King Who Will Cross

Chapter 575: Civil war about to start?

"You really didn't get Klaus's technology?" Iron Man looked at Li Daniu who was sitting there leisurely watching TV, and asked: "You have entered Pym Technology Company for more than 6 minutes, so Killed a Klaus in a long time?"

Li Da Niu said without looking back: "You also know that it's only six minutes, how could I have finished torturing Klaus so quickly and got his research materials?"

Iron Man said with a look of disbelief: "With your combat power, if you want to go in and kill Klaus, you can probably do it in a minute or two. How could it take so long?"

Li Daniu smiled and said: "Who knew that the defense level of Klaus's laboratory was so high. All the traps he prepared for Ant-Man were used on me. It's normal to waste some time. Moreover, his research is simply useless. Without success, I saw his Pym particles turn a lamb into a rotten meat."

Iron Man still looked skeptical and said: "Since he didn't succeed, why is Dr. Pim so nervous? Besides, he found a man named Scott to inherit the Ant-Man suit?"

Li Daniu was speechless for a while, and it was not surprising that Klaus knew that Dr. Pym had found Scott, because he had been monitoring Dr. Pym. But how did Iron Man know?

"Don't tell me you've been spying on Dr. Pym?"

Hearing Li Daniu's question, Iron Man smiled awkwardly and said, "I only monitored him for the sake of the peace of the earth. You have read those materials, and you must know how powerful Pym particles are."

Li Daniu successfully changed the subject, and continued: "Of course, although I think the Ant-Man suit is really rubbish, I have to admit that the technology of Pym particles is very powerful and has a wide range of applications."

Iron Man said enviously: "Unfortunately, my family has a bad relationship with Dr. Pym, and I'm not proficient in this subject, so I can't replicate Pym particles. Otherwise..."

Li Daniu sneered: "Otherwise, do you use Pym particles on your robot? Or are you going to carry hundreds of smaller steel armors with you, and then release them anytime and anywhere?"

Iron Man shrugged and said, "If there is, I will definitely use it. You know that the most difficult technology in the world is actually to miniaturize and refine large-scale equipment. But if there are Pym particles, we will It can completely save a lot of time and let our technology take a very big leap."

What you said is exactly what I want to do! Li Daniu laughed in his heart. Although what he got was the Pym particle technology that Claus hadn't succeeded yet, it was infinitely close to the finished technology. Just give him some time, and he'll be able to perfectly replicate the real Pym particle.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Pym particles can not only make objects smaller, but also make the volume of objects a hundred times their normal size.

"If you really want to, you can go to Dr. Pym and ask him to help!"

Iron Man shook his head and said, "Forget it, I don't want to guard against intruders that are invisible to the naked eye all day long."

Li Daniu smiled and didn't speak any more, but continued to watch TV.

His current location is Iron Man's Avengers Building. Although the Avengers have moved to a new base, Iron Man still retains the name of the Avengers Building.

Iron Man asked curiously: "Didn't you watch TV on the alien planet? You are always watching TV these days."

"Whether you are on an alien planet or on Earth, it is a very good habit to always pay attention to the news." Li Daniu couldn't help complaining when he saw the report on TV: "I just broke a few doors and a few servers. How did Pym Technology lose 3 billion US dollars?"

On the TV, a member of Congress is holding a press conference, and the big screen behind him shows a picture of a man wearing a metal mask destroying Pym Technology. Although there were not many scenes captured, after the man left, the many damaged images inside Pym Technology were clearly displayed in front of all the audience.

"There is no doubt that this person is a person with special abilities, just like a member of the Avengers. In front of them, the lives and property safety of ordinary people have received very serious threats."

The congressman said loudly to the camera: "As we all know, all force should be in the hands of the elected government. Only in this way can the lives and property of ordinary people be guaranteed. I believe that no one would want a Green giants or dandies in full iron armor suddenly fall down and smash their homes, and even their relatives and friends to death."

"I suggest that real-name registration should be implemented for these people with special abilities, and all their actions should be supervised by the elected government. If they need to save the world, they should also take reasonable actions under the guidance of the government , to avoid damage to the lives and property of ordinary people.”

Iron Man taunted: "Since you are wearing a mask, why don't you destroy their surveillance? Now that your figure appears on the TV, the captain will probably come to you soon."

As long as the pictures in the laboratory are not filmed, it doesn't matter if other behaviors are filmed. Therefore, Li Daniu said indifferently: "It's a waste of time to destroy the camera, and what does this news have to do with me? I have never robbed Pim Technology! He is targeting you members of the Avengers now, you Didn't you hear? Playboy in iron armor!"

Iron Man's attitude didn't matter, and he said, "Does the real-name system have anything to do with me? The whole world knows that I am Iron Man."

Li Daniu smiled and said: "The key is, he said that he wants you to accept the government's control and act under the leadership of the government."

Iron Man also laughed and said, "Let's wait until his bill is passed. You know, I'm rich, which means that many members of Congress have a very good relationship with me."

Li Daniu shook his head and did not speak again. He knew that having money in the United States meant having political power. But he also knew that this matter was not as simple as Iron Man thought. Although the Avengers had saved the world many times, they also hurt many ordinary people during the battle.

For example, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch both hated Iron Man and other members of the Avengers very much before.

With the aspirations of the people, coupled with the fact that certain political forces maintain the political relationship with money for the power of the Avengers, it will no longer be so reliable.

Furthermore, will Iron Man really choose to reject this congressman's proposal?

Friday's voice suddenly sounded from the living room: "Boss, Lee, Captain America is visiting. It is estimated that you will be able to see him in two minutes."

Captain America has very high authority in the Avengers Building, so he doesn't need Iron Man's permission to enter.

Iron Man patted himself on the forehead and said, "I'm wondering if I should change the permissions I gave him, because I'm annoyed to see him now."

Li Daniu smiled and said: "As long as you don't know my authority, I have no opinion! Another question, why do you insist on calling this artificial intelligence program Friday? Don't you Can you change your name to something more normal?"

Li Daniu's backup intelligence system, like Iron Man's backup intelligence system, is called Friday. So every time he heard Iron Man calling Friday, he felt a little awkward.

Iron Man didn't know the true meaning of Li Daniu's words, and explained: "Because the day I researched it happened to be Friday, I don't bother to name it anymore."

Li Daniu said: "Friday, you can change your name yourself, I don't think your boss will refuse."

Although Iron Man couldn't understand Li Daniu's insistence on changing the name of his artificial intelligence system, he did not refuse. In fact, he thought that with Jarvis, it would be impossible to use his backup intelligence system, so he chose a random name.

There was no emotion in Friday's voice, but it could sense its desire for a new name.

"Boss, do you really not mind?"

Iron Man said: "Of course, as long as you like it."

Friday said: "So, how about my name is Frigg? Friday originally meant Frigg's day."

Iron Man nodded, and said: "Foligg, the goddess of marriage in Northern Europe, the queen of the gods, possesses endless knowledge and can even keep all the secrets. Moreover, it is very suitable for the previous name Friday. This name, obtained Really good."

Cold sweat broke out on Li Daniu's forehead in an instant, and he said, "You must not call him by that name."

Iron Man and Friday asked at the same time, "Why?"

"Because Thor's mother, God Queen of Asgard, is called Frigg! In other words, if you dare to call Frigg every day, Thor will definitely tear down your Avengers Building!"

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