King Who Will Cross

Chapter 590: Tell him not to bother me!

When Li Daniu and Vision flew out of the dark dimension, they were shocked by the scene in front of them. ?

Because after Casillas destroyed the Hong Kong Temple, he opened a space channel connecting the dark dimension directly above the Hong Kong Temple. When Li Daniu and Vision came out, they were still in Hong Kong.

But now, there are more than a dozen huge aircraft flying in the sky above Hong Kong. If Li Daniu hadn't seen the space carrier of SHIELD among them, he would definitely think that aliens had invaded the earth again.

"What's the situation?" Li Daniu noticed that when they came out of the space channel, the weapon outlets on those aircraft locked on them instantly, and on the deck of the aircraft, hundreds of fighter jets immediately started to take off!

On the ground below, the existence of ordinary people is no longer visible. On the streets with a radius of ten miles, there are missile launchers and heavily armed soldiers everywhere.

There was a faint golden light in Vision's eyes, and after sweeping around, he said, "We've been away for a month!"

"A month?"

Li Daniu was stunned, and said: "No, I locked the time near the space channel, the timeline here should be suspended."

Vision looked up at the space channel that was closing, and said: "The space channel is a long distance from the ground, and when we fought Dormammu in the dark dimension, the distance we crossed was also very long. I think it should be Your magic has a distance limit, and there is no way to lock the time in Hong Kong, let alone the time of the entire earth."

Li Daniu carefully felt the connection between himself and the Ball of Agmodo, and said: "No, I can lock the time of the entire Hong Kong, but because Domamu is too powerful, and my control over the Ball of Agmodo Not enough, so most of the power of time is used on it and the space channel."

At this moment, the fighter jets on those aircraft stopped and continued to take off, and the fighter jets that had already taken off circled in the air and became vigilant.

On one of the space carriers, a golden and red figure flew out, it was the coquettish Iron Man.

Li Daniu and Mirage went up to meet them, and the two stopped in the air.

"God, if you don't come out, I want to rush in." After Iron Man stopped, he opened his mask and said, "Are you all right?"

Li Daniu mocked: "Are you rushing in to seek death? Tell me what's going on."

Iron Man was choked by Li Daniu's words, coughed twice and said: "Since you entered that dark dimension, the space channel over Hong Kong seems to have stabilized. And the situation here has also been known by people all over the world , you know, there is no way to hide this kind of news."

"The Chinese government issued an emergency combat readiness announcement, calling on all countries in the world to jointly respond to this crisis. In their view, this is no different from the alien invasion that happened in New York before. So, what you see now arrived at this situation.”

Li Daniu pointed to those aircraft that looked more powerful than the space carrier, and asked, "What are these?"

Iron Man smiled wryly: "Those are all Chinese space carriers. Of course, they don't use this name. To be honest, when China showed these aircraft, the US government was scared to pee, or many countries The government is scared to pee."

Li Daniu laughed and said, "I think those politicians are scared to pee."

Iron Man spread his hands and said, "You can also say that."

Li Daniu asked again: "Why do you appear here? Moreover, how can this scale of combat readiness last for a month?"

"Our Avengers are very experienced in dealing with this kind of incident, so we were invited." Iron Man explained: "Actually, we haven't been guarding like this all the time. Three weeks ago, we shot towards the space channel. More than a dozen large-yield nuclear warheads..."

Li Daniu and Vision were stunned at the same time.

"and then?"

"Then there is no change in the space channel. It doesn't grow or shrink. No one comes out and doesn't disappear. Our nuclear warheads are like sinking into the sea."

Li Daniu and Vision looked at each other, and the two instantly understood why they didn't touch those nuclear warheads when they were inside, and they didn't notice the nuclear warhead explosion.

Li Daniu looked at the remaining bowl-sized space channel in the sky with lingering fear, and asked, "What is the yield of those nuclear warheads? How did you set up the detonation?"

Iron Man said: "All the nuclear warheads added together have a yield of more than 200 million tons, which is equivalent to the power of the little boy that was dropped in Japan... thousands of times, you know, this thing is not simply a sum of equivalents, They will also produce a chain reaction. As for the detonation method... it is the induction device inside the nuclear warhead, which will detonate directly when it senses an object or life."

When Iron Man said this, both Li Daniu and Vision stared at the space channel in the sky.

Because the time before the space channel is suspended, it will not continue to expand, and likewise, the nuclear warheads fired in will also be suspended. When Li Daniu passed through the space channel, he only unlocked the time lock on himself and the illusion. He had no idea that there would be more than a dozen nuclear warheads behind his butt, so...

But now, Li Daniu has released the time lock on the space channel.

Just before the space channel was completely closed, Li Daniu and Vision noticed at the same time that infinite flames erupted inside the space channel.

"Poor Dormammu, poor dark dimension!"

The space channel is completely closed, and Li Daniu is no longer worried, because the Hong Kong Temple has been restored. At this time, let alone one Dormammu, even three Dormammu cannot directly open the space passage to the earth.

Unless, someone opens the space channel from the earth again.

Iron Man asked curiously: "What are you looking at? Could it be that there are beauties in that dark dimension that you can't bear to part with?"

Li Daniu didn't explain, and asked directly: "Where are the others? And Steve?"

"Steve? He can't fly, how did he come here?" Iron Man answered subconsciously, then suddenly reacted and asked, "You mean Steve Strange? Not Steve- Rogers?"


"They are all on the space carrier, but it is not convenient for them to come out."

Li Daniu asked curiously: "Then why is it convenient for you to come out?"

Iron Man said embarrassingly: "Because I brought a communicator All our conversations will be heard by the people in the Joint Command. Oh, yes, they asked me to ask if the crisis has been resolved ?”

Li Daniu frowned and said: "Of course, didn't you see that the space channels are closed? Let them go back where they came from."

Under the leadership of Iron Man, Li Daniu and Vision flew into a huge aircraft, which is the joint headquarters to deal with this crisis.

Here, Li Daniu also saw the heavily armed members of the Avengers, and even Dr. Banner, who had been hiding before, was found.

"Banner? Don't tell me, they are going to throw you in?" Li Daniu laughed after seeing Banner, because he thought of Banner's dilemma after entering the dark dimension. As a Hulk who can't fly, in that kind of incomparably huge space, even if he is unparalleled in destructive power, it is useless.

Dr. Banner shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Should I thank you for solving this crisis so that I won't be thrown into the dark dimension?"

Before Li Daniu chatted with the Avengers, and before Doctor Strange asked about the specific situation, a general of the United Command said with a serious face: "Li, Vision, I need you to make a detailed statement about the time this time." Report."

Li Daniu glanced at the general, and asked Iron Man, "Tony, who is this guy?"

The headquarters, where the atmosphere had begun to ease due to the closure of the space channel, became tense again in an instant.

Iron Man looked at the general's anxious expression, and explained: "He is the NATO Joint Operations Commander, and he is the charge of this operation."

"Deputy?" Li Daniu laughed and said, "Then can you tell him for me that I'm very tired now and want to take a rest so that he doesn't bother me?" 8

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