King Who Will Cross

Chapter 555: Stop using force against New Tuvalu.

Qian donkeys were poor, but a tiger who had never seen a donkey before did not dare to approach the donkey without knowing the details of the donkey. One day, the tiger burrowed through the donkey and ate it without hesitation.

And now, Li Daniu wants to make New Tuvalu the donkey in the eyes of the American tiger.

"They will think that the main reason for the failure of this operation is Naiss' betrayal." Li Daniu was talking to himself in the empty office: "However, they still can't figure out why it was only Naiss' betrayal. Betrayal can annihilate everyone, and also lose two strategic nuclear submarines."

Ao Chuang's voice sounded from Li Daniu's ear, and said: "I can understand what you mean. You want to make the U.S. government confuse your cards, but you have analyzed that you have some powerful and unknown power. In this way First, if you dare not start a war, you dare not take action against you or New Tuvalu easily."

Li Daniu nodded and said, "That's right, that's the reason."

Ao Chuang raised his own question and asked: "However, if the U.S. government thinks that you have some kind of power that can deal with nuclear submarines, wouldn't it be more worried? Furthermore, in order to completely solve your threat to them, directly mobilize war?"

Li Daniu laughed and said: "Everything has a degree. The reason why I let the camouflage robot pretend to be Ness is to reduce the threat level in their hearts. If I don't make a sound, I can solve the two strategic nuclear submarines." , then they will definitely launch a war immediately. But now, hehe...the degree of threat I have shown is not enough for them to make up their minds."

Ultron said: "According to my feeling, your thoughts now have grown a lot compared to when you just created me."

"People can grow up." Li Daniu said with some pride: "Although I have not yet reached the point where I have no plans, but this kind of method does not need to use too much brains. By the way, complete the strategy against the two ships." Has the super nuclear submarine been repaired?"

Ao Chuang replied: "It has been completed, because at that time you asked not to do too much damage to the two strategic nuclear submarines. Therefore, after emergency repairs, even if the US people were at the scene, it was impossible to see that the two Strategic-class nuclear submarines have been attacked."

Li Daniu said: "Very well, then let these two strategic nuclear submarines show up. Remember, when they show up, the camouflaged robot Ness must also show up!"

After Ultron confirmed the order, he asked, "What should you do with the real Ness and the other 32 captives?"

Li Daniu frowned, and asked, "Have you found out all the information they know?"

Ultron replied: "All of them have been interrogated and lie detectors have been used, which can guarantee that the accuracy rate of the information we obtain is over 90%."

Whether it is Ness, who is in charge of this operation, or the captains of the two strategic-class nuclear submarines, their positions in the United States are very high. Therefore, the information Li Daniu got this time is also richer than expected.

Li Daniu nodded, and said: "In that case, let's destroy the corpse."

After the attack on New Tuvalu, all satellites, reconnaissance planes, etc. responsible for monitoring New Tuvalu fell into a short-term signal loss.

After these signals are restored, the attack on New Tuvalu has completely ended. Through satellite surveillance pictures, we can only see the new Tuvalu military who are cleaning up and adding defensive forces within the scope of the new Tuvalu king's villa.

Even though these pictures do not provide any meaningful intelligence, these surveillance satellites and reconnaissance planes have always maintained monitoring of New Tuvalu.

Among them, the United States has the largest monitoring area, including the territory of New Tuvalu and all territorial waters!

Just after the king of New Tuvalu finished his appearance for a day, a surveillance satellite in the United States suddenly photographed the two strategic-class nuclear submarines that originally belonged to them.

"Let the reconnaissance plane take close-up shots!"

In the command room of the Pentagon, Lieutenant General Roger was staring at the screen. After discovering Ness' backboard, he was almost thrown into limbo. Even, it is very likely to be legally responsible. But relying on his deep connections and strong background, he has temporarily overcome this difficulty.

However, he also got a new mission. That is to find out why Ness betrayed the United States, when he betrayed the United States, and how he got in touch with New Tuvalu.

Of course, before that, he still didn't give up and wanted to find those two strategic-level nuclear submarines.

Therefore, when he found the suspected pictures of the two strategic-class nuclear submarines, he gave the order without hesitation.

A technician worried: "Sir, if we use a reconnaissance plane to take close-up shots, we may be discovered by New Tuvalu or other countries."

Lieutenant General Roger said with a cold face: "Didn't I let the reconnaissance plane fly to the submarine for reconnaissance, don't you want me to teach you how to avoid the enemy's reconnaissance?"

A Global Hawk reconnaissance plane that was originally parked at an altitude of 8 meters in the airspace of New Tuvalu slowly descended to a height of 5 meters after receiving control instructions.

At this height, the Global Hawk can even see ants on the ground clearly.

And when the Global Hawk transmitted the pictures it captured back to the command room of the Pentagon, Lieutenant General Roger fell into a chair in a daze for a moment.

"Sir, are you all right?"

The people next to him looked at Lieutenant General Roger worriedly, and they all knew why Lieutenant General Roger behaved like this.

Lieutenant General Roger waved his hand feebly, staring fixedly at the picture sent back by the Global Hawk unmanned reconnaissance drone on the screen.

In the picture, two strategic-class nuclear submarines that he is very familiar with are parked in the port of the New Tuvalu Military Camp.

To his despair, the military of New Tuvalu was transporting supplies to these two strategic nuclear submarines.

"Lieutenant General Roger, do we... want to attack directly!"

Americans have always been very courageous. For them, it is like a war that the Americans cannot win. Moreover, the two strategic-class nuclear submarines that were undisguisedly carrying supplies were indeed like fixed targets and could be sunk by them very easily.

Lieutenant General Roger also knew that this was a very good opportunity, but now he did not dare to give such an order lightly.

"Report to Admiral Cass immediately."

After saying this, he completely collapsed on the chair. Because he clearly saw that his former most capable subordinate, was boarding one of the 6 strategic nuclear submarines.

"This time, how should I explain it?"

When Lieutenant General Roger was thinking about his future in the United States, the news of the discovery of two strategic nuclear submarines was also reported to Admiral Cass, who had the power to issue attack orders.

Admiral Cass frowned and asked: "How long will it take for our air force in Australia to reach the attack position? How long will it take for them to move this kind of material?"

A colonel replied: "We can't guarantee that the other party will not be able to find out that we have dispatched fighter jets. It only takes 32 seconds for the submarine to dive urgently, and we will completely lose their trace."

"That is, there is no guarantee that the attack will be successful?"

"Yes, and if we attack, we will be found by New Tuvalu and other countries."

Admiral Cass said helplessly: "Immediately start to deploy the defensive chain around New Tuvalu, they will definitely need to replenish supplies again. What I need you to guarantee is that the next time the target is found, the target can be sunk 100% .”

The colonel saluted and said, "I promise to complete the task!"

At the same time, someone in a certain command room of the Russian military discovered the two nuclear submarines that were carrying supplies openly.

"This is the strategic-class nuclear submarine sent by the Americans? Judging from the appearance, this model has never been seen before."

"What I am most concerned about now is why New Tuvalu was able to capture these two strategic nuclear submarines without damage. Even if someone in the US special forces betrayed, this is very incredible. Moreover, why do they use this now? How to move the materials?"

"I can only answer your second question. New Tuvalu is announcing to the world that they have two strategic nuclear submarines. So, don't use force against them easily."

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