King Who Will Cross

Chapter 93: Does your family know that you sing badly?

The efficiency of a headhunting company is directly proportional to the price that the employer can offer.

Li Daniu wanted to make money, so naturally he would not be stingy with headhunting fees, so when Li Daniu's number of fans rose to 3.5 million, he got dozens of resumes.

Among these resumes, some are unemployed and some are employed. However, the headhunting company said that no matter which one Li Daniu likes, they can arrange an interview. As for whether it is successful or not, it is not up to them.

After all, the boss has the power to choose the employees, and the employees also have the power to choose the boss.

After browsing through the resumes sent by the headhunting company, Li Daniu was shocked by the gorgeous resumes on each resume. These are all golden collars. Compared with Li Daniu, who used to be an ordinary employee in the leather bag company, the positions and annual salaries of these people are unimaginable.

However, now it is Li Daniu who picks and chooses among these people.

"System, I thank your eight generations of ancestors."

"Your words are more derogatory than commendatory."

Li Daniu has no shortage of general direction, creativity, and resources. Therefore, he does not need creative talents, nor does he need talents who are more talented than disciplined.

What Li Daniu wanted was the kind of subordinate who could complete the tasks he assigned in a down-to-earth manner, and who could consider the details that Li Daniu would not consider.

Therefore, after Li Daniu screened a part of the resume, he directly contacted him for an interview according to the address on the resume and the distance from him.

Regarding the interview, Li Daniu only has the experience of the interviewer, as for the experience of the interviewer, it can be said to be close to zero.

However, there is food at home, so don't panic. It is impossible for Li Daniu to be frightened now.

The interview took a total of three days, and Li Daniu also enjoyed the power of the boss to select employees.

During these three days, besides the interview, Li Daniu has been paying attention to his eyebook.

Since he released those two posts, the number of fans has risen to more than four million that night, and the next day, the crazy reports on Li Daniu's two posts by the Internet media have triggered a new round of Attention.

More fans, more reports, more right and wrong.

Li Daniu was unfortunately brought into the rhythm by the newly added fans.

The cause of the incident was that a singer with 8 million followers on Eye Book reposted Li Daniu's second post and commented: "You can see how greedy the monarch is in a dictator's country by looking at the deposits. The most pathetic It's amazing that the money is being spent on building a flashy airport instead of actually going to the people."

Tuvalu is too small, and there are no secrets in the whole country except Li Daniu.

Everyone can find out the annual financial income of Tuvalu, and everyone knows that Li Daniu's "Lord of the Rings" was mortgaged to the New Zealand government for the loan to buy the Auckland Islands. Therefore, everyone is curious about how Li Daniu has so many deposits.

There are various arguments on the Internet, and the most controversial one is the property left by the old king to Li Daniu. After all, the old king has also been the king of Tuvalu for 30 to 40 years. For the head of a country, it is not unacceptable.

The reason for the controversy is mainly because Tuvalu is known as one of the least developed countries.

One side believes that when the living standards of the people in Tuvalu are extremely low, the king has plundered so much wealth, which shows how greedy the old king is.

The other party believes that even if the old king accumulated the money by scratching the ground, it has nothing to do with Li Daniu. He just inherited the money, not the wealth he subjectively wanted to search for. Moreover, Li Daniu is now willing to take out the money as the construction cost of Tuvalu, which shows Li Daniu's character.

The controversy reached a climax after the singer posted the status. Netizens were divided into three factions, one group began to criticize the old king non-stop, and the other group pointed the finger at Li Daniu, saying that he should really use the money for the people instead of doing some flashy image projects.

The last faction had the smallest number of people. Because of "The Lord of the Rings", they chose to wait for Li Daniu's explanation before the truth came out.

Li Daniu didn't think too much before posting his deposit certificate. He is not Zhuge Liang, and everything can be predicted. The reason why I posted the deposit certificate is just to tell others that I am not only planning to build the airport that everyone thinks exceeds the standard, but also have the ability to build it.

But I didn't expect that such a big controversy would be triggered on the Internet.

As the person involved, Li Daniu actually didn't want to explain why he had so many deposits, because his money came from something unclear, and he couldn't explain where the batch of diamonds he sold came from. .

However, when he found that his fans began to drop because of this controversy, he couldn't help it. Losing fans is actually not a big deal, but Li Daniu has to pay attention to the reason for losing fans, that is, his character is suspected by others.

When the character of a public figure is doubted and loses the attention of fans, then the public figure will have nothing.

Although Li Daniu is different from other public figures and does not rely on fans for food, fans will play a very important role in future plans, so Li Daniu decided to solve this matter.

After thinking about it, I really can't think of how to explain that I have so many diamonds, and all of them are high-quality goods, even some pink diamonds and blue diamonds, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sell them at such a high price.

At this moment, Li Daniu really hoped that his IQ could improve a bit.

"System, you can't get attribute points like other systems, so I can add my IQ, or have a function to summon a counselor?"

"No! In addition, I need to remind you that when solving certain problems, what is needed is not IQ, but EQ."

Choked by the system, Li Daniu gave up relying on external forces and began to use the wisdom of ordinary citizens.

Ask Burns to send over the statistics of the income and consumption records of the Tuvalu royal family over the years, and Li Daniu uploads screenshots to Yanshu News and writes.

"Please don't insult the king who ran to death for Tuvalu and didn't enjoy a day. If you have any questions, please come to me."

Li Daniu still can’t call a stranger’s and he’s still a foreigner, after all, Li Daniu is a native Chinese.

The screenshots of Li Daniu explain in detail the income and expenditure of the Tuvalu royal family for so many years, and the royal family funds of 500,000 US dollars per year, most of which are used by the old king in various countries around the world, for the future of Tuvalu Running around with basic necessities of life.

Looking at these consumptions alone, it is completely unbelievable that this is the living standard of the head of a country.

After this news was posted, many netizens stopped judging the old king. Although there are still a small number of people who think that these data are fake, they are no longer a cause for concern, because the consumption records can be queried, when did they live in which country? You can find out what level of hotel it is.

When a king, when attending a United Nations meeting, lives in a place like an express hotel, what else is there to say?

And Li Daniu's sentence, what's the problem, come to me, and it instantly became a buzzword on the Internet.

Seeing that a lot of people's new posts were aimed at me, Li Daniu thought of what to write in the second post, and, when posting this post, he also @ the singer who criticized him.

"It needs to be explained that this money has nothing to do with Tuvalu, it is only related to me personally. As for why I have so much money, guess what? And that singer who doesn't sing well, your singing is so bad, you Does the family know?"

Can the Internet catchphrases of the previous Tianchao conquer the American Internet users? Li Daniu doesn't know, but he just wants to muddy the water. If the water is muddy, Li Daniu will have a way to divert the attention of netizens with other Huo's serial works are all available at users please go to read.

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