King Who Will Cross

Chapter 660: The palm technique of the Great Wall falling from the sky!

When human beings are faced with an irresistible threat, they always hope that a hero can descend from the sky.

However, in many cases, the reality is often disappointing, even desperate.

Muto, the prehistoric behemoth that once destroyed most of Las Vegas, once again appeared in front of millions of people in Las Vegas. Whether it's local tyrants in the city, civilians engaged in ordinary jobs, or those gamblers from all over the world who spend a lot of money, they are all looking forward to whether Godzilla, who once saved the human world, will suddenly fall from the sky?

Amidst the prayers of audiences around the world, the millions of people in Las Vegas finally waited for their hero.

It's not Godzilla, but it shocks humans more than Godzilla!

The whole body is painted in bright red, with dots of golden five-pointed stars printed on it, and the 100-meter-high Mech Hunter Great Wall rushes here when humans need it most!

Who said heroes have to fall from the sky?

Weighing 2,327 tons, the Great Wall became a little gray in the dust splashed by it. The desert environment outside Las Vegas made this Mecha Hunter just leave the factory look like a beggar.

However, when the beggar rushed towards Muto, who was about to enter the city and wreak havoc, with an indomitable momentum.

It is the real unrivaled hero!

Muto obviously also noticed this giant, and finally stopped in the live broadcast.

"We are saved, we are saved."

People in the Las Vegas city cheered, just like the choices made by the Chinese players in the previous game, as long as the monsters fight outside the city, their safety can be guaranteed.

Countless people flocked to escape this 'City of Disaster', and some spectators who had not evacuated from the stadium before set their sights on the Chinese players who were about to start receiving the Great Wall!

The viewers all over the world who could only watch the battle through the live broadcast, without exception, looked at the Mecha Hunter Great Wall that suddenly stopped in the camera.

The live broadcast screen was divided into two halves, except for the Great Wall who was confronting Muto at a distance, there was the Chinese player Xiang sitting nervously in front of the console.

The commentary of the game competition acts as a commentary on the battle between man and beast.

"Chinese player Xiang has accepted the operation authority of the Great Wall." The commentator looked at the Chinese player Xiang sitting in front of the console with sweat on his face, and said nervously: "Although Chinese player Xiang is the strongest mech in the world. Hunter operator, however, can he use the real Great Wall to save humanity in the real world?"

The question of commentary is also the question of audiences around the world. It's like a master of racing games. He probably doesn't even have a real driver's license. How dare he ask for more?

The prehistoric behemoth, Muto, didn't stop his movements because of the sudden stand of the Great Wall. After a roar, he directly accelerated and rushed towards the stupid Great Wall!

In the production base of Lee Company not far from here, Andre Wang said to his supervisor nervously: "Can he do it? If Muto launches an electromagnetic pulse attack, he won't be able to use it in time." Anti-electromagnetic pulse wave, then the Great Wall will be smashed into a pile of scrap iron by Muto!"

While the chip in the supervisor's brain flickered, he reported the situation to Li Daniu, and Li Daniu, who was watching the play, said indifferently: "I am the chief director, and the hero of my movie must have the aura of the protagonist."

In fact, although the operating authority of the Great Wall was handed over from Andre Wang to the Chinese player XIANG, Friday still has the highest operating authority of the Great Wall. If it is really found that something cannot be done, Friday will inevitably start operating the Great Wall at a critical time.

The Chinese contestant Xiang Xiang, who had no idea that he had become the leading actor in the movie, looked at the picture sent by the 360-degree panoramic camera above the head of the Mech Hunter in front of him, and the prehistoric giant Mu Mu who was rushing towards the Great Wall he was operating in the picture. support.

"Fuck, prehistoric monster, I'll **** you!"

In the hoarse roar, the Chinese player Xiang completely abandoned all distracting thoughts, and no longer wondered how there could be a real mecha hunter in the real world. He moved his hands and fingers like flying, frantically operating like every time he played a game. The real Great Wall!

