King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 2262

Society is such an unfair place, even in the special field of Academy City. Many students who have been nailed to the incapacitated (LEVEL0) are abandoning themselves, complaining about others, and some of them even retaliate against those capable. .

These academy cities are not uncommon. There are many informal organizations created by the incompetent. Some of them are to hug together and prevent the insults of those who are capable; others are simply for mutual comfort. Wounds; as for those who act with revenge, they are just criminals who distort'justice'.

At least Leizi thinks so. She is also incapacitated. However, so far, she has not had any thoughts of self-defeating and abandoning herself, let alone complaining about others, and imposing this kind of unfairness on the twisted mentality of those capable. During the semester's ability test, the final result of "LEVEL0" will make her feel lost for a while, but soon, she will cheer up again. She is an optimist and puts the trouble of ability awakening behind. , Just let it go.

Therefore, since bidding farewell to his parents and younger brother to the Academy City, the tears have been very happy.

She lives in the happiness of an ordinary girl, likes gossip, pursues fashion, and worships celebrities. Of course, she also has to dress up. The five-petal plum blossom-shaped white hair accessory is the interpretation of the beauty of tears.

Although it is just an ordinary girl, the tears also have unusual places, such as the nose that can smell the'gossip' and'treasures' hidden in the city. Of course, this is actually just a tearful rhetoric, but It's just to give myself an excuse for being passionate about'urban legends'.

As for whether or not there is such an ability, no one can prove it.

And now, what Leizi did, if he succeeded, would probably be able to justify his'special ability'.

Urban legend "Shadow Metal (SHADOW.METAL)"-legend, this kind of treasure is a metal that does not exist in nature only when the abilities of tens or even hundreds of abilities occur. Therefore, it is only used in the big star festival There is a chance to get it, and because of its rarity, it can definitely sell at a very high price.

It happens to be during the annual Big Domination Festival in the Academy City. Although the school of the tears is now competing with other elementary schools, it is completely different from the noble schools that are full of abilities. Will go to participate in the competition with the capable person, she has finished her own project, now it is her personal'treasure hunt' time.


Finally, after walking through a few streets, tearful eyes flashed a fist.

"It's here!"

The alley on the left, the goal is there!

"It can't be wrong! With my super-conscious nose for money! The legendary SHADOW.METAL is there!"

Leizi's radar nose locked on the target, and she cheered herself up, then took a deep breath, and stepped into the alley on the left with an extremely expectant and nervous mood.


Tears screamed at what came into view, but then frowned inexplicably.

"Huh? What is this?"

It’s not a shiny metal, nor a valuable treasure. It’s a box, a huge cubic cardboard box large enough to hold a person. If the tears are not dazzling, then this is the one lying not far from her. Kind of stuff.

"Could it be that SHADOW.METAL is in the box?"

Tears' eyes lit up, and he found a good explanation like self-comfort.

Even if the box is not SHADOW.METAL, a brand-new big box placed in such a place will always make people feel curiosity, and tears are precisely the kind of curiosity that can kill cats, so she quickly Made a decision.

Let's see what happened in the past!But be careful and run immediately if something goes wrong!Yes, she is only LEVEL0. If she gets involved in trouble in such a remote alley, she will have no resistance at all.

So Tears swallowed his throat and cautiously approached the big box.

Step by step, as the tears approached, a trace of cold sweat began to gush out on her forehead.

Excited because of this unusual tension!Finally, the tears reached a place half a meter away from the box. If you are here, you can see the contents clearly as long as you stand on your tiptoe and poke your head down.

Taking a deep breath again, tears supported the wall, stood on tiptoe, and stretched his neck.


However, when Tears saw the contents of the box, they couldn't help being stunned.

people?This is the first feeling of tears.

Girl?This is the second feeling of tears.

Curled up in the box, is a lovely girl with silver and purple hair, wearing a large and thin dress.....

Chapter 0008

"No way! It seems that the strategy has to be changed!"

After venting his anger, the boy, Ye, began to plan carefully for his first mission.

The condition is to be adopted by someone in the Academy City, then foreign tourists will be excluded first, so he will appear in an area that is not open to the outside world even if it is the Da Ba Star Festival.

Secondly, since it was adopted by someone in the academy city, this "someone" includes students occupying eight floors, faculty, guards, administrators, business operators, etc.

The guards and administrative personnel were the first to be excluded, because once you encounter such a person, the first thing is to confirm the identity, and if you can’t get the ID of the Academy City, then his fate must be deported. It may even be detained for investigation.

