King Who Will Cross

Chapter 638: New Tuvalu tough extradition demand!

For the vast majority of people in the 21st century, the word war appears most often in movies or textbooks.

Although there are still some countries on the earth that have been in chaos, how can the general public really feel these chaos except for the "minority" who are in it?

"Captured 3,767 people alive and killed more than 40,000 people!"

This sentence, in conjunction with the war documentary "The War in New Tuvalu", showed the world the cruel reality that happened in an area that the general public never cared about more than a month ago.

After the first playback ended, many viewers found that this video had become an ordinary video that could pull the progress bar.

Someone immediately re-watches and clicks on a scene they're interested in, such as Lieutenant Steve's capture of the 'Dread Prince' Hamza, such as the invincible image of the armed flying robot in the final battle, and many more , and began to study the miraculous transport plane.

"A real stealth transport plane?"

Stealth aircraft in the traditional sense only have anti-radar functions, and cannot be invisible visually. But judging from the incredible shots in the video, this new type of transport aircraft in New Tuvalu can definitely be called a real stealth aircraft.

So high-definition footage cannot be captured, can other surveillance methods really detect it?

If it can't be found, has this technology been applied to fighter jets?

The general public is still guessing that it is because this video deleted the last picture of New Tuvalu destroying three fighter jets. As for the U.S. government, which lost three fighter jets, it has been trying to analyze the few shots on the video to analyze more content.

It's a pity that they couldn't analyze too much really useful information.

The first batch of more than 100 million viewers recommended this video to everyone they knew in a short period of time, and some even called their relatives and friends excitedly at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night because of the time difference.

And these awakened people, after watching the video with anticipation and complaints, began to look for all the information they were interested in excitedly.

The total global video playback volume has changed from 100 million to 200 million, then 300 million, 400 million... In two hours, the video playback volume directly exceeded one billion.

You know, in these two hours, it is midnight in many countries on the earth, but what is the global population?

And a website that was announced at the end of the video, also saw the number of visits from zero to 110 million in just two hours!

This website does not have many categories, except for the video "New Tuvalu War" on the homepage, there is only one category for terrorist information disclosure.

When netizens clicked on it, they saw the classification of the names of many terrorist organizations that they had heard on the news. In these classifications, a very detailed organizational chart of each terrorist organization is made, with the headshots of the characters in each position, which is even more formal than a regular company.

Click on any of the avatars, and you can see the terrorist incidents the terrorists participated in, as well as their criminal facts, and even pictures, confessions, videos and other evidence.

"Is it true that you didn't kill a good man by mistake?"

"More than 40,000 people were killed. In the final battle with IS, the IS organization also held many civilians hostage. How could there be no accidental injuries?"

Netizens who visit this website keep leaving messages to inquire, or discuss on other websites.

The New Tuvalu side also quickly issued a public announcement: "We confirm that in the previous operations, we did not accidentally injure any civilians. But we also admit that some of the terrorists who were killed, we did not know them However, in view of the fact that these people obstructed and attacked some terrorists when we arrested them, we have confirmed their criminal facts. If you feel that you need evidence, then we can provide it.”

"Because countries have different restrictions on showing videos, our full version of the "War in New Tuvalu" combat video cannot be played in other countries. Among them, when our New Tuvalu Royal Guard Battalion is in action, the Recorder materials cannot be provided to audiences in other countries. If you want to watch the full version of the video and materials, you can go to the newly built 'No. 9 Factory Memorial Hall' in New Tuvalu to watch."

When many netizens saw this reply from New Tuvalu, in addition to criticizing their country's import restrictions on film and television works and other works, they also began to complain about New Tuvalu.

"You want to trick us into traveling to New Tuvalu again?"

"However, I heard that New Tuvalu seems to be very interesting, and the scenery is not bad."

"The key is that New Tuvalu's medical level is the best in the world, and you can go for a physical examination by the way!"

"If I can visit that kind of real stealth fighter, I will definitely go there!"

"I want to see those armed flying robots, it's like a scene from a science fiction movie."

"I heard that TC Entertainment is making a movie called "Transformers". It seems to be a story about robot wars. I don't know if it's these flying robots. They can also transform."

"Fart, the "Transformers" trailers are out, and the robots in it are alien life forms, and they are all huge."