Seeing that the prehistoric behemoth was about to rush in front of the stupidly standing Great Wall, audiences all over the world felt aroused, even despaired.

Could it be that the so-called hero is just a dream?

The operation instructions of the Chinese athletes were transmitted to the smart chip in the body of the Great Wall in an instant, and the electronic instructions mobilized the preset tactical action instructions stored in the smart chip.

Muto, who raised his forelegs and slammed down, was about to hit the Great Wall, but was knocked back more than a hundred meters by the metal giant fist that was suddenly raised!

However, the follow-up actions of the Great Wall did not stop because of this, it was completely like a subconscious reaction, one punch followed by one step, and the distance of more than one hundred meters disappeared in an instant.

"Knee bump!"

The Chinese player in front of the console has completely entered the state, and he has already treated this real war as a game!

35 commands were issued in an instant, and the function of these commands was only to make the 100-meter-tall Great Wall complete a knee-bending action.

The Great Wall’s knee, which is more than 9 square meters in size, slammed into Muto’s triangular head. The mechanical transmission inside the Great Wall started to run at full power in an instant, and the nitrogen acceleration jets on the heels were also released in an instant. reverse thrust.

With a loud bang, Muto, a prehistoric monster with a height of more than 60 meters, was knocked into the air again!

This time, it flew upside down for more than 300 meters!

Compared with the huge size between the two, more than 300 meters is not considered a safe range, but if you think about Muto's size and weight, you can know how strong the collision is!

Audiences all over the world lost their voices, the combo was not as exciting as the game screen, but it was very real.

The Great Wall, which had completed the knee collision, followed up again, but Muto, who fell to the ground, also slammed his forelegs to the ground.

With no time to spare, the Great Wall suddenly jumped up from the ground and pounced on the prehistoric behemoth Muto who was about to launch an electromagnetic pulse attack!

But before the Great Wall hit Muto, Muto's forelegs had already hit the ground, and the moment a wave of air was generated and scattered, audiences all over the world lost the live broadcast!

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, what's going on?"

"Did you hit it?"

Many viewers who often watch "Mech Hunter" competitions know that the Great Wall has a palm technique of "falling from the sky".

After jumping up with the help of a huge thrust, relying on self-weight and adjusting the posture in the air, all the reverse propulsion devices that are instantly As long as the palm technique of the Great Wall hits the target, it will definitely make the target completely lost combat effectiveness.

What's more, a 6-meter-long alloy bayonet can protrude from the palm of the Great Wall!

It's a pity that Muto's electromagnetic pulse attack has already been launched, and the electronic equipment on the scene has been destroyed, and the global audience can no longer see the game screen that appeared in reality.

"Did the Chinese hero turn on the anti-electromagnetic pulse device at a critical moment?"

"The launch of the anti-electromagnetic pulse takes time. Prediction is important in all games, and the Great Wall of the Chinese hero is rushing towards the target just now, so..."

Audiences around the world waited anxiously, but no one chose to close the live broadcast after the interruption.

Perhaps, there will be a miracle come?

Five minutes later, when the live broadcast screen appeared, all the audience around the world saw the distraught Chinese player XIANG, who was sitting in front of the operation desk without moving!

It's over, Muto is not eliminated, and the Great Wall is destroyed.

But before the audience around the world became sad, the scene changed suddenly. Outside the city of Las Vegas, the Great Wall, which is 100 meters high, looks extremely lonely with its dust-covered back.

The camera zooms in, and in front of the standing Great Wall is Muto who is lying motionless on the ground.

Between the palm of the Great Wall and Muto's head is a bayonet with a width of 3 meters. Except for the 1-meter blade exposed in the middle, where is the remaining 5-meter blade?

The voice-over of the commentary sounded: "Our hero, Chinese player Xiang, succeeded in eliminating Muto, but this 19-year-old boy is obviously still immersed in the battle just now..."

No one understood what the commentary was saying, and the human beings all over the world cheered!

"Chinese hero!"

"The Great Wall!"

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