Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2032 What are you going to do?

I already understand your identity. So, what's going on here?

Noticing the slowly changing eyes of Qianye on the opposite side, Qianye suppressed the shuddering shock in his heart, raised his head slightly, looked at Qianye in front, and said affirmatively.

Contacting all the words of this Qianye, although Qianye has added more doubts at this time, he no longer doubts the identity of the I in front of him, and the words of this I are also very clear up.

He is his past.

That is, a separated memory that I traveled from what I thought was my previous life to this Naruto world.

Although I don't know why, the memory will have a complete personality, preserve the character, and even have absolute or relatively independent thinking in the dialogue, but there is no doubt that the I in front of him is his memory. Made up of all the memories that I can't recall now.

Including, memories of previous lives.

The Qianye in front of him is actually his memory.

The memory of all the specific experiences in the previous life, as well as the memory of what happened in the period after the death of the previous life, are all in this I.

And he, strictly speaking, only has the memory of this Naruto world.

Also, the strong obsession left over from the previous life.

It is also these obsessions that support him to get everything he has now.

It can be said that the identities of the two of them are actually one person, just two completely different personalities under two memories.

Although I still don't know why this result happened, why they separated, and what method they used to separate, but the current situation, and Qianye's feeling that he seems to know it, all illustrate this point.

They are the same person, they are just memories of each other, or in other words, they have different experiences, so they have different personalities.

In a sense, their current situation is more like a split personality. This I should be the first personality. Under certain circumstances, the first personality has fallen into autism and actively withdrawn this part of him. Memory, and then with a new posture of returning to zero, or in other words, returning to the state after death in the previous life, traveled to the world of Naruto, and then because of the various experiences in the world of Naruto and the obsession with the state after death in the previous life , and slowly produced his personality.

That is to say, according to split personality, the opposite Chiba is the first personality, while he is the second personality.

The two personalities didn't know each other before, and there was no memory interaction. They were completely isolated, and there was no contact until now.

Of course, this is just a metaphor. The specific situation is much more complicated than a simple split personality.

At least, split personality is a kind of mental illness, a kind of disease that is quite unfavorable to people's physical and mental health. It looks similar and can be used as a metaphor, but in essence, it is a little different.

After understanding the current situation and each other's identities, Qianye didn't have too many taboos anymore, and straightforwardly asked what was in her heart.

Now, the first thing he wants to know is the foggy space he is in now. After confirming that the figure that is exactly the same as himself formed by the fog is another self, he already understands that this foggy space is not harmful to him. Since being able to keep another self can only be beneficial and harmless to him, even if it is not beneficial, it cannot be harmful.

Then, when he entered this misty space before, the inexplicable sense of security, which seemed to be able to shield and purify all the negative emotions in his body, was not a bad thing. After excluding the harmfulness of this sense of security, this sense of security is what Chiba is most curious about now.

Even surpassed the spiritual body and light ball of the Sage of the Six Paths.

Because, that kind of feeling is really good. It's been too long, he hasn't felt that kind of security.

To be honest, Chiba really wants to feel that sense of security again now.

Traveling to the world of Hokage, especially after realizing the importance of Kushina and others to him, he has been living with a sense of urgency and crisis. That sense of security makes him very relaxed. The rare sense of relaxation has already occupied the top priority in his mind at this time.

What he wants to know right now, right now, is this!


However, the moment his thoughts turned and the words came out of his mouth, his eyes flickered slightly, his face changed suddenly, and he suddenly looked down.

What... what's going on?

But in his heart, there was a flash of surprise.

At this moment, during these words, the mist around his ankles, at this moment, somehow, it has disappeared.

All around, there is no trace of fog!

Only, like a mirror with two sides, even the standing postures of the two Chibas are exactly the same.

This... this is!

And at this moment, Qianye's eyes fell on the ground.

At this time, as far as his eyes could see, he was instantly attracted by the foggy shadow extending from his feet on the gray water-like ground. He looked all the way through the extension of the elongated misty shadow, and finally, his eyes fell on the feet of Qianye on the opposite side.

The extended end point of this foggy stretched shadow is exactly the opposite Qianye, that is, his own feet.

I don't know when, their shadows have been stretched and connected together.

What are you going to do?

And the moment his gaze settled, Qianye frowned, and blurted out a sound.

During the words, he was already dignified, and the expression on his face gradually changed from doubt to a dignified one with vigilance.

Is this... a shadow binding technique or something?


Is he waiting for this moment when I relax?

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he could not move.

Almost subconsciously, he thought of the shadow binding technique, and then, it was the idea that it would be bad for him.

Don't worry, it's just the final fusion. After being separated for so long, it's time to return to the state of being together. Don't worry, this time is led by you. After the fusion, you will only get the memories that originally belonged to you. This personality consciousness of mine will erase itself. It may make you feel schizophrenic when you first merge, but after a while, it will be fine, and you will not have any changes except for a part of your memory.

But at this time, hearing Qianye's vigilant and dignified words, Qianye on the opposite side said quite calmly.

There is a lot of sincerity in the words.

It's just that the expression that looks more gloomy than Chiba's can't relate to the word sincerity.

Rong...Fusion? Wait...wait a minute, something, I have something to ask you, just wait a moment!

But upon hearing this sentence, the seriousness on Qianye's face dissipated instantly, a trace of panic flashed across his face, and he immediately stopped him.


In this case, it will not be able to integrate, but it will not be able to integrate!

At this moment, hearing the words of Qianye on the opposite side, Qianye suddenly realized something in his mind, and hurriedly said.

If you follow what the opposite self said, then you must not merge now!

Not yet!

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