My body has been feeling pretty good lately. In the past, it was quite easy for me to get colds, but now, I have never even suffered as much as a runny nose. I am sure this is all thanks to the protection of the Spirits.

“We are utterly grateful for your grace, Alan-dono.” Dalshim thanked Alan.

“No, I only did what any decent person would do, so there’s really no need to thank me.” Alan humbly replied.

“So, why is someone like you here, Baron Sergio?”

“I am sure you have heard about what happened to my lord, Earl Ludvik, already, Your Highness. When he judged that it was only a matter of time before our imminent defeat, my lord gathered me as well as a number of his most trusted retainers and led us out of the castle for us to escape. He told us to help you in reclaiming the Kingdom, Cleria-sama.” Baron Sergio answered.

“Oh… My dear uncle… And what about those other retainers?”

“They are all handpicked elites of my lord’s forces. They number about two thousand strong. They have all scattered among the lands at present, but as long as Cleria-sama gives the command, I, along with all of them, shall gather once more and serve as your most loyal soldiers, ready to give our lives in battle for your cause.”

Ah… Such a thing… To think there were still two thousand of them remaining. And all I wanted was to call them to this city in order to bid them return to their own lands.

“How do you propose we take back the Kingdom?”

“We currently have no concrete plans as of now. Based on what you told us earlier, Cleria-sama, we can no longer count on this country for aid. However, we must persevere. Taking back the kingdom was my lord’s, Earl Ludvik’s, dying wish.”

Even if it was my uncle’s dearest wish, we cannot possibly count on just two thousand soldiers, no matter how skilled they may be, to take back the kingdom. It seems I definitely have to persuade them against this idea after all. I do not want any more lives sacrificed under my name.

“……Please hear me out, all of you. The reason I summoned you to this city is…”

“Allow me to take over the discussion, Cleria.” Alan interjected.

Eh!? Alan? But you do not have any relation to these men?

“Please hear me out, everyone.

When we first applied for that request to the Guild, all of us, Cleria included, honestly weren’t expecting much at all.

We didn’t have any idea how many of those loyal to Cleria still remained. And we certainly didn’t expect two thousand men.

However, Cleria didn’t wish to give up. She has been dreaming of taking back the kingdom all this time, even if she were to fight alone.”

“Oh! As expected of Cleria-sama!”

“Yes. How heartening!”

“We have been discussing how to take back the Kingdom with Cleria for a while. But until now, those plans were naught but wishful thinking, since we lacked any means of realistically carrying them out.

However, now that we have rejoined with all of you, those plans can finally be put to the test.

There are no concrete plans as of now, however, we shall discuss at length today, and will come up with definite plans for taking back the Kingdom by tomorrow. Can you please give us a bit more time?”

“We understand, Alan-dono. However, let me just point out that it is improper for you to address Her Highness so casually, even if you are her savior.” Dalshim pointed out.

“I am sorry. We have been treating each other as adventurer comrades all this time after all. I shall address her as Cleria-sama from now on.”

“What are you saying, Alan?”

“Let us discuss our plans further later on, Cleria-sama.” Alan replied.

Just what is Alan planning? I have never discussed anything regarding taking back the kingdom with Alan, and I also do not have that intention at all. I am all confused about what is happening, but there is one thing I have to object against. I cannot accept Alan addressing me as ‘Cleria-sama’.

“Everyone, I have to correct you on something. You may find it hard to believe, but Alan and the others are actually not from this continent. And in his home country, Alan is, in truth, of high enough status to be addressed as ‘His Excellency’. As that is the case, I find no reason for Alan to address me as ‘Cleria-sama’.”

“Is that so? Forgive my discourtesy, Your Excellency.” Dalshim apologized.

“No, I do not mind.”

It looks like everyone’s spirits were lifted up after Alan’s declaration. Their countenances were a far cry from when we first met them. They were all discussing the plans Alan talked about earlier. Ah, I wonder how they would react if they find out that those said plans were nothing but lies. Just what is Alan thinking?

Afterward, we heard more details about the survivors who have managed to flee. It seems that within the Royal Guard, six squads totaling fifty-eight men have managed to survive. And the only ones who have come to this city were the representatives of those squads. It seems the rest of them were acting as adventurers in the Cecilio Kingdom while trying to find clues to my whereabouts.

We were also told about Baron Sergio’s men. The total number of men who have managed to escape with the Baron was two thousand and fifty-one. They were all veterans who have served the Ludvic House for generations. They were scattered among the rural areas of the newly instated Alois Kingdom and Cecilio Kingdom. The baron receives periodic reports from them regularly.

Oh, I am worried about what Alan is planning and want to discuss things with him as soon as possible. Once we have finished here, I shall grill him about it when we come back to the inn.

“Everyone, I need to discuss things with Alan and the others regarding our plans, just as you’ve heard earlier. I wish to return to our inn posthaste so we can do so.”

“Alright, Your Highness. I shall have some of the Royal Guards accompany you as well.” Dalshim proposed.

“No, there is no need. Alan and the rest are enough to protect me. And the inn we are staying at is not that large as well.”

“If so, then us members of the Royal Guard will replace Alan-dono and the others and stay at that inn. I am sure Alan-dono will not be able to match the Royal Guard when it comes to protecting your safety, Your Highness, no matter how skilled he is.”

“On the contrary, Captain Dalshim. I’m sure that within the Royal Guard, there is no one who can best Alan in either swordsmanship or magic.” Elna retorted.

Well, that is true of course. But I am not sure if it was a good thing to say that in this situation.

“My word! Is what you speak true, Dame Norian?”

“Verily. In fact, I am sure no one present here can defeat Alan, even if you all attack him at the same time.”

“That is absurd! May I remind you that we have fourteen men who have the prowess of a captain of the Royal Guard present here.”

“What Elna is saying is the truth. That is just how strong Alan is. But that is no surprise. Alan is someone who is loved by the Goddess Ruminas after all.”

“By the Goddess! Is that true, Your Highness!?” Baron Sergio exclaimed.

“It is true, I assure you. I have managed to witness various miraculous feats done by him that are not possible were he not loved by the Goddess. I cannot describe them to you with mere words, but there is definite proof.”

“Oh! Alan-dono! I implore you! Can you allow these old eyes of mine to witness the prowess of someone loved by the Goddess? I request this not out of mere curiosity. Rather, I believe this matter will play a pivotal role in the events to come!”

“Uh, how do I do that, exactly?” Alan asked.

“Well then, how about we do what I have spoken about earlier and have everyone here attack Alan? Then they shall know the truth of my words and I shall not have to be branded a liar.”

“Oh! Yes, that will prove Alan-dono’s abilities as well as the extent of the Goddess’s blessing. Truly two birds with one stone.”

“I’ll have a nice, long chat with you later, Elna.”

We just learned of this pretty recently, but apparently, you can rent out the building used for Guild examinations for one hundred Guineas an hour as long as it wasn’t in use. Since renting it out would let us avoid going to the trouble of heading out of the city, we decided to go for it and went inside the Guild building to arrange things.

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