King Who Will Cross

Chapter 682: The sunken US aircraft carrier!

The U.S. Pentagon received relevant information as soon as the U.S. dual-carrier naval formation that had arrived in Australia suffered an unknown attack!

Before figuring out the situation, the first reaction of everyone in the Pentagon command room was that New Tuvalu took the initiative to attack. .

"How dare they? How could they dare?"

Amidst the roar, a general in the command center began to pay attention to the combat situation at the scene while having people report to the top US military and the White House!

"One of our strategic-level nuclear submarines has been sunk, and the enemy's specific information has not been confirmed yet!"

"Our second strategic nuclear submarine was sunk, we... confirmed the enemy's information!"

On the central screen of the Pentagon's command room, the same picture as in the aircraft carrier's command room appeared, and the reaction was almost exactly the same!

Amidst countless exclamations, the real-time picture of the combat scene was called out.

In the huge dual aircraft carrier formation, there is a huge gap between each warship. The Global Hawk reconnaissance plane that just took off is flying at a position about 800 meters above sea level, faithfully conveying the pictures it took to the aircraft carrier command room and the Pentagon command center!

Between the two destroyers that were firing towards the sea, a hideous head suddenly popped out. Behind the head was a body covered with scales that was more than 70 meters long!

When the 'body' of more than 70 meters was completely exposed to the air, the double aircraft carrier formation, shocked by what they saw, subconsciously opened fire on the 'body' of more than 70 meters!

Amidst the roar, a shrill howl came from that ferocious head!

There was a loud bang, and the monster's body fell directly into the sea. In the picture sent back by the Global Hawk, you could even vaguely see the slightest redness rising from the sea!

"It was killed?"

Someone in the Pentagon breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second, a technician exclaimed: "It's still moving, very fast! It wasn't its body just now, it was its neck!"

Hearing the news that the monster was still moving, those who had just breathed a sigh of relief gasped. God knows how powerful the force was on the monster at that moment just now.

When they heard that the 'body' of more than 70 meters was just the neck of a monster, everyone in the command room of the Pentagon gasped.

The neck is more than 70 meters, so how big is its body?

When everyone couldn't believe that there was such a powerful monster on the earth, a destroyer that was closest to the monster shook suddenly on the sea surface, and then began to tilt!

"Report report! One of our destroyers has been attacked, the bottom of the hull is damaged, and it is listing!"

The sound of the report from the combat site made the Pentagon people at a loss. After the two nuclear submarines, another destroyer?

"Kill it to death. Could it be that, with the most advanced weapons in the world, you still can't hit a monster?"

After the general commander of the Pentagon command center roared, he heard the news that made his heart feel cold.

"We can't hit it. It's very fast and flexible on the bottom of the sea. Our torpedoes can't hit it at all!"

While talking, is it another destroyer or tilting!

Seeing that the dual aircraft carrier formation was about to be 'swallowed' by that monster little by little, the commander in the aircraft carrier command center reported to the Pentagon: "We demand that all warships and submarines be dispersed and use mass destruction Sexual weapon, range attack on the enemy!"

The advantages and disadvantages of the dual aircraft carrier formation are very obvious. Although the distance between each warship is very large, when they face weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear bombs, the consequences will be very miserable!

But now, a monster that swims under the surface of the sea where they are located and attacks them from time to time has completely restricted their most powerful ability.

Medium and long-range large-scale fire strikes!

The Pentagon's reply was very timely: "Agreed to the combat plan!"

In fact, at this time, the Pentagon's order is no longer effective for the dual aircraft carrier formation fighting on the spot. The general will not accept the orders of the emperor, let alone a complex and changeable modern war?

Before the Pentagon's order to confirm the operational plan was transmitted to the dual aircraft carrier formation, the commander of the aircraft carrier command center had already issued an order to disperse all warships and submarines.

However, the speed of the warship is nothing compared to the speed of the monster in the sea!

When all the warships were scattered, two frigates, a destroyer, and a nuclear submarine were sunk!

And in just ten minutes, the value of the shells bombed by the U.S. military exceeded one billion U.S. dollars!

If you count the sunk nuclear submarines and warships, the losses of the US military are undoubtedly very heavy.

But when those warships retreated to a safe distance, they found that they were still unable to use weapons of mass destruction.

Because in the battlefield just now, there were not only the sinking warships, but also the surviving American soldiers in the warships!

But that monster was very smart not to stay in the most open area, but kept chasing a certain warship. When it caught up, it directly used the 5-meter-long tentacles on its head to viciously attack the warship. stabbed on the warship.

However, dive directly to the bottom of the sea! Then at a very high speed, rush to another warship!

Although it is not far from the coastline of Australia, the depth of the sea is only a few hundred meters. But how much buffer will the sea water hundreds of meters deep provide to those weapons of mass destruction?

The direct hits of those shells in the air just now couldn't kill the monster, but instead aroused its ferocity. How much damage can it be caused by hundreds of meters of sea water now?

In the battle where the US military was shrinking, the Australian government that got the news also notified the US government as soon as possible!

"Nuclear weapons will not be allowed near our Australian coastline!"

Even though the relationship between Australia and the United States is like honey, who wants to let someone put a nuclear bomb on their doorstep?

The general commander in the Pentagon of the United States is obviously a white man, but his face is as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Just now, another frigate was sunk!

If it wasn't for a torpedo that directly hit the monster at a critical moment, their aircraft carrier would most likely be attacked by the monster too!

And after that torpedo directly hit the monster, the monster seemed to have been seriously injured. Of course, it is also possible that the cumulative damage received before exploded.

For a full ten minutes, those American ships scattered on the sea waiting to die never suffered any attack again!

"The sonar system... didn't find any traces of the think it is very likely that it chose to leave because of injuries!"

The battle that happened so suddenly that everyone couldn't react in time, ended very suddenly.

The aircraft carrier formation command center issued an order to start saving people, and the US troops stationed in Australia and the Australian Navy, who had been waiting on the shore for a long time, also started to rescue people in the sea in fear!

In the Poseidon base, Li Daniu, who watched the whole battle, was a little dissatisfied. Looking at the monster fleeing in the sea, Li Daniu ordered: "Ultron, force it back, if you don't sink an aircraft carrier for me today, Then don't even think about leaving!"


The monster, which was already more than ten nautical miles away from the US aircraft carrier formation, suddenly found an oval shield around it.


With a cry of grief, this monster was once again pulled near the US dual aircraft carrier formation!

And the shield that trapped it suddenly disappeared in an instant!

The U.S. military, which has just detected the roar of a monster more than ten nautical miles away from here, is devoting itself to the rescue of the U.S. military in the sunken ship.

They never expected that the monster that had fled would come back again!

Amidst the harsh sirens, the sonar monitor exclaimed, "It's back again."

There was a sudden burst of chaos, and before the US military could react, the US military in the aircraft carrier's command room heard a roar!

Then, they feel like they're off balance!

The monster's hateful blow naturally chose this artificial object that seemed to be the largest. After completing this attack, the monster took advantage of the situation to destroy two destroyers and a frigate, and then walked away under the attack of the US military!

This time, it didn't encounter any obstacles! (to be continued...)

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