Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chinese New Year ahead of schedule, drunk, take a leave of absence.

A few of my local friends, knowing that I didn't go back to my hometown for the New Year this year, specially came here the day before the New Year's Eve to spend a year with me.

Originally, I wanted to code after having dinner with my friends. It turned out that I hadn’t drank for a long time, and I got drunk after drinking 3 bottles of beer with my friends tonight, the worst record in history.

I think back when I was studying in the past, I was not so bad, and I was considered a tiger general, but now I have completely become a cat.

Feeling dizzy, Maomao will stop typing, go to bed early, and continue to update everyone tomorrow on New Year's Eve.

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