King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 304

As the atmosphere fell silent, the servant opened the door and walked in.

"I'm very sorry for keeping you all waiting so long.

...Everyone is waiting for you."

The masters and dependents of the young devil stood up and followed the servants. Soon, everyone was taken to a strange atmosphere. The upper levels of the underworld were all sitting in high seats. Of course, the heads of the big families and the like. A lot.

"It's really hard for you to be here.

This is to take a good look at the special conference that will be held for you who will be responsible for the next generation.

Of course, this also includes the young demons meeting that will be held within a certain period of time."

The four people sitting in the top seats, Lucifer Szekes, Leviathan Seraful, and two relatively unfamiliar young faces, the current Bezeb and Asmode, are also among the top four. The Devil's Seat.

At the highest level, seven young demons including Wuhejian took a step forward at the same time, looking like they were receiving a hearing.

"The seven of you are all next-generation demons with ancestry and strength.

Because of this, I want you to compete on the same stage before your debut and improve your strength together."

Suzex sitting at the highest point said so.

"In other words, sooner or later we will join the battle against the "Bad Group", right?"

Now the name of this terrorist organization has spread almost all over the upper layers of the underworld. For this reason, Wuhejian's repulsion has also received a super high evaluation, so it is normal for the combat madness of Seraorg to raise such questions.

"This is currently unknown.

However, I don't want to do this if I can."

The unexpected reply made Selaorg frowned.

"Why? Although we are young, we are also capable of shouldering the mission of the devil.

If you have to rely on your predecessors at this age, but don’t pay anything..."

"Sairaorg, your courage is very commendable.

However, it was too unconscionable.

I want to avoid sending you who are still growing to the battlefield anyway.

Because the loss of the next generation of demons is really an unbearable burden for us.

Hope you can understand.

Your value to us is much higher than you think, but you are our treasure.

Because of this, I hope you can grow up step by step."

As the demon king of the underworld, Suzex has considered it for a long time. After experiencing the war in the ancient times, the demon has suffered unprecedented severe damage, and the strongest pure blood that can be maintained now is also theirs in the generation of Rias These are only a few, so for the sake of the future of the entire underworld, Thazex, known as the best demon king, would make such a decision.

With such a reason, even if it was still dissatisfied, Selaorg had to temporarily retreat, but he might feel dissatisfied in his heart.

Next, the executives talked about complicated topics and the demon kings also clarified the policies of RATING.GAME in the future.

"Well, I'm so sorry for keeping you listening for so long.

We place our dreams and hopes on the young you.

I hope you can understand this alone.

You are the treasure of the underworld."

The best demon king is also the most popular and respected demon lord in the entire underworld, and Suzex is worthy of these reputations.

"Finally, I want to hear about your dreams in the future, can you tell me whether it will work?"

As soon as Suzex spoke, Selaorg was the first to answer.

"My dream is to become a devil."

Well, even so, this guy's dream has been said several times before Wuhejian.

In the face of Seraorg's arrogance, the entire venue sent out various complicated sighs.

"It is unprecedented for the Demon King to appear from the House of the King."

"Do you want to be a demon king just with brute force?"

"The strength is good, but too reckless."

...It was full of unbelief and doubtful speeches, but Selaorg continued to speak loudly with his chest upright.

"If you can make the people of the underworld feel my existence, then you can only become a demon king.

Chapter 0122

After Serra Ogg was Lias' speech.

"I want to live as the next head of Gremory, and then win at RATING.GAME. This is my future goal."

The dream on the surface may be true, but the true dream in the heart may only be slightly guessed by Wuhejian.

"I want to establish a school to teach RATINGGAME related knowledge in the underworld."

The seniors frowned at Sanna's dream.

"Speaking of schools related to RATINGGAME, they have already been established, right?"

"That is a school that only superior demons and a small number of privileged demons are allowed to attend.

What I want to build is a school where no matter the lower-level demons or reincarnated demons can go to without barriers."


However, Canna's dream made the high-level ridicule resounded throughout the venue.

"That is impossible!"

"This is really a masterpiece!"

"That's it! This is the so-called dreaming girl!"

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