King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 996

It seems to be the King of Darkness, with a snake body, gorgeous back, and ferocious giant claws, similar to a crocodile-like ferocious dragon head.

Hundreds of terrifying bodies hovered in the space around Anjiela, as if guarding this cute little angel.

"Leviathan? This evil thing can be summoned, so only I, Annie, can send you to the abyss of the underworld!"

The silver magic spear in his hand was instantly replaced by gold, and the huge curse power poured from Annie's body to the revolver in his hand.

Absorbing Yuehui's refinement, the extremely powerful magic bullets gradually fuse under the control of the curse power.

According to legend, when six volleys of John Pluto’s magic spear can penetrate even the sun and the moon, there are only four bullets left in the magic spear in Annie’s hand. There are only four bullets left. It is already the limit.

If all six are sent, Annie will also completely lose the opportunity to resist. At this time, any magician can kill her.

The bluish-white light gathered from the muzzle and could penetrate the building, and a little star of molten steel began to release a bright light.


As if feeling provoked, the beast Leviathan let out an angry roar.

With one shot of the huge dragon's tail, with its huge mouth open, the terrifying beast immediately rushed towards Annie.

"Then! Go away completely! The ancestor Anjiela!"


The space was shattered with dull gunshots, and two pale dragons rolled up the scorching wind that destroyed the world and collided with the beast instantly.

Do not!There was only one collision, and the other rushed towards An Jiela frantically.

The bullet that must be hit, unless An Jiela has a trick that can block it, otherwise the fate will only be penetrated again.

"Huh! Concubine knows you will be weird! After the first calculation, do you think you will succeed the second time?"

With disdain, An Jiela's small hand was already raised.

"Really? This is not necessarily true! Innocent god ancestor!"

I don't know when, Annie has appeared behind An Jiela, full of mature plump body and hug An Jiela all of a sudden.

Then, the Cangyan Dragon rushed towards the two men fiercely.

But at this moment, a sigh sounded out of thin air.

Chapter 0312 The Devil's Summoning Order!

An Jiela stood with her head down, pale, not because she was afraid of the final attack, nor was she unwilling to lose to Anne Charlton Smith again. She really blamed her for not having Completing the master's order made her master disappointed, which was the last thing she wanted to see.

On the other hand, Annie stood aside dullly.The reason is simple, the attack that I am proud of, the "Cangyan Dragon" that can tear the earth through the tall building was easily blocked by the young man in front of him with one hand.This was a huge blow to her. Although I had seen the strength of this young man before, but now I have experienced it personally, it feels different.

"An Jiela, you lost this time."

"Sorry, master! It's the concubine... the concubine is willing to accept any punishment from the master!"

An Jiela, who was about to kneel, was supported by the soft white golden light, and then put one hand on her little head, and judged with a vicious tone.

"Be prepared to be severely punished by me. As for the content of the punishment, I have already said it before!"

"Ah... yes, yes, concubine body... concubine body is willing to accept all punishment from the master."

Thinking of the shameful punishment before, An Jie Lajiao's small body trembled, and her tone became weird and uneasy.

"Even if you don't want to, you can't escape! Well, be happy, my master is very generous."

Rubbing An Jiela's smooth hair with a wicked smile, Wu Hejian turned his gaze to Annie on the other side.

"Then, you lose too? Miss Anne."

"What? I..."

"As a "Pluto", she deceived the little girl An Jiela with three abuses. She clearly said she would win with one blow, but you used a sneak attack. Well, I know what you are thinking. You want to say that the winner is you. He An Jiela, not her summoned beast, right? So, do you really think that the attack just now can kill An Jiela?"

Annie's shrewd beautiful eyes appeared astonishing, but she had absolute confidence in sending An Jiela, the god ancestor, to the underworld.

"It doesn’t matter if I tell you, An Jiela is inherently immortal, and after I gave her rebirth, she can quickly resurrect even if she destroys her whole body. You say, you are both under the attack at the same time. Who can recover faster?"


Staring at An Jiela in amazement, there was only shame from her small face, no panic at all.

In other words, Wuhejian didn't have to deceive her at all. An Jiela did have the ability to defeat her Annie.

"As for me to block your attack, it was not because of Anjiela's defeat, but because I didn't want to see you two get injured."

"Wh... you, you say...?"

Annie thought that there was a problem with her ears, but the next boy's words made her feel completely disturbed.

"I don't say anything like Lianxiangxiyu. I just can't bear to see you hurt. It's that simple."

"You...what do you think of me Annie? I am Pluto! I am the strongest demon in the world! Why can you treat me like a weak one!? Are you pitying me!"

Upset!Annie didn't even know why she said this suddenly.

"Have mercy? Do you think I am pitying you? In my eyes, you are indeed a godslayer, indeed the Pluto of Los Angeles, but the prerequisite before this is that you, Anne Charlton, are just a woman………"


"It is a princess of the underworld who is worthy of my appreciation, worthy of my praise, worthy of my rescue. I save you just because I don't want to see the precious princess hurt here. It has nothing to do with the emotion of compassion and charity."

Anne has heard too many words on certain occasions. Those gentlemen and aristocrats in the West should have the quality of guarding beautiful ladies, right?Although her most uncomfortable thing is this kind of hypocrisy, which is so elegant and handsome on the surface, but she reveals her nature, greed for money, lust, power, and fame.

But I don't know why, after the boy in front of him said these words, Annie didn't feel this kind of disgust.

It’s no wonder that wealth, sex, power, and fame, does this young man need to hide his hypocrisy?With the supreme status, the power to surpass the gods and demons, and the companionship of the goddess queen, does he need to deceive her Anne for those vulgar things?

The answer is of course no, this boy's remarks are entirely from his heart, there is no need to say false.

That said, he really regarded her Annie as a beautiful princess, rather!What are you thinking about!

However, this young man has a handsome appearance, strong strength, elegant temperament, and gentle disposition... Doesn't this meet his criteria for choosing a mate?No, no, he is a liar!It's a windy demon!

All kinds of chaotic thoughts entangled in Annie's mind. Just a few words from Wuhejian made her heart confused.

"Miss Anne, I think you just came to Tokyo, and you must have never rested? Then, come to my place for a rest. This time, there is something Miss Anne must help."

"...Let me help?"

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