King Who Will Cross

Chapter 981: The whole world against New Tuvalu!

After more than a year of preparation, the major powers of the earth, except for New Tuvalu, all believe that they have the military strength to deal with the monster crisis.

For example, space-based satellite weapons, in addition to China's "Houyi" satellite, the United States also launched the "God" satellite, Russia launched the "Guardian" satellite, and the European Union jointly launched the "Thor" satellite.

So far, there are more than 9 space-based satellite-like weapons in geosynchronous orbit. Therefore, when New Tuvalu transported the space-based satellite away, the countries did not respond at all.

Can nine space-based satellite-like weapons be inferior to two space-based satellites?

Before the launch of the space-based satellite in New Tuvalu, the United States, China, and Russia already had similar weapon construction plans, but because they were not practical, they did not carry out in-depth research. After the monster crisis appeared, countries finally understood the power of this weapon, and naturally began to invest manpower and material resources in its development.

After Huaxia, the successful launch of space-based satellites from other countries is a clear proof!

On July 17, 2021, earth time, the "Mars Summit" guard fleet located in a certain coordinate sea area in the central Pacific Ocean used equipment provided by New Tuvalu to capture space fluctuations in advance.

Within a minute, the alarm sounded from the guarding fleet to the whole world.

The various parties entered a state of combat readiness immediately, and the leaders of the various parties at the 'Mars Summit' also established remote connections immediately.

As the sole member of the 'Mars Summit', General Ryan, the head of the New Tuvalu military, is going to take command of this operation in accordance with the previous relevant agreements.

"I refuse. I think New Tuvalu, which does not have space-based satellites, is not qualified to take command of this war."

US President Miller has entered his second and last term as US President.

When the leaders of various parties were preparing to fight online, Miller suddenly launched an attack in the connection between the heads of state of the countries. This incident, except for Prime Minister Burns of New Tuvalu, and members of the Pacific Treaty Organization such as Australia, The heads of other countries did not seem surprised.

Burns' expression did not change at all. He has been the Prime Minister of New Tuvalu for nearly 10 years. He has experienced so many ups and downs in these years, and he has already established a calm state of mind.

"Your objection is invalid!"

Burns didn't give Miller any face at all. In the online meeting of the summits of the countries, he said bluntly: "According to the previous agreement, our country has the combat command right. You can refuse to send troops, but you must be prepared to bear Some kind of consequence!"

Not to mention how powerful New Tuvalu is now, but the result of the previous war between the United States and New Tuvalu can give Burns such confidence.

Miller did not feel any indignation because of Burns' words. Instead, he laughed and said, "In the name of the President of the United States, I announce that the United States will unilaterally withdraw from the 'Mars Summit'."

Burns stared coldly at the American President Miller on the screen in front of him. He felt that something was wrong, because the American President absolutely did not have the courage to overturn the tabletop that New Tuvalu had placed.


As expected by Burns, the Russian Emperor also said: "In the name of the Russian President, I declare that we, Russia, will unilaterally withdraw from the 'Mars Summit'."

Next, China, England, France...

More than 12 countries suddenly announced their withdrawal from the "Mars Summit", which made other heads of state instantly confused.

To become the head of a country, it is impossible to have a low IQ. They immediately understood, how could this be a 'unilateral' withdrawal? It was the joint demolition of New Tuvalu.

Moreover, these 12 countries are the 12 most powerful countries on earth except New Tuvalu and Australia. Whether it is economy, military, or even population, it ranks at the forefront of all countries on earth.

If these 12 countries are really united successfully, will the international situation on earth still be led by New Tuvalu?

All of a sudden, the heads of state began to analyze the pros and cons, hoping to gain more benefits when they chose to stand in line this time.

"The focus of New Tuvalu is now on the development of new stars. Their manpower, material resources, etc. have all completed the shift of focus."

A staff officer of a certain country has written a paragraph next to the head of his own country.

"In addition to space-based satellites, we suspect that many fighter jets and transport planes in New Tuvalu have also been transported to the new star to clean up the creatures that threaten humans on the new star. According to the report brought back by the people we sent to the new star However, I often hear a huge sound like a missile explosion near the Nova human settlement, as well as the huge airflow sound produced by fighter jets flying at high speed and low altitude."

The intelligent life apes on Nova will not pose any threat to human beings. However, those relatively large carnivorous creatures due to the special environment, although they are not comparable to the monsters that have appeared on the earth, there are still very large ones. threaten.

This point, New Tuvalu did not hide from the world.

The head of a certain country instantly understood that the reason why those countries launched troubles was because now is the time when New Tuvalu's strength is the weakest, and if New Tuvalu wants to develop new stars, it must rely on resources from other countries. At such a time, how dare New Tuvalu go to war against the whole world?

In just a few minutes, the heads of many countries have already obtained the analysis reports.

It is precisely because of these 'very correct' analysis reports that most of them made their choice.

Contact the '12 Nations League' to confirm your team!

At this time, Admiral Ryan had found that he was unable to command the 'Allied Forces', not only the fleets of 12 countries that directly rejected his order and started to act privately, but also some countries, after accepting the order, they did not take command at all. Impressed!

"Help me contact Prime Minister Burns and His Majesty the King!"

The situation was urgent, Admiral Ryan immediately chose to ask for help, and Burns, one of the people he asked for help, was also a little confused at this time.

The current situation is completely equivalent to the "global anti-New Tuvalu". If it is just a command of military operations to deal with the monster crisis, it will not make him lose his footing. However, this incident will inevitably lead to a more dire situation.

That is, New Tuvalu cannot purchase the resources it needs from various countries and thus cannot develop new stars. Even, it will affect the stability of the domestic situation!

Burns hurriedly contacted His Majesty the King, and after reporting the situation, both he and Admiral Ryan received orders from His Majesty the King.

"The combat objective has changed from defending against monster invasions to ensuring the national security of the members of the 'Mars Summit'. Of course, the premise is that those countries that remain in the 'Mars Summit' are willing to accept our military orders."

"Before transforming the strategic location for defense against monster invasion from the space passage in the center of the Pacific Ocean to the gates of various countries."

"Announce the news of the space channel to the outside world, and at the same time, announce the choices of various countries."

After receiving the order, Burns began to contact those countries that had not announced their withdrawal from the 'Mars Summit', and Admiral Ryan began to re-issue military orders.

When the space channel in the center of the Pacific Ocean has been completely stabilized, Burns and Admiral Ryan confirmed the country that really stayed at the 'Mars Summit'.

Australia, New Zealand, and other small countries in the South Pacific region.

The location of the country, beyond the scope of the South Pacific, all countries have changed. They either directly announced their withdrawal, or listened to the announcement, and prepared to wait and see before making a decision.

"Very well, as long as Australia and New Zealand do not withdraw, our first phase of the new star development plan will not be affected by the shortage of materials. And our domestic supply of various materials will not change."

Australia has a vast territory and rich resources, and New Zealand's agriculture and industry are also quite competitive in the international community. With the support of these two countries, New Tuvalu will not lack the resources to supply 50 million people and the new star development plan in a short time !

Li Daniu laughed in satisfaction, and said, "Ao Chuang, let go of the 'cage'!"

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