King Who Will Cross

Chapter 667: Kings remodel by Burns and Castro!

A total of 10,000 coins will be rewarded and updated for the black book maniac brothers!

Which is the richest country in the Middle East?

Saudi Arabia, which has the largest oil reserves and production in the world, deserves it!

A world-renowned local tyrant country, its military strength is naturally not weak. There are 233,000 active troops, a total of 1,200 fighter planes, and 77 warships.

As for Iran, which faces Saudi Arabia across the Persian Gulf, although the number of active troops has reached 530,000, the total number of Iranian fighters is only 1,030!

"It's a pity that Saudi Arabia has spent so much military expenditure. Why don't they even buy an aerial tanker?"

After talking on the phone with the leaders of various countries, Li Daniu began to worry. Of course, he was not worried about whether New Tuvalu would be attacked by Saudi Arabia, but worried about how long Saudi Arabia could last in the face of his tough attitude.

"If you give in too quickly, there's no point in it."

After returning from the last movie world, Li Daniu's biggest achievement is not King Kong or Godzilla.

It was Muto, the prehistoric behemoth that he had always used as a toy for the human world to drive the mecha hunter to hunt down!

Muto, a monster capable of absorbing nuclear radiation, is tantamount to a savior for this planet shrouded in nuclear threats!

"Even if a nuclear war does happen, I don't have to be afraid anymore. After having Muto, no matter how much nuclear radiation there is, it will be absorbed." Li Daniu thought: "The key is, should I How about trying to save some population first?"

It's better to plan ahead than to think about solutions when things come to an end!

The king of New Tuvalu, who had no idea about it, had already treated a diplomatic incident as a nuclear war in Saudi Arabia, but began to clamor.

"We absolutely cannot agree to New Tuvalu's request! This is no longer a matter of those idiots, but a matter of the majesty of our country!"

"But, which one of you is sure that you can resist the new Tuvalu Royal Guard Battalion?"

After the question was raised, silence fell in a Saudi conference room. The fighting power of the New Tuvalu Royal Guard Battalion has now been called the strongest special forces on earth by the whole world, and it is still the strongest!

Cooperating with the invisible all-stealth transport plane of New Tuvalu, it is simply impossible to guard against!

"We put those people in the barracks, I don't believe it, the New Tuvalu Royal Guard Battalion, dare to rush into our barracks to **** people!"

Hearing the Saudi military camp, even the top Saudi officials in the conference room couldn't help but want to sigh.

If you ask which country has the army with the highest welfare in the world, then Saudi Arabia's military welfare level is definitely the first in the world.

Saudi soldiers can not only raise their wages, but they can also increase their wages according to their seniority, just like a company. Even if it is a lieutenant who has been in the barracks for 15 years, his treatment level can be equal to that of a lieutenant colonel.

Moreover, the various subsidies, year-end rewards, medical expenses, etc. that Saudi Arabia distributes every year are more than the living allowance of 3,000 Singapore dollars per month for citizens of New Tuvalu. The reason for this situation is that Saudi Arabia is too rich, and its annual per capita GDP exceeds 20,000 US dollars. If the welfare level of the army is not improved, who would want to be a soldier forever?

However, the consequence of this kind of high welfare is that the overall style of the Saudi army is extravagant and lustful, and it does not think about making progress. It doesn't have the momentum that a country like the army should have, let alone its combat effectiveness.

"I know our army's combat effectiveness is not good enough." Someone said: "But if New Tuvalu dares to rob people in our barracks, it is completely equivalent to a formal war with our country. It is not a matter of law enforcement or not. I don't think New Tuvalu dares to do that!"

Hearing this explanation, the others nodded in agreement. From the decision to protect the people because they accepted the relevant benefits, to the protection of the people for the sake of the country's face, the high-level leaders of Saudi Arabia and other countries involved have chosen to send the relevant personnel to the military camp for care.

Of course, a certain Saudi prince who has gone completely crazy is completely out of their protection!

The movements of Saudi Arabia and other countries are completely under the control of Li Daniu.

Li Daniu couldn't help but sneered when he saw the spokespersons of Saudi Arabia and other countries on TV sternly rejecting New Tuvalu's request and protesting New Tuvalu's declaration of "solving the problem by itself".

