King Who Will Cross

Chapter 988: start collecting bills

The ideas of various countries actually coincide with Li Daniu's current ideas.

After the monster invasion, in order to avoid their own country one after another. Cities worth trillions were destroyed by monsters, and countries had to pay incredible protection fees to New Tuvalu.

At the time, it seemed like a good deal.

For example, Tokyo, Japan, a world-renowned metropolis, was completely destroyed by a Godzilla within a day, and the direct economic losses incurred exceeded hundreds of billions of Singapore dollars. And the subsequent reconstruction work, I don't know how much it will cost.

The most important thing is that the industrial chain driven by an international metropolis is closely related to tens of millions of people. How will these tens of millions of people be resettled after the city is destroyed?

Compared to the 100 billion Singapore dollars paid for eliminating Godzilla, this business is really a bargain.

However, when New Tuvalu wiped out a few holding monsters a day, when New Tuvalu only took 2 hours to wipe out Godzilla that destroyed four Japanese metropolises, the Japanese really sat Can't stop.

100 billion Singapore dollars, in exchange for how many hours did you send troops?

Is there any reason for this?

When the countries finally understand that those giant monsters, those monsters that can destroy an international metropolis that took decades or even hundreds of years to build in a few hours, are worthless in front of the powerful military forces of New Tuvalu When I mentioned it, I felt that it was unreasonable.

"I can help them avoid trillions of losses, they are willing to give us 100 billion appearance fees, which seems reasonable."

Li Daniu said: "However, when I earned the 100 billion, it only took two hours, so no one would be happy. Even if, I can still prevent them from losing trillions of dollars."

In the New Tuvalu Palace, just after Burns reported on the fourth batch of new star immigrants, he began to report on the reactions of the countries concerned.

At this time, upon hearing His Majesty's words, Burns said with a determined face: "Your Majesty, there are still hundreds of monsters. As long as we don't send troops, those monsters will definitely continue to invade other countries. As long as those countries dare not pay , then they will wait to bear greater losses."

Burns was absolutely loyal to His Majesty the King. He completely ignored the citizens of other countries whose families were ruined due to the invasion of monsters.

Li Daniu said with a smile: "Burnes, how long do you think it will take to pay off the 21 trillion Singapore dollars he owes us with the current economic strength of the United States?"

So far, the United States has experienced a total of 21 giant monster invasions, and the smaller skeleton reptiles are even more uncountable, because the reproductive ability of skeleton reptiles is simply incredible.

So far, the number of skeleton reptiles that humans have eliminated has exceeded 2100, far exceeding the number of skeleton reptiles that rushed out of the space channel.

Burns replied: "Your Majesty, it doesn't matter if you can't change it. As we said before, there is no money to use resources to compensate. Actually, I hope they can't pay back the money. In that way, we can Obtain the right to exploit various mineral resources in the United States in a fair and honest manner."

"We mine and use it ourselves. Compared with buying mineral resources from them before, or even some finished products that have been processed, we don't know how much money we will save."

New Tuvalu's new star development plan requires countless resources, and these resources can only rely on other countries. Previously, New Tuvalu passed the two global conventions of the Moon Summit and the Mars Summit to make it impossible for other countries to refuse to sell them resources. But, it's just that you can't refuse to sell it, but if you sell it, how can there be no profit in it?

Now, as a creditor, New Tuvalu can fully exploit mineral resources in the United States by itself, build factories in the United States, and recruit workers. Moreover, whether it is New Tuvalu mining, smelting, manufacturing, or even the last step of transportation to New Tuvalu, there is no need to pay a penny.


Sorry, your country still owes our country 21 trillion yuan.

With such a big profit, what is the apparent profit of tens of billions of Huaxia coins! That's why Burns insisted on implementing the previous agreement.

Li Daniu shook his head and said: "On the surface, they will still give us a high protection fee in order to avoid losses. But in fact, there are so many monsters, you can tell me, if we destroy them all, we can get How many national debts to other countries in total?"

Without waiting for Burns to answer, Li Daniu said again: "And last year, what was the world's GDP? Our manpower is limited. Even these arrears can be repaid with resources, but in fact, we completely take How much more than a hundred years will we have to wait for the resources we need?"

"There is still one account you haven't settled. How long will it take for the world to stabilize, how long will it take to resume production, and how long will it take for us to develop new stars without any scruples if we continue to fight like this?"

Burns opened his mouth and was speechless. He really didn't think of so many problems, because he felt that His Majesty the King was in his youth, and he was injected with the evolution potion at the age of thirty. It is still the heyday of Spring and Autumn.

But he didn't know that His Majesty the King had long wanted to get everyone to the new star. The earth is a mess, who wants whoever wants it, and my journey is the sea of ​​stars and endless space!

Li Daniu said: "I agree to sell the 'black hole' series of weapons to countries, and to provide countries with space-based satellite-like weapons positioning systems and monster mode analysis systems. Of course, for the latter item, they must hand over their space-based satellites Give us to run and use. In exchange, we can use the spacecraft for free to help them replace the ammunition of space-based satellites."

"Burns, you have to know that billions of resources are already enough for us to develop the first phase of Nova. After the first phase of development is over, the population of Nova will definitely exceed 50 million. By then, it will be completely possible. achieve self-sufficiency.”

"Moreover, because the physical fitness and educational level of the new stars far exceed the average level of the earth, the development speed of our new stars is definitely much faster than that of the earth. It will not take long before we can really announce that our new map Valu is the Star Empire!"

"After so many years of experience, your structure is already very big. However, it is not enough."

Li Daniu made a conclusion: "Because we should not set our sights on the earth now, but on the new stars, or even on the countless planets in the universe that are suitable for human survival!"

Burns was so excited by Li Daniu's words, he wished he could rush to the new star now and start developing the new star.

However, in the next few years, or even ten years, the earth will still be the pillar for the development of Nova, and New Tuvalu must be guarded.

"Your Majesty, rest assured~ The sale of weapons, I will definitely be able to get countries to provide us with expensive resources again. Moreover, I will now start asking countries for accounts and start building factories in their countries , mining resources to manufacture the materials we need.”

Burns suddenly laughed and said, "Your Majesty, it's actually a very good time now. The countries are in chaos, there are many unemployed people, and the economy is close to collapse. If we come to collect the bills at this time, there will definitely be more for great benefit."

Li Daniu shook his head again and said: "This is just one of them. What you need to do most is to plunder the population of other countries. Think about it, the earth is so chaotic, but our New Tuvalu and Xinxing are safe and stable. People from other countries, why don’t they come to our new star?”

Burns suddenly realized that His Majesty the King was not only trying to get resources from other countries to New Tuvalu, but also people from other countries to New Tuvalu, and then send them all to Nova.

"However, the quality of people from other countries is uneven, will it affect our new star development plan?"

Li Daniu sneered, and said: "I will choose the best. I only need 200 million people. Even if there are troublemakers among the 200 million people, so what? In troubled times, you need to use heavy codes, and you need to use heavy codes to develop new stars."

"If you are disobedient, you know what to do!"

Burns took a deep breath, as if he had seen the human blood left on the nova.

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