King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 2357

This will obviously arouse the fierceness of the robbers. In case the hostages make a mistake, then neither the post office nor their discipline committee will be able to escape the responsibilities, but things have happened, and now the first thing to consider is how to comfort The emotions of the robbers create opportunities to rescue the hostages. As to whether the robbers can be subdued, it is second.

But just when everyone's hearts tightened again, a person whom no one had expected suddenly spoke.

"Brother, did you just say you want to cut my neck?"

Of course the person who spoke was Ye. As soon as the question came out, everyone in the room was stunned, especially the robber. He looked down at Ye in a daze, and then sneered for a long time.

"There are so many idiots I met today, boy, it seems that you are not conscious of being taken hostage at all. Do you think this knife in my hand can cut your neck? Or, do you think I am a bluff, Don't dare to kill?"

Although these words were more like sarcasm, but with a trace of hostility, no matter who was present, they could feel the maliciousness of a murderer.

But what made everyone dumbfounded was that instead of panic, Ye Fei laughed.

"Knife? You're not kidding me, are you? There is no knife in your hand. Are you using an air knife?"


The young robber was taken aback again, and then burst into laughter.

"You're not really a fool, are you? Kid, isn't the knife in my hand—"

The sound seemed to be suddenly stuck, and stopped. Everyone present, including the robber himself, had their eyes widened. How did the knife that had just hit someone's neck disappear?

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty

"No, impossible! You...I see! You are a Teleporter!?"

After a brief period of confusion, the young robber immediately reacted, knowing that he was lurking in the dark and waiting for an opportunity to show that he is definitely not that kind of fool. On the contrary, he is very cunning and clever, so the key to figuring things out in a short time is right. It is not difficult for him. In this academy city, it is not difficult for a knife in his hand to disappear out of thin air. The greatest possibility is'space movement'.

It’s just that although his reaction is not slow, someone is faster than him. That is Shirai, who is already ready to go. She knows that the hostage being held has the same ability as her, and the level is higher than her. In this case, the space movement ability can achieve unexpected results, so she has been waiting for opportunities, waiting for the robbers to get distracted, and now is the time.

Just like the first gunman in uniform, Shirai did the same, relying on her flexibility to quickly approach the robbers, but this time she miscalculated. The moment she left, due to the alarm system of the post office, The automatic guard robot set up in the dark box was triggered, the mechanized electronic sound awakened the robbers, and Shirai's actions were also noticed.

Receive the defensive signal and begin to eliminate the intruder, please surrender immediately.

"Huh! What a troublesome kid, do you think I will be succeeded by you like that idiot?"

The robber couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat. If it weren't for the electronic sound of the guard robot, he might have been close, but Shirai's startling of the grass made him aggressive. He gave up holding Ye and reached into his jacket pocket. , Showing a cruel smile.

Standing by the counter, the female high school student who had been standing still, finally heralded something bad, and her face suddenly changed.

"Be careful!!!"

Without much consideration, the female high school student grabbed Shirai who was about to rush over, and threw her to the ground.

However, the expected crisis did not happen. The robber youth had already taken his hands out of his jacket pockets, but his original cruel smile turned into dullness and stunned at this moment, he stared blankly at being completely turned out. The pockets of his jacket are absentminded.

"Nothing? Why are the steel balls in my bag gone?"

"Hey, are you talking about this?"

Ye did not know when he was out of trouble, holding a pile of small steel balls in his left hand, and asked in a suspicious tone.

Attracted by the sound, the young robber's eyes turned around. When he saw the steel ball in Ye's hand, his face was instantly angry.

"Bastard! It's you again! Give me back my balls! Damn kid!"

The young robber rushed towards Ye with a fierce look, but it was a pity that Ye Qingsi and dexterously avoided it.

"What's the use of these steel balls? Are they important to you?"

"Asshole! Give it back to me!"

The robber youth missed a hit, and again he slammed Ye's head with a hideous punch.

"It's okay to give it back to you, but I can only give you one first. I'm very curious about what use these steel balls are for you."