The next thing is to exclude business operators. These people are full of "money, money, money," not to mention that everyone is only interested in interests. Even if there are good people, they will at most treat him as a beggar. Put some food or small money next to the box. Will not kindly take in an unknown child, because no one wants to be okay and get into unnecessary trouble.

The third type of exclusion is faculty and staff. Why?It stands to reason that they should be the most caring group. Didn’t they compare teachers to “angels”?Do not!The reality is cruel, especially in the semi-procedural "science capital" like Xueyuan City. Of course, it cannot be generalized. Everything has two sides. Ye does not doubt that there are a few good teachers in this city.

But he didn't have the ID of Academy City. It was a misfortune. Even if he met those good teachers, he would be handed over to the guard in all likelihood.

All in all, adults are the first target he eliminated, because this type of group is the most difficult to fool and has various problems.

So in the end, the target range can only be set in the student group.

Living alone, unobtrusive, not too old or too young, it is best to be a girl, um, if you can grasp one or two things, it would be better, but the students in academy city seem to basically live in the dormitory , This is a difficult problem.

So simply look for those who drop out of school?This is a good idea. Even if they are'picked up' by these people, they just have to use their fists to make them succumb. But the point is, he came to this school not for his "fun and passion" life.It’s okay to play this kind of game occasionally. If you stay with a group of guys who are full of sweat, feet, cigarettes, and alcohol all day long, well, let’s pass directly. Although Ye has no cleanliness, this kind of rot He still doesn't want to try his life.

It seems that only regular students can be selected.

But even if you are a regular student, there are two options before you, boys?Still a girl?If you choose a boy, then it will probably be much easier. Even if the opponent is unwilling, a little toughness can make him succumb, but Ye Shi is unwilling to be reconciled to the school life in the future, mixing with a'friend', if it is a virus The Great God' is not blocked, it is estimated that it will definitely laugh, and then encourage Ye to pick up soap.

Of course, Ye also thought about finding someone casually and pretending to be'picked up', and then kicked that person and found a place to stay by himself.

This is the simplest and easiest way, but he dare not bet!The enchantress in England is known for her black belly. If she does not meet her requirements, she can do everything. If Ye Gan takes advantage of her words, then immediately, she will retaliate with a tooth for a tooth, and will double her revenge.

For example-"Ah, don't worry, Ye Jiang, accidentally slipped your hand and sent out your XXX, oh really, I'm really clumsy, I've never been very familiar with this kind of scientific stuff Good at it, don't blame me~" The demon definitely did this kind of thing, and she didn't hesitate at all.

I remember one time Ye Shi couldn’t help but scolded her, “The old woman who lived for a long time.” As a result, the enchantress smiled and threatened with the handle, forcing Ye to replace it with all kinds of things. I also took countless private photos.

Of course, Ye has also resisted. For example, he broke into her bedroom, tied her up while she was asleep, and threatened fiercely. But in the end, the demon girl not only did not compromise, she also said with a pitiful face: "If it is Ye Jiang It doesn’t matter what I do~", I added a sentence after finishing saying: "Ah, I forgot to say, in fact, there is a triggering technique in Puritanism, as long as I use my mind to think 'Once, something I hid in a secret place, it will automatically be revealed.Well, maybe it will suddenly fall from the sky over the entire UK like rain~" That night, the end result was that Ye was forced to replace the house full of "collections" that the enchantress did not know where to search, and finally She was treated as a pillow and tossed all night. Since then, Ye never dared to break into the enchanted girl's bedroom.

Well, this kind of black history doesn't matter (if you want to see Ye's black history, I have the opportunity to write about it in future memories).

All in all, with the devilish nature of the enchantress, you must never play the game of exploiting loopholes with her. Maybe she deliberately reveals the flaws, or the loopholes are waiting for you to exploit them, and the final result will be regret.

Therefore, Ye can only obediently follow her meaning.

"Tsk! Don't let me get caught in the future! Otherwise, I will definitely get it back from you ten times and one hundred times!"

Putting down a sentence fiercely, Ye made a bold decision in his heart. Now that he wants to find a satisfied "female proprietor", he can only do so. Anyway, he has lost his integrity in front of the demon girl, and doesn't care. This time.

Ye put aside the box and left for about ten minutes. When he came back, he had put on a large light-colored dress. Well, it was actually just a women's dress on the clothes inside, but it was just that. With a small change, his image has changed drastically.

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