it is impossible to complete the mastery of controllable nuclear fusion technology in a short period of time."

Someone asked: "If they can't master it, how can they build the Ark reactor from scratch?"

"We believe that New Tuvalu has already realized the mass production technology of the Ark reactor. Therefore, these people should just learn the method of modular construction and assembly."

A nuclear energy expert said: "Impossible! I have read the information on the Ark reactor. If you don't understand the relevant knowledge, it is impossible to complete the construction from scratch."

Someone put forward his own guess and said: "What if these people will be guided by the new King of Tuvalu or those real technicians under him during the construction process?"

"It would be even better if that is the case. We can obtain relevant technical knowledge by eavesdropping on their communications."

The nuclear energy expert retorted: "It is impossible for the situation you mentioned to exist. I can tell you very clearly that let alone building a more advanced Ark reactor, even ordinary nuclear power plants need people who are really proficient in relevant knowledge. on-site guidance, or even personally operate. Therefore, if he sends technicians, then these technicians must be proficient in the relevant knowledge of controllable nuclear fusion. With our technical reserves, if we get the knowledge mastered by these technicians, we must be able to In a short period of time, complete the reverse push of controllable nuclear fusion technology."

A lieutenant general said: "However, even if we obtain the technology of controlled nuclear fusion in this way, what's the point? Other countries can also obtain this technology in this way."

The person in charge of the staff office said: "Our analysis believes that the king of New Tuvalu should hope to achieve a stable development environment for New Tuvalu by paying for this technology. For them, which country has mastered this technology? Technology doesn't matter."

The winner said with a dark face: "But this is very important to us!"

An admiral sitting at the head of the conference room suddenly said, "Can your analysis confirm that this technology was developed by the king of New Tuvalu?"

The head of the staff office replied: "This can be confirmed. Although there must be someone to assist in the research, the king of New Tuvalu must know all the key points of controllable nuclear fusion technology."

The general nodded and said directly: "The meeting is over."

As Castro and the delegations of various countries determined the relevant details, some of the requests put forward by this opportunity were also fulfilled by the countries as quickly as possible.

"Your Majesty, China, the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Germany...have agreed to formally establish diplomatic relations with our country, and at the same time, they have also submitted applications for the establishment of an embassy."

Li Daniu, who got the news, did not feel excited at all. On the contrary, Burns and Castro expressed their excitement beyond words.

Burns said excitedly: "Your Majesty, if the old king knows the news, he will be very happy. This is the first time that we have won the friendship of these world powers in so many years since our founding, and it is also the first time that a country is willing to Build an embassy in our country."

Hearing the old king's name, Li Daniu was a little embarrassed, because he had nothing to do with the old king.

"It's just the formal establishment of diplomatic relations. Whether it can be described by the word friendship is not certain." Li Daniu said: "We have planned an embassy area before, and now, we can directly provide it to them for a fee."

Burns froze for a moment, and asked, "Your Majesty, you mean...for a fee?"

Li Daniu said with a reasonable expression: "Otherwise? The embassy is for their use, not for our own use. Why don't they charge money? If they don't like the embassy building we built, they can rent the land with money." Build it yourself."

Burns and Castro looked at each other with wry smiles. Speaking of which, their Majesty the King can be regarded as the most generous person in the world, and the current citizen welfare of New Tuvalu can be called the number one in the world. And these citizenship benefits are also the most important factor for New Tuvalu to attract foreign immigrants, not one of them.

However, no one would deny that His Majesty the King was stingy.

Take the monthly living allowance of 3,000 SGD as an example. Although it has been converted from U.S. dollars to SGD, the purchasing power is exactly the same as before, and it can even be converted into U.S. dollars at any time. But in fact, their contribution on this item has become very little.

The new currency is issued by New Tuvalu. If citizens do not exchange it, it will always be a number in the account. Moreover, as the population of New Tuvalu increases, the charges for various public facilities will inevitably increase.

That’s not to mention, New Tuvalu currently has a population of more than 2 million, and the number of citizens who can truly receive a living allowance of 3,000 SGD per month is just over 10, citizens or The 12-year limit has not been reached, or because of some behaviors that do not comply with the "New Tuvalu Citizens' Code of Conduct", the level of living allowance will be reduced.

All in all, it is to attract foreign immigrants with a payment that is far lower than previously promised. But none of the immigrants can prove that New Tuvalu is deceiving.

Because the subsidy is real, as long as you want to exchange it into US dollars, the Royal Bank of New Tuvalu will definitely agree to exchange it. However, living in New Tuvalu for a long time, is it necessary to exchange dollars?

After Burns and Castro left Li Daniu's office, they went to discuss how to charge the embassy. For other countries with strong economic strength, when other countries build embassies in their own country, they will inevitably provide various convenient conditions, because they are all mutual.

But for New Tuvalu, there is not enough manpower to build embassies in other countries. Therefore, there is no need for this mutual convenience for the time being.

Castro said with a bitter face: "Master Prime Minister, how about we use the reason that the country is too small?"

Burns also smiled wryly, and said, "I can only use this excuse. How about you communicate with them after our charging plan is finalized?"

Castro shook his head crazily, and said, "Master Prime Minister, I can't represent the new Tuvalu government. It's because the government is here to coordinate and communicate in such matters."

After finishing his work, Li Daniu is also preparing to return to his king's villa. Because the recent situation is still very complicated, the security force of Li Daniu's motorcade has been strengthened again.

And just after Li Daniu's convoy left the palace, a message reached a certain terminal in New Zealand.

"It is estimated that after 20 minutes, the target will arrive at the predetermined position."

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