King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 547

Chapter 0109: Calling My Name

With a cold snort from Pest, the black hurricane grew more than a dozen ferocious dragon heads from the middle position at the same time, biting towards Ikuyao. Ikuyao, who had just mastered this power, could not help it. Block all attacks.White light traveled through the space and appeared beside Sixteen Nights. The next moment, all the attacks fell.

"Honghong Honghong Honghong Honghong humming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

There was a world-destroying explosion over the town, and then a fierce storm roared in the air, black and white light surging like clouds.Fortunately, it was in mid-air, otherwise such an attack would be enough to destroy the entire town in an instant.

"………do you died."

The dark red eyes were calm, and Pest muttered to himself without a tone.

"Of course it's NO, how could something happen with me."


The familiar and hateful voice that Pest would never want to forget sounded behind her, turning around quickly, but what she saw in her eyes was a white light that seemed to take her back to the past.The neat wheat field swayed under the autumn wind to represent the abundant wheat waves.The green carpet of verdant new leaves changes color with the passage of the season, and is now buried in the golden-colored wheat field.When other lands are in crisis of insufficient harvests, it is only here that a good harvest of wheat and grapes can be foreseen as if they were gifted.

"Yeah~ Thanks to the young lady for a good harvest this year!"

The old farmer looked at Mai Lang and smiled gratefully to the girl beside him.The girl also responded with a leisurely smile. The only thing that is worth boasting about for a girl born as a border noble is this land.The daughters of the nobles did not need cultural education at the time, and the existence of girls was only one of the family's property.A pawn that marries other families and makes the family wealthy is the fate and value of a girl.The home is rooted in the border, and there is no school or monastery nearby, so more time is spent playing and playing. Of course, in this rural town, only the children of farmers are the objects of fun.In addition to playing, a girl with the dual attributes of a lady and a crazy girl also learns about growing wheat.Soko Girl’s grandfather is a book lover, so she also learned a certain level of literacy and reading books by herself.Without telling his father, he gradually mastered the new farming methods recorded in the unopened books that his grandfather had placed on the girl before his death.The result is the vast golden wheat waves in front of us.The rare bumper harvest in recent years has made the peasants in high spirits rushing around the girls, regardless of gender.

"Miss is really amazing! Obviously the harvest has been bad recently!"

"There hasn't been much sunshine in the past few years. Looking at these lean land that can't grow crops, I want to give up."

"There are rumors that farmers who can't survive the winter are falling down with epidemic diseases one after another... I don't know what to do without a lady."

Whether it is a child of the same age, or an old woman with a hunched back, everyone is grateful for the gifts brought by the girl.In recent years, the cold has been severe, and farmers without winter reserves have suffered epidemics one after another and lost their lives.Excessive labor and poor harvests of crops used as food have led to a weakened immune system, but there is no need to worry this year.The girl who was watching them with a grateful smile....Cough, coughed slightly.


He touched his forehead.Even I feel a little hot.It's because the new farming methods are progressing smoothly, so days of hard work all at once swarmed.Speaking of which I may not have enough rest recently.Almost all of them have been learning farming this year, and even helping farmers pick up shovel to improve the land.Take a good rest for the time being.After the body is well maintained, we will work with them to make this land more fertile.I swear in my heart, whether it is a year from now, five years from now, or ten years from now.All live in this land....However, the girl at this time didn't know.This oath turned into a curse in just a few days.The pain of the black death came to the girl.Isolation, imprisonment, cursing, beating.Hunger, fear, darkness, sickness.Compared with the young girl in this land that everyone loves deeply, the girl who brings good harvest and hope is regarded as the most terrifying demon.The girl trapped in the cold and damp darkness by the merciless prisoner has issued the most terrifying curse in the world!... curse the existence of our race....Let disaster strike my territory.Die, die, all die.The prisoner was in a deeper sadness than anyone else.Sinking in the lonely darkness of unknown depth.Die!Die!Die!I want to curse!Curse everyone for dying of my disease!Curse everyone to taste the pain of my body!Curse everyone is suffering from me!Accompanied by the dying girl with endless resentment, she pulled down the curtain of life killed by the one she loved.This is the later Demon King... the girl who bound 80 million evil spirits.The career of a girl called "Miko of the Black Death Spot".

"...No... let me out... please let me out... no... I'm not a demon..."

Tears flowed down the girl's gloomy eyes, and her trembling lips heard the girl's fragile and fearful voice.

"......So thirsty...give me water...give me bread...even bread crumbs...please...let me out...I really am not... …"

An expression of struggling because of discomfort appeared on her lovely and delicate face, and her tears were already carrying black liquid, and the girl's pain became deeper.

"...Uh, good, so uncomfortable... so hard... oh... please... I'm so uncomfortable... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ The girl began to fall to the ground with convulsions.

"......Well...pain...whoo...why...who...who me..."

Despair has become the girl's last journey, and then it should be the beginning of the girl's curse!Then she will be put on the torture by her cruel father and loved ones to end her life, but now, only now will not!The boy’s lips were printed on Pest’s lips, and the pure white light penetrated Pest’s body and soul like the pain and resentment used to purify the world.Teenagers are selfish, he will not care about the pain and complaints of 80 million people, he only cares about girls.The 80 million evil spirits and the speckled death god in "GRIMM.GRIMOIRE" were stripped off by the boy's dominance. In the endless white light, pure black spots began to emerge from the boy.This is the most original power of the young man. For the young girl, the young man will not hesitate to use the strongest power that has been hidden.The power freed from the gift instantly merged the collection of evil spirits and the weak godhead.The white light was still purifying the girl's body through the contact of her lips, but the black power kept urging the fusion of evil spirits and godheads.The evil spirits that represented "death" and the gods of "death" were finally merged together perfectly under the full control of the youth.The godhead still represents "death."But it has been free from the shackles of resentment and fate.