Discussions on the Internet have always ended in crooked buildings.

However, there are also some discussions that have intensified!

"I don't agree with the terrorist actions and ideas of Hamza and his Al Qaeda." An expert spoke on the Internet: "However, I don't think that New Tuvalu has this kind of 'global law enforcement power'. Not to mention It is said that in more than a month, more than 40,000 people were directly killed. Although New Tuvalu claimed to have the criminal evidence of these people, I would like to ask, according to the laws of which country, New Tuvalu judged Give them the death penalty?"

Some people criticized New Tuvalu from another angle: "New Tuvalu's transport planes have the ability to be completely invisible, so they unscrupulously use transport planes to send their armed personnel to other countries. Let alone, IS rule Strictly speaking, the area belongs to Syria and Iraq. The armed forces of New Tuvalu went to these places and launched a 'war'. Do Syria and Iraq know? Are they allowed? If they don't know, they are not allowed, then New Tuvalu Is this kind of behavior hegemony?"

Another said: "I can choose to believe that New Tuvalu has not caused casualties to civilians, but I don't believe that terrorists have not caused casualties to civilians. Knowing that the other side's militants have kidnapped civilians, New Tuvalu The Royal Guard Battalion in Valu directly launched an attack. What is the difference between this and the terrorists who directly hurt those civilians? Even the police know that when criminals are hostage, they need to be resolved through negotiations to ensure the hostages Safety of life is the first premise. Then, why does the new Tuvalu Royal Guard Battalion, which has become the most elite in the world, choose to ignore this point?"

There are always some people who like to sing against the mainstream. The speeches of these people are infinitely expanded because they all have a fan base, and the Internet is intensified.

Netizens are very much looking forward to what kind of reaction will the new king of Tuvalu, who has experienced scolding wars on the Internet, in New Tuvalu?

Another online scolding war?

But twelve hours later, His Majesty the King of New Tuvalu still did not respond. Until, the governments of Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and other countries held press conferences at the same time.

"We believe that the actions of New Tuvalu are illegal. Their actions have caused serious harm to many civilians in the Middle East and caused serious damage to the stability of the Middle East. New Tuvalu Relying on their world-leading military technology, they are using this method to implement hegemony over the world. In the past month or so, they have illegally invaded the airspace of many countries and illegally used force in many countries..."

Facing the speeches of many countries at the same time, His Majesty the King of New Tuvalu could not ignore it at last.

"It's okay to talk about me on the Internet. After all, my identity is different now. The new Tuvalu is not the Tuvalu I used to be. I don't need to increase my popularity through scolding." Li Daniu was very unhappy Said: "But you countries dare to come to find fault? I am illegal? When I issued an action report before, why didn't you just reject it? Or, at that time, you thought I would fail and I would lose, so you didn't refuse ? And now that I have won a big victory, I can't sit still?"

Li Daniu was upset, so he also held a press conference.

"In view of some countries' inappropriate remarks about New, I would like to ask three questions." Li Daniu said to the camera: "First, it is our New Tuvalu that has caused harm to civilians. Or terrorists? Second, is the situation in the Middle East really stable? Third, are the civilians we saved from terrorists hating us or thanking us?"

Li Danew paused and continued: "I don't think there is any doubt about the issue of law enforcement power. Terrorists have caused harm to New Tuvalu, so we have every right to sanction these people, which belongs to us The laws of New Tuvalu. Although I also respect the laws of other countries, when some countries do not have enough capacity to solve the problem, I can only choose to solve it for you, thank you!"

"As for whether there is hegemony in our new Tuvalu, I think it should be judged by the people of the world. Some people with ulterior motives have no right to judge."

"Finally, I formally submit an extradition request to the following countries, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Qatar..."

"We have already obtained tangible evidence that some people in these countries colluded with the IS organization and launched a terrorist attack on my country's No. Persia..."

"I would like to remind the above countries, as well as the criminals we want to extradite, that this is not an extradition request, but an extradition request!"

The press conference of the new King of Tuvalu once again shocked the whole world, and as one of the parties involved, Saudi Prince Bandar, the first time he got the news, he chose to watch the new Tuvalu in person in disbelief. King's press conference video.

When he looked at the new King of Tuvalu on the screen and read his name seriously, he fainted directly in his safe house.

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