King Who Will Cross

Chapter 672: New Tuvalu's nuclear submarine fired!

A war between countries cannot be like eating a barbecue on the side of the road, and when you disagree with each other, you will get hot and pick up a beer bottle to fight. .

A beer bottle can at most cause a **** head, even if the knife is really used, it is only a life or two. But in wars between countries, guns are considered conventional weapons, as well as fighter jets, missiles, etc. How can it be quelled with one or two lives?

While everything in New Tuvalu is going on as usual, the senior leaders of Saudi Arabia and other countries are extremely nervous and flustered!

"Terminate all trade with New Tuvalu, and withdraw all the staff of our embassy in New Tuvalu. Then...recall those from our country who travel to New Tuvalu, and even some who have become New Tuvalu People from Citizen Lu."

This decision was passed at the first time, but after this decision, none of the other decisions passed!

Saudi Arabia is a monarchy, and the United Arab Emirates is a collection of emirates. It stands to reason that these two countries are the same. Even, compared to New Tuvalu, which maintains a constitutional monarchy on the surface, but is still a monarch in essence, it is more efficient.

However, facing the new Tuvalu thousands of miles away, neither Saudi Arabia nor the United Arab Emirates have many countermeasures! Not to mention Iran, the power dispute between the supreme leader and the president of the country makes it even more difficult for them to make decisions in a short period of time!

"When will the air tanker be in place?"

At the Saudi Supreme Defense Conference, Mohammad Saleh Khadima, the chief of staff of the Saudi Armed Forces, asked with a serious expression.

"The United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom and other countries have all refused to sell us aerial tankers!"

Hadima's expression twitched, and he said, "Since we don't sell our aerial refueling aircraft, then it is impossible for the United States to lend us their military base to fly around?"

Air tankers are not omnipotent. Normally, after being replenished by air tankers, the combat radius of fighter jets and bombers can be increased by between 30% and 40%. If it is possible to resupply multiple times, it will naturally be possible to achieve the combat goals on the five continents of the world.

However, the flight of an air tanker also needs fuel.

Without the cooperation of ground military bases, the strategic role of aerial refueling aircraft will not have much strategic significance at all!

"Yes, the Americans do not agree to us borrowing their military base!"

Khadima said bitterly: "We bought so much armament from the Americans and paid them so much money. Are they treating us like this now?"

No one in the conference room spoke, Hadima paused, and asked again: "Is there any problem for our Red Sea Fleet to pass through the Mandeb Strait?"

Saudi Arabia has two fleets, the Red Sea Fleet and the Persian Gulf Fleet!

Someone replied: "There is a problem. Yemen does not agree with our Red Sea Fleet passing through the Mandeb Strait. However, our Persian Gulf Fleet has no problem passing through the Strait of Hormuz!"

The front and back of Saudi Arabia are the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Among them, the only exit from the Persian Gulf is the Strait of Hormuz, and Iran, which has the right to blockade the Strait of Hormuz, is standing on the same front as Saudi Arabia at this time. would stop Saudi Arabia.

There are two exits from the Red Sea, one is that the Mandeb Strait is controlled by Yemen, and the other is the Suez Canal, which is diverted to the Mediterranean Sea.

The Suez Canal turns to the Mediterranean Sea, and then enters the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar, which can basically be ignored. Not only did it spare a lot of time, but it also had to be approved by more countries.

And the relationship between Yemen and Saudi Arabia...there's already a war between the two countries.

Khadima said angrily: "Yemen has no right to prohibit us from passing through the Mandeb Strait. They simply do not have the power to block the Mandeb Strait."

"Nominally. However, just like Iran's control of the Seamen of Hormuz, they have deployed ground firepower on the coastline of the Mandeb Strait..."

Khadima asked: "What does the Yemeni government say? We help them eliminate the Houthis in their country. Don't they know how to be grateful?"

"Effectively, the Yemeni government has lost control of their country."

"Trash!" Khadima said angrily, "Their government is a bunch of trash!"

Someone suggested: "Actually, Iran is behind the Houthis. If we reach a communication with Iran, we can suspend the conflict between us and the Houthis, so that our Red Sea Fleet can pass through the Mandeb Strait smoothly!"

Khadima got angry for a while and shouted: "Do you think Iran will admit it? Even if the whole world knows that they support the Houthi armed forces in Yemen, they will not admit it themselves!"