"...Who...who me..."

"Let me save you, give you sunshine, give you joy, give you happiness, give you peace..."

The girl in pain saw the silver-purple figure falling from the sky, and the brilliance of white and black bloomed on him.

"I am a demon from another world! If you can abandon your family and friends, abandon your hometown and world; if you can dedicate your body and mind, and dedicate your soul, then call my name! I will give you sunshine and joy, Give you happiness, give you peace..."

The sound of bewitching came into the girl's ears, and into the girl's soul.Family and friends, home it?Was about to curse the world, curse the same race!Isn't it the best to be able to leave happily now?Even if he is the devil!But... he can bring sunshine, joy, happiness, and peace... Then, what else can you expect?Respond to the call!The demon lord of another world!Name...Name..."...Jian..."

The light flashes, and the victory of the game means that the demon king of resentment and lament has been defeated!The girl who had returned to the world was re-summoned to the world called Hakatai.But that sorrow was purified by the boy on the way, and all that was left were the emotions of the girl, the memory of Hakata, and the new godhood...

Chapter 0110: It's My Sister, Not My Sister

...The boundary wall, the stage area."Fire Dragon Birth Festival" operating headquarters.The illuminated dusk town replaces the original Hamel town, with colorful glass corridors and brilliant chandeliers exuding charming brilliance.At this moment, all the people who won from the game gathered in the game venue in the stage area.On the high platform of the VIP seats.Wuhejian and Baiyasha sat on either side of Sandora, while Sixteen Nights, Black Rabbit, Leticia, Ren and Lily sat in the next row.By the way, Yao is being taken care of by Bai Xue, Asuka and the elf went to find "RATTENFANGER", so the three of them failed to be there.At this time, after the audience and the participants in the center of the stage were quiet, Shiroyasha suddenly came to the guardrail of the high platform and stood still like a mist.Scratching her head seems embarrassing, but it actually fits her apparent age.

"Well, everyone has worked hard. This war has performed well. As the dominator of the Eastern District, I must express my gratitude... and apologize. Although I put on a great look, I was sealed from beginning to end. ."

Seeing that no one made any accusations, Bai Yasha became even more embarrassed.

"Oh, I'm really sorry...So, let this last speech!"

Sandora, who was born and sat in the main seat, got up with a smile and opened her hands.

"...The devil's game is over, we won!"


There was a burst of cheers on the scene.After hearing the speeches of the rulers, everyone finally felt the taste of victory.This war is really too hard for the lower class.The joy of defeating the demon king even made most people cry with excitement.

"After the follow-up work is completed... Next, rewards will be given for the achievement of defeating the demon king, and the birth ceremony will continue, and celebrations will be held at the same time. From now on, everyone will cheer and shout without scruples!"


The words of Bai Yasha caused an unprecedented craze in the entire venue. After cleaning up the game, it will be a new festival and celebration!...The boundary wall, the stage area, the cave inside the exhibition area.While the participants were busy preparing for the victory celebration party, Asuka came to the unknown interior alone.

"...Hamel's magic book disappeared, is this really good?"

The red steel giant is surrounded by countless small light spots, which are the light of life and elves."Yes, in this way, we can also return to the original era in the form of expectations.Hearing this, Asuka lowered his head sadly."Finally, please listen to the possibility of another Hamel's piper..." But the voices of the elves sounded again, causing Asuka to raise his head in doubt and blink and stare at the light balls."We sang songs and set foot on unknown land, left our parents, and went down the Weser River, playing flutes and singing songs, in order to create our own community called the town."We must go back" "Back to that day in 1284.""" Back to the second hometown we established.It seemed that he was relieved, and dropped his shoulders as if giving up, Asuka smiled helplessly.

"If this is the case, there is no way. I will pray in Hakata and wish you a smooth progress in your plan to build the town."

"...Thank you, Asuka."For this reason, we can entrust it to you."Dean, the giant of red steel, and...comrade 131!" "Huh?"

At the same time as the surprised sound was made, light suddenly shone in the air, and the liberated group elves slowly formed a human form.From the light, a familiar elf wearing a pointed hat and a young girl who cultivated feelings with Asuka fell into her hands."...I have already given the child the "exploitation" spirit that will be passed on to later generations."This is the last proof that we can stay in the box garden.I leave it to you..." The voice is still reverberating, but the elves have disappeared in this box court and returned to their world, their community... the town.


The little elf, who rubbed his eyes and looked sleepy, sat up slowly.

"...I'll take care of you later, Mel."


"Yes, you are the goblin who has inherited the rightful deeds of "Hamel's Piper". From now are also our companion."

Hearing Asuka's words, Mel was very happy to jump on her shoulder and cheer.

Feeling the joy of the elf and the red giant in front of him, Asuka's face once again bloomed with the moving smile of the past.

In the hotly held festivals and celebrations, in the office in the palace behind the stage, the Mandela branch guard stayed alone, reading the letter with the black sealing wax "THOUSAND.EYES".

"Here is our celebration of the smooth progress of the festival and the successful defeat of the demon king.I also look forward to the freshman SALAMANDRA showing off as a dominator of the northern class.Note: Has the Shenzhen Iron consigned by Xinghai Dragon King given to those bait?"...As expected of "THOUSAND.EYES", is everything under their control? You really can't do bad things now."

Seeing letters like Summoning Eye, Mandela sighed and was about to consume the letters when there was a sudden noise.

"What's bad?"

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