The bamboo raft flying backwards...

Footprints on the ground covered by broken leaves...

The traces of blood on the dead leaves...

The suddenly enlightened grassland...

A huge virgin forest stretching as far as the eye can see...

Above the giant tree, Kunai, who had no time to react, and the black corner of his clothes approached him...

Scenes of high-speed moving scenes flashed across Qianye's mind full of astonishment, and finally fixed on the black corner of the clothes and the infinitely expanding Kunai in his eyes, and then slowly faded away.

This memory, like a revolving lantern, stopped.


Then, Qianye, who had already held her breath unknowingly, exhaled in a state of shock after the memory stopped.

This is……

After that, his eyes widened bit by bit, and the expression of astonishment on his face also followed the change of his eyes, and gradually transformed into a look of sudden amazement.

Someone's track!

The footprints covered by the broken leaves, and the bloodstains beside the footprints that were also covered up...

Could it be that such a coincidence?

At the same time, such a thought popped up in his mind, and he recalled what he saw when he leaned over to push aside the suspicious leaves in this sudden revolving memory.

My shadow clone, the shadow clone that returned from the original road, the traces I found, could it be the enemy who kidnapped Hirohiko and Xue Nai?

Footprints and bloodstains...

In Lin's narration, that enemy also left bloodstains and footprints.

However, according to the memory sent back after the shadow clone was released, my shadow clone should have taken the completely opposite path to that enemy.

how come……

Then, after the situation surfaced, Qianye's heart was filled with doubts again.

However, those traces are obviously new, and I searched all the way before, in that bamboo forest, there are obviously no such footprints, and the direction of the footprints is not completely leading to the road when I came, but in the middle Turned around and went in another direction.

Judging from these footprints and bloodstains, the owner of the footprints and I...

Is it by mistake?

Or did he leave the way I came when I entered the primeval forest adjacent to the bamboo forest?

Carefully recalling those sudden memories, Qianye continued to filter and analyze them. As for these sudden memories, it is obvious that after he discovered that things happened in advance, he divided them into the shadow clone of the other two ways and the shadow clone of the water body. Was attacked by someone suddenly, and then lifted, but the memory of the shadow clone was sent back.

Then, after a reminiscence experience with the first-person perspective and the visual and tactile sensory memories in the shadow clone's memory, Chiba was sure that those footprints and blood were left not long ago.

In other words, right now, at this very moment, the person who threw Kunai to kill his shadow clone was in that unusually tall primeval forest.

And the black corner of the clothes, although it is just a glimpse, can be connected with the enemy in Lin's words after all.

In Lin's narration, the enemy was covered in a black cloak, and when he kidnapped Hirohiko and Xue Nai, he also left footprints and bloodstains.

Therefore, Qianye almost subconsciously associated the owner of these footprints and bloodstains with that enemy.

And because Lin's kidnapping happened ahead of time, this enemy took Hirohiko and Yukina away before he came, and then headed towards the river. Kakashi and the others chased them, which triggered Lin's kidnapping. In the case of the walking event, it can be determined that the enemy left the river before he left, and was heading towards the other side of the river.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Kakashi and the others to follow him to the river and meet those two rock hidden.

And if the enemy changed direction after that, that is, after the battle between Kakashi and the two Iwagakures, turned back from the other side of the bamboo forest, and passed him by, logically speaking Works.

It's just that this kind of thing is too coincidental.

However, coincidences are coincidences, this kind of thing is not logically impossible, so there is nothing wrong or whimsical about Chiba thinking this way.

After all, it is also an extremely coincidental thing that there happened to be another person who walked on the way he came when he reached the river, and left footprints and bloodstains like the enemy.

Well...if that's the case, if it's logically correct...

However, after drawing such an overly coincidental inference in his mind, Qianye was not too entangled this time, but raised his put down fingers again.


In an instant, the ninjutsu was activated, and a cloud of white mist suddenly exploded beside him, and quickly dissipated, revealing an identical Chiba.

The technique of shadow clone!

So, you go there, or I go there, I go back, or you go back.

After revealing his figure, Chiba, who was exactly the same, maintained the same crouching movement as the main body Chiba, turned his head slightly to look at his main body, and said.

And it sounded like there was a bit of reluctance in his tone.

What do you think?

However, he did not get an affirmative answer from the main body Chiba, but instead asked a rhetorical question.

You're already thinking about it, why are you asking me?

The rhetorical question of the main body Chiba soon aroused the ridicule of the shadow clone Qianye. The shadow clone Chiba just said, when he was separated, he inherited all the memory of the main body. At this moment, the main body is in He naturally knows what to think.

Then since you know that I'm already fussy, why are you asking me?

Then, the sarcasm of the shadow clone quickly aroused the retort from the main body Chiba, and by the way, the main body Chiba waved his hand in disgust, signaling him to leave quickly.

Cut! You know how to order people!

But hearing the main body's retort, seeing the main body's impatient waving movements, and the even more impatient expression that was already slightly unhappy, the shadow clone Chiba was very dissatisfied and cut, extremely unhappy After complaining, his figure flashed, and he plunged directly into the bamboo forest, flying towards the river.

Why do my shadow clones talk so much?

Seeing the shadow clone disappear into the bamboo forest, Qianye couldn't help but slander a few words, then took a small breath, didn't say much nonsense, and went directly on the way he came and went.

Obviously, this is the direction that the shadow clone went to where the enemy fled, while his main body went to the direction when he came, which is the direction where the footprints and bloodstains were found in the memory of the shadow clone.

Regardless of whether the footprints and bloodstains were the enemy who kidnapped Hirohiko and Xue Nai in Lin's narration, or another person, this arrangement can be regarded as Chiba's usual method.

In this way, both sides are considered, and neither one will be missed.

After all, these are two completely opposite directions, and we can't give up any clues. Qianye doesn't have time to search back and forth.

This can be regarded as an application of Chiba's clone tactics.

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