King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 969

And what the devil queen Gniveya is doing now is to wake it up.

In order to create the strongest weapon for the "uncle" who has been guarding her, the knight of the lake...the hero of steel Lancelot!Fight against the king who was recognized by Lancelot as an old enemy.

"...The sword of salvation, as the steel of steel, the King of Witches urges you to resurrect!"

After the final chant of the Spirit of Words was finished, Gnivia raised his hands and descended from the sky under the force of the curse.


After a muffled thunder, a thick bucket of blue-violet lightning fell from the black clouds.

In the next instant, lightning hit the dilapidated ancient sword, and the electric light covered the line of sight. When everything faded, a platinum short knife replaced the original ancient sword.After absorbing the essence of the earth from the decayed magic sword, and polished by the god thunder of nature, the reborn magic sword restored the platinum posture of fifty centimeters.

Succeeded!Seeing the thunder current turning and the white light shining magic knife, Gnivia finally breathed out a long breath with peace of mind.

"Uncle, did you see it? Gniveya is finally done!"

Yes, in the future it will be my weapon, the strongest magic knife to defeat the enemy.

The silver knight never appeared far away. If anyone who had seen this knight appeared here, he would definitely not help but exclaim.

Divinity!That's right, the divinity that was originally just a guardian knight has completely transformed into a violent and unconvincing military spirit!

Lancelot, has successfully untied the shackles.

The current white knight is the undefeated god of war, the strongest battle god, and the most primitive steel hero.

"Then, it's time for us to set off, uncle. Go to the island country in the far east, where not only the old enemy you want to find, but also news about the master."


Disappointment, despair, and numerous failures, once again let the Queen of Devil reveal a new pursuit.

"This is information from compatriot An Jiela. A group of ancient people used the country's spells to consolidate their kingdom, uniting with the supernatural powers of the secluded world, and jointly suppressing the steel of disobedience."

Thinking of the compatriot whose life was near, Gniveya couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

But this thought was quickly wiped out, all she asked for was her master, the last king.

"They have a dragon and snake seal spell that even the Great Sage Qitian can use... really a group of powerful gods."

Monkey King?Is it the most famous steel god in the East?

"Yes, uncle."

Is there any connection with the Last King?

The previous speculation of the Devil Queen, regarding the identity of the hero fighting god, did doubt the existence of the strongest steel.

"It's still not certain, but when Gnivea performed the awakening ceremony of the magic sword, I got the spiritual vision of the owner. In the island country of the extreme east, there is indeed the breath of the owner!"

is it?Then, we must go.However, for the man who once fought with me, if he died in a battle on which battlefield, I would just raise the sword and chant a song of condolences to mourn his death. Isn't that enough?All I want to do now is to fight against my old enemy as soon as possible, because the throbbing in my chest is almost too much to bear.

The white knight's gaze fell into the distance through the silver mask, where the island country in the far east had fate.

At Narita Airport in Tokyo, an extremely glamorous woman in a professional skirt walked out of the waiting room.

It seemed that the time difference was not taken into account, so when I got off the plane, the sky was completely dark. In this case, I would have to stay in this hotel for one night. It seems that I haven't traveled overseas for a long time.

In recent years, I have been very busy.Constantly fight warlocks, monsters, and demons.

For her, this trip was to forget the precious time of gaffes.

Yes indeed.Just forget that kind of guy.A man of that level couldn't be suitable for her in the first place, so it must be something wrong.

In the future, you must choose a man who is strong, handsome, elegant, chic, and gentle.

But is there really such a premium variety?Forget it, let it be.

Shaking her head, the glamorous woman stopped a TAXI with the suitcase and merged into the bustling street.

Her name is Anne Charlton, also known as John Pluto Smith, Pluto of Los Angeles.

Chapter 0282

"......No wonder I have a wimpy look. It turns out that I can't control my own nature, but this disappointed me."

After listening to the Golden Monkey King's narration, Lord Luo Hao expressed dissatisfaction with a disappointed face, but the next moment he changed to a dangerous look.

"However, instead of letting you down, let me, Luo Hao, convict you, Monkey King. Next, in order to resurrect you, I will release the curse of Bi Mawen. That's all right?"

Regarding Luo Hao's decision, Wuhejian has no opinion.If it is the same as the Monkey King said, unlocking the seal will make you lose your mind, but after the seal, you can only stay here and be nurtured and have fun with others.For the famous Qitian Great Sage, such a life is indeed not as happy as death.

Of course, Lord Luo Hao didn't know that the true situation was not the case. Even Wuhejian had not fully figured out the matter this time.

"You can do it?"

The golden monkey king who sat up stared straight at Luo Hao.

"The Bi Ma Wen curse that sealed me here must meet three conditions in order to unravel it for a period of time. First, the godheads of our enemies, dragons and snakes, appear. Second, a weakened sword is attached. 3. It is the female maiden who has the power of evil and uses her spiritual power with a sword. Now... that girl should be the ancestor of dragon and snake blood? Then the other two..."

His eyes fell on the waiting god An Jiela, and the black and white pupils released a faint golden light.

With fiery eyes and golden eyes, Monkey King's unique divine eyes, even if it is sealed with divinity, it can still see through An Jiela's essence.

"Originally I would prepare, but the Fallen King has the ability to directly unlock your curse."

"Untie it directly?"

The Golden Monkey King couldn't help but scream out in surprise, and the slightly golden pupils stared at Wuhejian's face tightly.

"Speaking of it, you are the only person in my memory who can't see through. Although a little uncertain, I always feel that in you, I feel a familiar aura. Could it be that we have met in earlier ancient times? "

"Ignorance! The fallen king is the modern king, how did you have contact with you, the hero of the mythical age?

Of course, if it is reincarnation, reincarnation is even more impossible, because the reincarnation of gods can be sensed in an instant by virtue of the relationship between the godslayer and the god of disobedience, at least that is what the leader Luo Hao thinks.

"However, the Fallen King is indeed a bit special, and it seems to be somewhat different from the godslayers like me."

The beautiful eyes moved to Wuhe Fitness, and the leader Luo Hao couldn't help but frowned.

Although she discovered this anomaly very early, she subconsciously ignored it, and now that the Golden Monkey King had brought it up, she faced it squarely.In essence, unlike the godslayer, Wuhejian, the fallen king, is not as simple as it seems.

"Well, I am indeed different from ordinary godslayers. However, what does this have to do? Now the most important thing is to unlock the monkey king's seal. Then the leader will condemn the monkey king?"

"Naturally, I have explained before that you only need to unlock the seal, and I will take care of the next thing myself."

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