Ye once again avoided his fists easily, and then casually picked up a steel ball with his right hand and shook it towards the young robber.

"Okay! Give me one! I'll tell you their usefulness right away!"

As soon as the robber heard what Ye said, he smiled and stretched out his hand anxiously. At this time, the female high school student who threw down Baijing finally recovered. She actually noticed the steel ball in the youth's pocket a long time ago, even though she didn't. Knowing what these steel balls are for, but she can be sure that this is the robber's biggest reliance, or the trump card. These steel balls are in his hands, far more dangerous than pistols and knives.

This is the experience of a female high school student serving as a discipline committee for several years, so when Ye proposed to return it, she immediately reminded her anxiously.

"No! Don't return it to him! His ability may be related to these steel balls!"

"Shut up! Stinky woman! Boy, you have to talk, I only need one, don't you want to know what these steel balls do? Give me one, and I will let you know immediately, and I can promise, absolutely not Will use them to hurt you."

The robber young man sternly stopped the female high school student's reminder, and then turned to Ye, and said with a pleasing face.

Ye looked at the female high school student, then looked at the young robber, raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Are you sure you want?"

The robber nodded without hesitation, and even extended his hand.

The female high school student was even more anxious. However, Shirai, the most junior at this time, suddenly grabbed her and said something quietly. Sure enough, after hearing the whisper, the female high school student’s eyes and expressions immediately changed. Although there were still some worries, the anxiety disappeared. A pair of beautiful eyes hidden under the oval lens looked at Ye both curiously and suspiciously.

"In that case, I will give you one back. By the way, you have to pick it up. Don't drop it."

The harsh arc was slightly lifted, the leaf fixed the steel ball, and the middle finger was bent.

Seeing this scene, the robber youth's expression changed, but at this time it was too late to regret.


A bomb-like boom sounded inside the post office. The ATM behind the young robber burst instantly, and a large amount of banknotes flew out, while the young robber screamed sternly, and saw him holding his shoulder with one hand and his face pale. It was like paper, twisted in pain, and blood dripped down his arm, and finally dripped on the banknotes scattered around his feet, which looked particularly bright.

"Oh, I told you to pick it up, but forget it. That's okay. I'll take the money out for you now. Didn't you come to rob? You can take it whatever you want. Of course, the premise is that the two commissioners of discipline Agree with the person in charge of the post office. After all, I didn't drive this place. It is these steel balls. If you want to take them back, then I will return them to you one by one now. How about?

Ye was hung with a harmless smile of humans and animals, but everyone present shuddered, and was more frightened and horrified than being pointed at by a gun before. A single shot of his finger can make a steel ball explode like a bomb. His power How scary is it?

Of course, not everyone was terrified of him. At least Leizi and Chuchun looked at him with admiration. As for the high school girl and Shirai, their eyes were a bit complicated.

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One

"Hello, classmate Ye, my name is Gufa Meiwei. I am Judgment of the 177th branch of the seventh school district and a senior of Shirai. I am very sorry for this incident. The ordinary citizens have been threatened. This is the negligence of our discipline committee."

Gufa Meiwei, a female high school student wearing glasses, walked to Ye's initiative and greeted him with her hand.

"Also, we must also thank you. If it weren't for your help to subdue the criminals, things might get worse."

"Well, this is what kind-hearted citizens should do. Although I have just transferred to Kindergarten City from outside, since I am already a member of this city, I am obligated to assist you in Judgment. What's more, Shirai-san is still a friend in early spring. ."

Ye stretched out his hand and shook Gu Fa, putting on an embarrassed but awe-inspiring expression.

But as soon as he spoke, Shirai on the side was very dissatisfied and criticized.

"Although Senior Gufa is right, I don’t think Senior Ye should do that. The prisoner has lost his weapon. The next thing is the matter of our Commissioner of Discipline. As an ordinary person, Senior Ye, the most correct choice is to avoid Open. This way you can avoid being hurt, and secondly, it won’t hinder us from subduing the prisoners, especially Senior Ye, you use the steel ball to damage the automatic lift..."

"White Well!"

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