King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 992

Goddess Anjiela, Queen Anne Charlton.Who will win and lose?

Well, Wuhejian doesn't care about this at all now, he must save Lancelot as soon as possible.

After Wuhejian left, An Jiela and Annie confronted each other quietly.

"Unexpectedly, you would be succumbed to others. This is not like you, the ancestor An Jiela."

"This is a concubine's choice, it has nothing to do with you. Moreover, you haven't been hiding and playing tricks."

"People who see my posture, no matter if they don't follow me, or the ancestors, there is only one end."

Upon hearing this, An Jiela suddenly laughed mockingly.

"Really? You should have seen the battle between the master and the female soldier god?"

"What do you want to say?"

Annie's smile was also replaced by a cold color.

"Do you think you can defeat the great master of concubine?"


"The master is the strongest person in the world! Even the leader Luo Hao is impressed by the master's demeanor. Even the Marquis of Vauban in Eastern Europe can only follow the master's dispatch, and even the Salvation Sword could not hurt the master. You think you have an appointment... …What can Annie do to knock him down?"

As if more arrogant than her own strength, An Jiela's little face showed respect and happiness.

"The master is the one who saved the concubine! The concubine will dedicate everything to him! Therefore, the concubine will not lose! The concubine does not want to see the host's disappointed expression, nor does it want to be punished by the master! So, die! Anne Charlton Smith!"

For an instant, the silver brilliance dazzled the eyes.

Chapter 0307

This is the roof of the building not far from the battlefield of Anjiela and Annie.

After Wuhejian came over with the white goddess Lancelot, he immediately transformed into a bed of white gold light, and placed the beautiful military god in his arms lightly on it.

In the final blow, Lance had injected her soul and power into EXCALIBUR, a sharp gun made of the Salvation Sword. The current body can be said to be left by Wuhejian with powerful means. Empty shell.

If the maintained spiritual power dissipates, then this female army god will also return to the "myth" in a sealed posture.Waiting for the next time you have accumulated enough curse power to wake up and be summoned to this world.

But as long as the seal of the godhead is released and the erosion of the curse is resisted, then the goddess of the female army can come in a complete posture.

This is what Wuhejian must do now.

Quietly watching the sleeping princess lying on the dress, a satisfying and serene smile appeared on her delicate pretty face.

Perhaps, at the end, she had released all her passion and feelings.

"But you promised me that if you lose, you will give everything to me in the future! If you die like this, that's not okay!"

Gently rubbing the female soldier god's cheek, Wuhejian murmured, pressing his palm to the center of his brow.

"Let me revive you completely! Military god Lancelot du Lac, my future female knight!"

The power of the soul instantly pierced into Lance’s sea of ​​consciousness. After many experiences, Wuhejian was very skilled in transforming the soul. Finding the seal is the first element. As for how to unlock it, you must find the attributes of the seal to judge. .

After gaining experience, the search is much faster than before. Although the same cautiousness, the range can be controlled.


Soon, the seal appeared in Wuhejian's perception.

Consciousness went immediately, this time the seal turned out to be just a very ordinary powerful seal.

There is no stealth swallowing, thunder and blood, and no triggering sense of crisis. Wuhejian tried it with his soul power, and found that it was not very troublesome. Could it be that Lancelot’s godhead was not Strong?

But in this case, why did the low-level earth god like the Minos tauren have a trigger-type blew seal and curse?

Sure enough, Wuhejian hadn't figured out what was going on in this world until now.

Why are Shura gods and Buddhas, hungry ghosts and fierce beasts, and elves and demons have their essence sealed.If it's just expelled, then what is the curse?What is the calculation of the oldest demon king in secret?

Some problems were solved, but more problems reappeared.It is estimated that the only one who can solve these is Pandora, who is hidden in Youshi. This is Wuhejian's premonition and the reason why he must find her.

"It seems that after saving Lance, it's time to go to the secluded world!"

The Marquis of Vauban, the black prince Yarek, the king of swords, Tony, the king of Kusana, plus the leader Luo Hao, and the king of the underworld, Anne.The godslayers in this world have basically gathered, and if Alice and the others are added, if you still can't conquer the secluded world, then Wuhejian can only say that he can do nothing.

Shaking his head, Wuhejian's attention returned to the seal in front of him.

It is safe to try many times, so there is no need to continue to struggle, the invisible consciousness turns into a thunder gun.

The spear of destruction condensed by golden lightning pierced the seal after bursting out of terrifying strength.

The momentary vigilance seemed to be completely useless, one big and one small two stars.

The godhead releasing the attributes of the military god, the smaller one exudes... Wait, what is this?

The Godhead of the God of War, which represents the most origin, is as bright and dazzling as the sun, without any pollution.But the small one turned completely red, unrestrained red, passionate red, springy red, and restless red.

Wuhejian can be sure of that kind of springy breath. Anyone who sees it will think of the kind of bold and unrestrained, red-faced, rippling heart, soul throbbing, and fire-like lust, right?

"This is a curse? And why does Lancelot have two godheads? If that one is the essential godhead of the god of war, that's wrong, this small one is the original godhead, and the big one should be passed on."

The reason why the small person is polluted by the curse also indirectly proves Wuhejian’s judgment that the small location attribute is the essence of Lancelot. As for the god of war, it is only a inheritance, or a gift. Two godheads.

"And, the most important thing is, how to solve this curse?"

Similar to the "sex desire" curse in the seven deadly sins, Wuhejian first used the safest purifying power to try.Sure enough, because the level is too low, the effect is very small. If it continues, it will take several months.

Next is the divine power of light.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi?

The effect can be said to be very significant, because of the relationship between the source of light, this highest level of spiritual power can have an effect on almost all alien energies, and the blushing curse is rapidly purifying in the bright flame.

"Evil will die! The light will last forever! The sacred light! Burn all curses with the sacred flame!"

The increasing spirit of words, this is inherited from the Lord Saint of Zoroastrianism.

Although Wuhejian has always been very disdainful of things like words and spells, he still has to rely on it at critical times.


The sacred and inviolable light sacred flame scorched those bright red curses madly.

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