King Who Will Cross

Chapter 958: My weapon = my world!

When Vision opened his eyes again and saw Li Daniu standing in front of him, he felt a void in his heart...

This is because he lost the soul gem, but in fact, his body felt more full of energy. It is stronger than when it has the mind stone.

"what is this?"

Vision touched his forehead, where the Mind Stone was originally, and felt a piece of metal of unknown material, so he couldn't help asking.

Li Daniu, standing in front of Vision, smiled and said, "It's called Matrix, and it's an energy substitute I prepared for you."

Vision looked at the glass porthole next to him, and in the reflection, there was an extra piece of metal the size of an adult's thumb on his forehead. A reverse S-shape with a very small radian, with a bulge in the middle and protruding to both sides.

Looks like a dart?

In the feeling of illusion, this metal called matrix has been completely integrated with him. And what he felt in his body, the incomparably full, more powerful energy than when he had the soul gem, came from this matrix.

"What is it? I feel that it is more powerful than the energy of the soul gem. Why would you give it up and choose the soul gem?"

Looking at the bewildered vision, Li Daniu sighed inwardly.

Young man, you really don't know anything about power. How can the energy of the matrix be compared with the infinite gems?

The so-called feeling of greater energy is just because Vision has not obtained the real usage of the Mind Stone before, and the energy supply that can be obtained is only an unknown fraction of the Mind Stone.

But now, under the operation of Li Daniu, the matrix has become the energy source of the phantom. Therefore, there is no fraction at all, but all the energy possessed by the matrix can be used by illusion.

Therefore, this illusion arises.

"The matrix is ​​an energy storage device that I have developed. It can absorb the energy of stars and store it with the help of an instrument."

Li Daniu explained: "Now, the matrix above your head stores 70% of the energy of a young star that is only 1 billion years old."

The illusion was stunned instantly. The lifespan of a star is billions of years. A young star with a lifespan of only 1 billion years can shine and heat for at least 3 billion years, or even 4 billion years. It is conceivable that the energy contained in it How huge.

"You mean..." Vision said with some horror: "If I didn't control the matrix well and let its energy explode, then the earth could be destroyed in an instant?"

Li Daniu nodded and said: "Of course, and even if the entire earth is destroyed at once, it is impossible to exhaust its energy. How about this substitute I prepared for you, isn't it good?"

It's not just good, it's about to explode.

Vision really didn't understand why Li Daniu did this, with such a huge amount of energy, he gave up as soon as he said he would. Think about those villains on the earth, all of them want to destroy the earth, but who can really do it?

This kind of power turned out to be the person in front of him, who could give up at will. So, how powerful is he?

Li Daniu looked at the bewildered illusion, and felt funny in his heart. After possessing 4 infinite gems, let alone a matrix used to absorb star energy, even if it is a fire source that has stored dozens of star energy, it is not enough. He was put in the eyes of Li Daniu.

According to the setting of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Infinity Stones are condensed from six singularities at the time of the Big Bang. One singularity forms a universe, and the energy possessed by six singularities is compared to one star, or even a hundred stars...

Giving this to Vision is not only to give Vision a substitute, but also because Vision's body is made of vibrating gold, and he can withstand this energy.

"Another point."

Li Daniu looked at the illusion that hadn't recovered and said: "Because of your combination with the matrix, you can absorb the energy of stars from now on."

The phantom is speechless, he can't use up the energy in this matrix at all, and it doesn't seem to make sense to absorb energy or something.

Li Daniu was very concerned about this point. He was even thinking, if the current Vision and Superman were to fight, who would lose and who would win?

Superman's body is powerful, but Vision's body is made of vibrating gold, which is not only very hard, but also has the strongest energy-absorbing effect in the universe.

Looking at the 'more powerful' illusion, Li Daniu has already made a decision in his heart, that is to create his own illusion.

The illusion that came back to his senses looked at Li Daniu and said: "You have given me such a powerful power, so are you not afraid that I will **** the soul gem back?"

Li Daniu said indifferently: "You can try."

He has already started planning his own 'Vision', so naturally he won't worry about the backlash of this level of power. Although Zhenjin is strong, it is not indestructible.

Even the combination of vibration gold and Adamantium alloy is not worth mentioning in front of him now.

Not to mention his own strength, the combination of four infinite gems can allow him to easily destroy the current illusion, and he will not even be given the chance to self-destruct.

Vision said blankly: "What about now? Can I leave?"

Li Daniu nodded and said, "Of course you can leave, you don't need me to take you back, do you?"

Vision glanced at the universe outside the porthole and said, "Although I don't know what your purpose is, if you really want to destroy Thanos, I can help."

Li Daniu waved his hand, did not speak, but directly opened the hatch of the spaceship, and watched Vision fly out.

"You help me destroy Thanos?"

After Vision left, Li Daniu cloned 'Friday' on the spaceship and set off for the land of no man.

"Now I, do I still need to worry about Thanos?"

Li Daniu was already stronger than Thanos, not to mention getting four infinite gems now? Even if the other two Infinity Stones were taken by Thanos, it was just 'helping' him get them.

When Li Daniu finds Thanos, that's when he gets the power gem.

"It's such a pity that I haven't been able to meet the gods in this universe, the court of life, and the gods of chaos and order."

These powerful characters in Marvel comics have not appeared so far. In "Guardians of the Galaxy", there is a scene where the appearance of the Celestial Group is suspected. However, because there is no clear setting, these powerful "gods" will not appear in the movie universe where Li Daniu is located.

Hela was able to appear, naturally because her setting had already appeared and appeared in the trailer.

When the spacecraft went to the land of no Li Daniu also began to study the four infinite gems.

The current him is many times stronger than when he was almost exploded by the energy of the power gem. Moreover, because he has mastered the Time Stone for more than 25 years and the Mind Stone for a long time, he is able to touch four Infinity Stones at the same time and use their power.

"Unfortunately, some gemstones cannot display their abilities in other worlds."

Li Daniu frowned. The system had reminded him before that, for example, the time gem can change the power of time because it represents the time rules in this universe. In another world, although its own energy has not decreased, it can no longer control the time of another world.

For others, the time gem, which cannot control time, is of little use. But for Li Daniu, he doesn't need to use the time gem to control time.

His purpose is to use 6 infinite gems to forge a weapon that belongs to him!

No matter which infinite gem it is, it doesn't matter to Li Daniu whether it can affect the rules in another world. Because what he needs is just to let these rules act on the weapon itself.

The power of time cannot be applied to other things, but it can be applied to the weapon itself. Not only can it cooperate with the space gem to allow this weapon to have endless storage space, but it can also allow the time in this storage space to be controlled by Li Daniu. control.

Even, with the Reality Gem, Soul Gem, and Mind Gem, Li Daniu can become the creator and an all-knowing and omnipotent existence in the space owned by this weapon.

The combination of the power gem and several other gems can ensure the indestructibility of this weapon.

"My weapon is my world, I really... look forward to it!"

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