King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 927

Rushing like a tide, and as magnificent as a galloping horse, a large amount of pure divine power is integrated into Wuhejian's body and soul.

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah~~~~~~!!!"

From the excitement of the soul, derived from the boiling of the heart.Almost instantly, Wuhejian's sanity was overwhelmed.

The sea of ​​consciousness, the golden lightning that overbearing, seemed to feel the crisis.

Furiously accelerate the speed to attack Wuhejian's godhead.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom go

Without almost penetrating Wuhejian's godhead, a translucent fantasy sword stood in front of the golden lightning.

This is the source of wisdom from the sacrifice of Athena and Metis, and it is similar to the sword of wisdom that slashes the godhead.


The provoked golden lightning instantly rioted, but the sword of wisdom did not fall at all.

The collision of lightning and sword made Wuhejian feel dizzy as he was about to be shattered.

If this continues, Wuhejian's soul will be almost destroyed before the golden lightning is wiped out.

However, since it was the sacrifice of two ancient goddesses, naturally it could not be as simple as the sword of wisdom. The thick khaki spiritual power poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, which came from the earth source of the mother god.


As soon as the earth-yellow origin appeared, the speed of that lightning slowed down.

This is not over yet, another black ancient snake roars into the sea of ​​consciousness. This is Athena, as the lord of the underworld, one of the strongest powers of the queen of the gods, the source of the queen of underworld, the giant snake swallows gold in an instant lightning.

Following that, the sword of wisdom also shot into the snake's body.

With such an attack, even the golden lightning had to bow down, and the power of sacrifice was almost all of Athena and Metis.

How could the origin of thunder be able to resist it!


"Virus" contract was successfully signed, the contract task, the Greek goddess Athena.

Let Wuhejian's confident voice sound in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black wave rose into the sky from Wuhejian's sea of ​​consciousness.

Whether it is the origin of the earth, the sword of wisdom, the snake of the underworld, or the golden lightning, all are engulfed by the huge black waves.

At the same time, the silver-haired goddess who sacrificed the origin to Wuhejian had originally empty eyes.

Also flooded by the mysterious light.

Chapter 0235 The origin of the gift!

The signing of the virus contract seems to be an opportunity for transformation.


The golden lightning was swallowed first, and under the shaking black waves, there was no chance for the small thunder and lightning to escape.

Immediately afterwards, the shattered light godhead was also dragged into the black wave.

As for the origins of Athena and Metis, after the wisdom of the sky, the ancient snakes of the earth, and the darkness of the underworld were swallowed by the huge waves, the originally slightly turbid spiritual power is gradually becoming pure.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi?

Purification, fusion, compression, purification.

Wuhejian's sea of ​​consciousness is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

On the other hand, the body where Athena and Metis were fused, the body that had become empty was now occupied by the power of the bloody curse.This is not a cursed riot, but under the effect of the "virus" contract, the original evil curse has been completely wiped out.The curse that became pure spiritual power was simply the best tonic for Athena and the others.

The transformation is going on frantically, in a posture that reconciles Yin and Yang.

The origin and spiritual power are slowly being transported back from Wuhejian's body, but if this continues, it may take several days to complete the entire ceremony.

"Woo... mother, mother god... this is..."

Originally thought that he would dissipate in this world soon, but he did not expect that a mysterious change would suddenly happen to him.

Athena didn't know exactly what happened. The only certainty was that this change must be related to the Demon King boy under her.

"This is...Ah! Great Xiaoya! This is a contract! It's a contract with him!"


Hearing Metis' surprise, Athena couldn't help being more surprised.

"Yes, because the mother god originally signed a contract with him, and then restored the godhood that had long since disappeared. He once said that as long as the person who signed the contract with him, he can get unparalleled benefits!"

"Huh? Mother god...recovery of the godhead..."

"Well, because there are some...In short, it was not suitable to share this part of the memory with Xiaoya at that time., you should watch it yourself!"

Suddenly Metis became a little convulsed. Just as Athena doubted, a strange memory flowed into her soul.

"......Contract...sign...benefit...with with the devil......ah...!? This...mother god!"

Before reading that part of the memory, Athena immediately became shy and angry.

"What's the matter, now we have all handed over our body and mind to this demon... That contract is indeed to do that with him... that kind of thing. However, because of this, Xiaoya, your curse has been lifted, right?"


"Didn't you discuss it at the beginning? As long as you can help Xiaoya terminate the contract, even if you reluctantly follow him..."

When Metis said so, Athena fell silent.

After a while, she seemed to have thought of something sad, she said again in a low tone.

"Yes, maybe the mother god is right, but what can be done? Now, even if the curse is lifted, we who have lost our origin..."

"Hey, it's not easy to want the source!"

A familiar cunning laugh suddenly sounded in the consciousness of Athena and Metis.

"Ah!? You wake demon! You..."

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