After the conference room was silent for a while, someone said: "If our Red Sea Fleet cannot get out, relying on the Persian Gulf Fleet alone will not be enough to deal a blow to New Tuvalu!"

Khadima shouted again: "Then what do you mean, we won't fight?"

"If we must fight, then we must join forces with Iran, the United Arab Emirates and other countries."

Li Daniu, who watched the entire meeting in Saudi Arabia, sneered in his king's villa.

"The situation in the Middle East is really complicated. Saudi Arabia and Iran have been fighting openly and secretly for so many years, and they still want to jointly send troops to fight against my new Tuvalu? Hehe... After you have discussed it, I guess my spaceship has been built. .”

Up to now, Li Daniu has begun to rejoice that the king he crossed over to become at that time was New Tuvalu, an island country surrounded by sea and located in the ocean. If it is the king of a landlocked country like Saudi Arabia, coupled with the constraints of various teachings in the Middle East, how can it develop so fast now?

"A country doesn't dare to beat me, so let you unite, and you can't unite! The United States is unwilling to help you beat me. Tell me, what are you trying to do?"

After Li Daniu made a general statement, he thought of the only decision against New Tuvalu passed by Saudi Arabia and other countries.

"You don't dare to fight, and you still engage in those small tricks. Wouldn't this seriously affect the tourism industry of my New Tuvalu? Even some patients who came to our New Tuvalu for medical treatment have postponed their trips."

Cutting off people's money is like killing their parents. Although Li Daniu doesn't care much about money anymore, New Tuvalu needs to develop.

How to develop without money?

After thinking about it, Li Daniu had someone call Colonel Ryan, the head of the New Tuvalu military, over.

"Arrange, let those two strategic-class nuclear submarines go to the Gulf of Oman to make an appearance!"

These two nuclear submarines on the surface of New Tuvalu were both snatched from the Americans. There is also a strategic-class nuclear submarine on the surface, which was purchased from Ukraine.

The crew and soldiers on the three strategic nuclear submarines are all camouflaged robots made by Li Daniu. But in name, the two strategic-class nuclear submarines snatched from the Americans belonged to Colonel Ryan's jurisdiction.

Colonel Ryan did not expect that His Majesty the King had not arranged through him for such a large-scale operation against global terrorist organizations in New Tuvalu. He originally thought that because of his immigration status, he did not have the trust of His Majesty the King.

However, after hearing this order, Colonel Ryan instantly felt supreme honor and trust!

"Your Majesty, I have also analyzed the situation facing our new Tuvalu recently." Colonel Ryan said with some excitement: "Just two phases are not enough to truly deter those countries!"

Li Daniu came interested and asked: "So, what do you mean?"

Colonel Ryan said: "Not only do we have to make an appearance in the Gulf of Oman, we must also use those two strategic nuclear submarines to launch missiles openly under the surveillance of other countries. Otherwise, they will think that our strategic nuclear submarine is a Display!"

"Very well, then it's up to you to arrange it yourself!"

Li Daniu is not worried that Colonel Ryan will mess around, because the two strategic nuclear submarines are all his camouflaged robots.

While Saudi Arabia and other countries were still discussing endlessly, they received emergency military notifications almost at the same time. Two strategic-class nuclear submarines painted with the new Tuvalu Navy emblem appeared in the Gulf of Oman.

After seeing the pictures and even video information provided by those other countries, they received a new notification before they had time to respond!

"The two new Tuvalu strategic nuclear submarines withdrew from the Gulf of Oman to the Arabian Sea, and then... launched two missiles on the sea."

The high-level leaders of Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and other countries suddenly became nervous: "Where did the missile hit?"

"It hit the surface of the sea. Judging from the power of the explosion and the range... If the two nuclear submarines are lurking in the Gulf of Oman, they can hit Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and other countries at the same time!"

The Gulf of Oman is located at the exit of the Strait of Hormuz, which meets the Arabian Sea.

Regardless of whether it is Iran or Saudi Arabia, the distance between the national border and the Gulf of Oman is within the missile range of the two strategic nuclear submarines.

"Is New Tuvalu crazy? Before we even said we would fight, they revealed the strategic-level nuclear submarine and released two **** missiles? The Americans dare not do that!"

"The United States is a federal country, while New Tuvalu is a monarchy!" (to be continued...)

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