King Who Will Cross

Chapter 552: Show 1 show booty?

Through the screen, Ness watched the special forces enter the king's villa through the bulletproof glass door shattered by the drone, feeling a little nervous.

He is not worried about the security personnel inside the King's Villa. In fact, according to their monitoring, there are currently no more than five security personnel inside the King's Villa.

The other security personnel were either confined outside the king's villa by fire suppression, or they had already been killed.

What Ness is worried about now is, how powerful is the safe house inside the king's villa?

"Let another submarine float up. If it takes time to break through the safe house, then use the missiles on the submarine directly to destroy all the roads around the king's villa."

"Prepare to shoot down the armed helicopter that the opponent came to support!"

At this time, Ness still decided to hide a strategic nuclear submarine just in case.

The technicians immediately prepared to send out Ness's instructions, but what they couldn't believe was that their communication signals could not be sent out.

"The communication failure may be affected by our shielding equipment, and the emergency communication channel is activated."

Looking at the red light on the console, the technician turned pale instantly.

"Communications are completely interrupted, we are under an unknown attack!"

Ness' face changed drastically in an instant, and he subconsciously took out the pistol at his waist, then pointed to the monitoring screen and said, "The communication is completely interrupted, so why can we still see the picture of the special forces attacking?"

The technician was also very puzzled by this problem, and said with a pale face: "I don't know, we have never encountered such a situation."

Ness picked up the communicator and shouted, "Seal, seal, can you hear me?"

There was no response from the communicator, and through the pictures sent back from the aerial camera, Ness could clearly see that the special forces member named Seal standing outside the king's villa was raising his weapon for vigilance.

"What the **** is going on?"

When Ness uttered this swear word, the special forces members who entered the king's villa also uttered swear words at the same time.

"What the **** kind of monster is this?"

"God...are they devils?"

"Fire, fire!"

Amidst countless gunshots, the special forces members fell one after another, while their enemies, after being shot, seemed to have not received any damage, and still maintained a 100% hit rate. One special operator died.

"Iceberg, Iceberg, do you see it? There are monsters inside!" A special forces member yelled into the communicator in horror, but received no response.

"Retreat, retreat now!"

Hearing the roar of this special operator, all the surviving special operators began to retreat towards the place they rushed in. At the same time, bullets were frantically pouring towards the five monsters on the opposite side.

And those five beings they called monsters finally revealed their true faces under the impact of this wave of bullets.

The tattered skin and artificial blood can no longer hide the metal bones in their bodies.

After being hit by bullets, shallow pits appeared one after another on the silver-white metal skeleton. However, these shallow pits did not affect the mobility of these five monsters at all.

When the special forces began to retreat, the five monsters directly gave up the bunker, rushed out facing the bullets, then raised their weapons, and started shooting to the despair of the special forces.

The special forces members in charge of guarding outside also heard that something was wrong from the fierce gunshots and the exclamations of their comrades in arms.

"Penguin, penguin, report the situation!"

However, they get no response. The king's villa is like the huge mouth of a monster, as long as the person who enters, there is no possibility of coming out again.

In just two minutes, the gunshots inside the king's villa completely disappeared.

"Penguin, penguin?"

The special forces member code-named SEAL realized that the situation was wrong, and immediately began to call the command room inside the submarine: "Bingshan, Bingshan, please answer if you receive it, we need instructions."

There are several special forces members, carrying the most advanced combat helmets, which can transmit combat images back to the command room in real time. That's why the seals would seek instructions from the command room when they couldn't contact the special forces team members who rushed into the king's villa.

But what shocked them was that the command room code-named Bingshan did not give them any response.

At this moment, a special forces member in charge of security suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something abnormal about a corpse not far from him.

"That is…"

Before he could react, he felt his eyes go dark, and then completely lost consciousness.

In the eyes of other special forces, the head of this special soldier who just exclaimed burst in an instant. White brains splattered and fell to the ground.

"There are snipers, hide!"

But no matter what kind of cover they were hiding behind, they couldn't resist the bullets that came from nowhere.

At this time, Ness, who was in the command room of the strategic-level nuclear submarine, watched his special forces members fall one after another in disbelief.

"Where are our snipers? Where are our drones?"

No one responded to him, and everyone in the command room was frantically investigating the attack they encountered.

There was no trace of any enemy at all, but the submarine they were in had already opened the hatch.

The heads of the three battle robots flashed red, and they entered the submarine through the hatch opened by them. As if returning to their own home, they skillfully drained the cabin they were in, and then opened the hatch leading to the submarine.

After determining the location of the submarine, the so-called strategic-level nuclear submarine can no longer pose any threat to New Tuvalu.

In the king's villa laboratory, Li Daniu looked at the camouflaged robot, which had completely eliminated all enemy snipers, then directly occupied their previous positions, and began to clean up the special forces outside the king's villa.

"It seems that this time the Americans can't stand it anymore!"

Li Daniu sighed, and after seeing all the intruders in the surveillance screen were cleaned up, he said, "Ao Chuang, have you got those two strategic nuclear submarines?"

Ultron replied: "The control of the two strategic-class nuclear submarines has been completed! At the same time, we intercepted their original attack target—the location of the Ark reactor."

Li Daniu sneered and said, "They want to capture me and destroy our ark reactor. In this way, only they can master the controllable nuclear fusion technology in the whole world."

Ultron said: "Your Majesty, the battle is over, do you want to start cleaning up the scene?"

Li Daniu nodded and said: "Start cleaning up, let those camouflaged robots with damaged artificial skin and enter the laboratory and start replacing artificial skin and organs."

The purpose of these camouflaged robots is to allow the enemy to expose all of their attack power. Only in this way can Li Daniu be able to ensure a thorough grasp of the battle situation and at the same time prevent anyone from discovering the existence of camouflaged robots.

"All satellite surveillance signals have been blocked!"

After Ultron received the order, he immediately issued relevant instructions, and the eyes of the robots lying on the ground disguised as corpses suddenly lit up red. Then, like the infected zombies in the movie, they slowly climbed up and walked into the king's villa.

Li Daniu looked at the ruined king's villa through the monitoring screen, sighed and said: "It's a pity, it cost a lot of money at the beginning. However, when I think of getting two strategic nuclear submarines, this point The loss is nothing."

Ultron said: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, our loss is actually more than that. At the beginning of the invasion, there were riots in seven places nearby. Although there are no casualties, many public facilities have been damaged."

Li Daniu frowned and said, "As long as there are no casualties, inform Burns to restore these places to normal before dawn, so as not to cause panic in New Tuvalu."

Ao Chuang said: "Understood, Your Majesty, are you going to drive two strategic nuclear submarines to the Sea God base?"

Li Daniu sneered twice, and asked, "Is the commander of this operation captured alive?"

Ultron replied: "Yes, his name is Ness, but judging from the interrogation of the battle robot just now, he is not willing to cooperate."

Li Daniu said: "Use him as a template to manufacture camouflaged robots. As for these two strategic nuclear submarines... they should be shown off as trophies."

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