"Why didn't they tell the whole world that they sent those 'terrorists' to the military camp for protection?"

Castro stood beside Li Daniu worriedly, and after hesitating for a while, he said, "Your Majesty, I believe in the combat effectiveness of your Royal Guard Battalion, but are you really going to **** people from their barracks?"

Li Daniu looked at Castro and said, "In your opinion, should those people be punished?"

Castro instantly became filled with righteous indignation, saying: "They must be punished, they must pay the price for what they did before!"

Li Daniu spread his hands and said, "Then do you have any questions?"

Castro was speechless.

Li Daniu continued: "Inform Burns that a press conference will be held tomorrow morning, and the content of the conference is that we have successfully captured all those who participated in the terrorist attack on the 9th, and will use the new Tuva Lu's law gives them the sanctions they deserve!"

Castro was shocked, with an incredulous expression on his face, his mouth was open and he couldn't speak.

Li Daniu guessed Castro's question, waved his hand, and said, "I haven't caught them yet, otherwise, it would be impossible for those countries to hold a press conference. However, my people... have already set off !"

Castro left Li Daniu's office in shock. When he conveyed the news to Burns who was also shocked and speechless, he hadn't recovered yet.

His Majesty's style of dealing with things... How many people can accept it?

Even bandits and robbers know that they need to negotiate at some point before doing anything, but their majesty the king, as the king of a country, never wants to solve the problem at the negotiating table with Saudi Arabia and other countries.

Announcements, warnings, threats, and straight to the punch!

Castro and Burns looked at each other, and both of them could see the worry in the other's eyes.

"I will start preparing for the press conference, but... this is not going to work." Burns said worriedly: "From the Japanese incident to the New Zealand incident, to the later Japanese nuclear expert incident, and now the Saudi and other countries' incidents. The king His Majesty's way of dealing with problems is becoming more and more simple and rude. I am worried that if this continues, will one day His Majesty the King directly conflict with the United States, China, and Russia?"

Castro also smiled wryly: "In the past, His Majesty the King knew how to use some checks and balances and public opinion methods to solve problems. But now...the wisdom of political skills should become more and more advanced? Why did you come to His Majesty the King? Is it getting lower and lower?"

How did these two people know that their Majesty the King used various checks and balances in the past only because of his limited strength. With the improvement of strength and the increase of cards, their majesty the king already has the confidence to be as hard as any country on earth.

In this case, why use checks and balances?

Hard fists are the truth!

After being silent for a while, Burns said, "I think His Majesty the King has some endocrine disorders?"

Castro looked at Burns in shock, and almost rushed to cover Burns' mouth.

Burns looked at Castro and smiled wryly, and said: "Your Majesty the King is young and but he has no way to channel his energy at all...? I think this is why His Majesty the King is getting more and more irritable. s reason."

Castro breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Prime Minister Burns, you scared me to death, so don't beat around the bush, okay?"

Burns gritted his teeth and said, "I've made a decision. I'll immediately begin the work of choosing a concubine for His Majesty the King. If this continues, I'm afraid that if we haven't added more members to the royal family, our new Tuvalu will go to war with the whole world." .”

Castro agreed, saying, "After getting married and having a child, His Majesty's heart...may be taken away, and it is impossible to be so impulsive when encountering anything."

Seeing that Castro didn't have any objections, Burns immediately called in his assistant and began to make arrangements.

Castro interjected, "Your Majesty is thin-skinned, we want to change our name!"

Burns nodded and said, "Why don't we have a new Miss Tuvalu contest?"

Castro frowned and said, "Is the layout a bit small? Look at Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss Earth, and so on. Each one is bigger than the other."

Burns smiled bitterly and said, "We can't be called Miss Universe, can we?"

The Prime Minister's assistant standing next to him suggested: "His Majesty the Great King said that he will land on the moon in the next few years. Why don't we use this name, or use this as a gimmick for competition rewards?"

"Miss Moon?"

Castro hesitated for a moment, and said, "His Majesty the King seems to have a soft spot for Chinese culture, and the word "Miss" in Chinese vocabulary..."

What is good at the top is effective at the bottom.

Burns immediately changed his words: "How about the goddess of the moon?"

"Uh, although it's a bit dirty, but... about the same!"

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