Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2062 What's wrong?

Finally made up your mind?

Sure enough, is it because he has fully realized the existence of his mother?

Looking at Qianye in front of him, he could see that he had made up his mind, the young man seemed to have finally let go of a big rock, and he was relieved.

To be honest, if this fusion body chooses not to accept it, then, I am afraid that it is unknown when this fusion body will enter this space again.

At that time, everything will be hard to say.

Although he wants to tell him everything now, when the main body copied him, he used the light sphere to implant him with many taboos. The most important point is that it is strictly forbidden to accept that part of the memory in the fusion body. Before, tell the fusion about the whole thing.

The fusion body must be required to accept that memory, absorb and fuse that memory, and it is best to use the method of voluntary acceptance such as personal experience.

As for why this happened, he actually didn’t know, and the main body didn’t copy the complete memory and consciousness, and the main body didn’t reveal to him why this small part of the memory was deleted, as if to guard against the Immortals of the Six Paths and the world. same will.

Now, since the fusion body is willing to try, he is at ease.

To be honest, he was really afraid that this fusion body would not want to try, and because of the cruelty of this memory, he finally deleted this memory.

Having lost the main personality consciousness of the main body, this memory is completely at the mercy of this second personality consciousness, or the fusion body, and because of the ability of the light ball and the original setting of the main body, all the initiative is in the second The personality consciousness is in hand, and during the fusion period, it can also use part of the power of the light sphere to arbitrarily delete the memory.

To be honest, he did not inherit all the consciousness of the first master personality. Basically, 70% of it is a programmed personality that strictly follows the wishes of the main body, and only 30% inherits the consciousness of the master personality. Consciousness, even if this part of consciousness invades the second personality, there will be no waves.

So, now he really can't figure out why the main body would do this, create him, copy him, and seem to be a little defensive against him, but now, he has shown an absolute disadvantage, everything is under the control of this first In the hands of two personalities.

Although the two are one, but different experiences have created different personalities, they are still the same in essence, but the young people still don't understand why they have to have a second personality.

Judging from the performance just now, the second personality is far worse than the main body, whether it is in terms of spiritual willpower or the ability to plan resourcefully.

It is really inferior to the first personality who has experienced real cruelty and survived. It is far inferior, whether it is calmness, courage, let alone willpower, and often disturbs the whole life because of some unnecessary concerns There is a feeling of chaos after making a good plan.


It's not just a feeling of chaos if you care about it.

There are also some women's benevolence.

It can't be regarded as a woman's benevolence, and it is still a bit decisive when it is time to be decisive.

It should be said that some are too naive!

It is obviously impossible to have the best of both worlds, and to save all of them, but they just want to save everyone, and in the end, they often fail to save anything.

Naive, so naive!

Some people are doomed to be sacrificed.

There is no way to save it.

For example, his ultimate goal is to save Uzumaki Kushina, a plot character, or an aborigine who is more important in his destiny and has a fixed destiny. Then, he must have the consciousness to sacrifice everything. The consciousness of life can do it.

Besides, risking your own life, what kind of consciousness is it?

If the real test of consciousness is only one's own life, then what real difficulties are there in the world?

Enlightenment, how much is it worth?

After experiencing so many battles, it is considered a battle of life and death. He even received a lesson during the mission of Shenwu Biqiao, and he is still confused. Even the most basic contradictions, or the essence of fate I can't see clearly, this is no longer a naive category.

This is already stupid!

The young man did not understand. After the fusion body entered this space, according to the process of the ontology, he was forced to watch everything the fusion body experienced. He really did not understand. The ontology should also see this Everything, before the fusion, no, when he experienced it, he should have seen it.

But why, seeing him so stupid, so naive, who was almost impossible to survive in previous experiences, his body chose to eliminate his own consciousness and hand over everything to this fusion body.

It is impossible for such a guy to support their plan,

It is absolutely impossible to hand over the main body's plan to such a guy.

He was puzzled.

Quite do not understand.


It should be said that there is no way to describe the intense emotions he felt when he saw that this fusion body turned out to be the second personality as the main consciousness, and the ontology consciousness was completely erased.

But now, seeing how this fusion body hesitated about that important memory, to be honest, even if he hadn't been programmed with too much anger, he was still quite angry.

It seems that it is too disappointing.


It's not too disappointing, it's just useless!

This fusion is really naive, stupid and weak, making people speechless.

Although active acceptance is a personal experience, but this personal experience is actually limited. Compared with the real experience, it is still worse after all.

With this willpower, he was really worried when this fusion body would collapse.


I really don't know, what does Ontology think?

And at this time, looking at Qianye in front of him, the young man had the urge to shake his head, but he restrained it after all.


Then, maintaining a formal expression, he nodded formally.

Always have to figure it all out.

Now that I have recalled...

At this time, Qianye also took a deep breath, and slowly closed her eyes.

This must be accepted actively, and that part of the memory in his mind must be released, and he must walk into it. At this moment, he must concentrate and create a usable personal experience mental body in his mind.


Wait a moment!

The other me, the memory of being afraid of my mother, I analyzed the psychology of the other me from this perspective...

Then, I decided to experience these memories.

This situation...

Then, as soon as he closed his eyes, his eyes suddenly opened, and his face changed suddenly.

What's wrong?

Want to go back?

Seeing Qianye's appearance, the corners of the young man's eyes twitched slightly, and his originally calm and gloomy face seemed even more gloomy.

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