After chatting with Danzang about the future unified route, Huang Yuan discussed with his uncle about changes to the village management system.

Danzo generally supports the idea of ​​the Presbyterian Church and several other departments proposed by Huang Yuan.

In the past, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was Hokage, and the scope of power of these elders was naturally as vague as possible.

The scope of power is blurred, so the elders of Danzo have a reason to intervene in various affairs of the village.

Even if the matter was exposed in the end and Hiruzaru Sarutobi found out, at most it would be a crime of not reporting Hokage in advance.

But it's different now, Hokage is his nephew, so the elder's power should be limited.

The Council of Elders clearly stipulates that the elders only have the right to make suggestions and have no right to execute. This is a good thing for Hokage’s centralization of power, and Danzo naturally supports it 100%.

However, Danzo also put himself in his shoes and raised two questions regarding the reform of the yellow monkey.

One is, if he enters the Presbyterian Church, what should he do with the roots of his subordinates? You can't hand over the responsibility to outsiders!

Second, how does Huang Yuan plan to convince others?

For these two questions, the answer given by Huang Yuan is also very simple. For the first question, Danzo recommended a suitable clan member to replace him as the root leader.

For the second question, Huang Yuan's answer is simpler, using power to overwhelm others.

If it was the yellow ape before the goal change, maybe he still had the mind to play political games with these old guys. Anyway, they are all fishing. Sitting together and arguing is also a way of fishing!

But it's different now, the new goal of the yellow monkey is not to say the sea of ​​stars! It can also be regarded as Wang Tu's hegemony!

The yellow ape, who had set his eyes farther and bigger, didn't want to continue flirting with some old guys who didn't know the current affairs.

If someone really keeps rigidly disagreeing with Huang Yuan's reforms, the solution is very simple, either laid off or buried, choose one of the two.

Don't say that Huang Yuan doesn't follow the rules. In the ninja world, the biggest rule is that whoever is stronger has the final say!

That is to say, the village is about to go to war now, and there are many foreign affairs, which are also very important.

Otherwise, the yellow monkey who has reduced his fishing can come up with a package of reforms within the first month of the upper Hokage.

Cultural propaganda and invasion, agricultural reform and promotion, general education establishment and promotion, military system reform.

On the first day of his ascension, more than a dozen directions for reform have already appeared in Huang Yuan's mind.

After talking about the reform of the management system, it was already very late, and Kizuru did not stay in Danzo's house. After saying goodbye, he returned to his residence and was ready to rest.

At 8:00 the next morning, Huang Yuan was woken up by Keiko.

Woke up and washed, put on a suit, had breakfast, put on the Hokage gown, and took a few handwritten proposals. After Keiko saw him off, Kizaru left the house.

When Kizaru came to Hokage Building, his office, it was already 8:40, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, two consultants, and Danzo sat in the office and waited.

"Oh ho ho! It's all here!"

Smiling and talking, Huang Yuan walked to the left side of the office, the reception area, and sat on the sofa in the main seat.

On the left and right sides of Kizaru, two consultants are sitting on the sofa on the right, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Danzo are sitting on the sofa on the left.

"Four generations of Hokage, according to the village system, Hokage should go to the Hokage office to handle government affairs before 8:30 in the morning." Facing the yellow monkey who was ten minutes late, Zhuan Xiaochun reminded.

"Understood." Huang Yuan nodded.

Huang Yuan's quick answer surprised everyone present except Danzo.

Is this still the usual lazy and not-so-nice-speaking yellow ape?

"I'll ask the people in the administrative department to change the system later, and Hokage will be at the office before nine o'clock in the morning." Huang Yuan added with a smile.

Um! Normal!

Except for Xiaochun, whose complexion became a little stiffer, the yellow ape that the other two felt familiar had returned.

"It doesn't fit."

"Regulations and systems are all made by people, so they can be changed naturally! As Hokage, can I change the system?" Looking at Zhuanzhu Xiaochun, the smile on Huang Yuan's face gradually faded.

Intimidated by Huang Yuan's sight and momentum, Zhuanju Xiaochun closed his mouth with a bad expression.

"It can be changed, it can be changed! Now that you are Hokage, the rules of the village are naturally up to you." Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled and dispelled the tense atmosphere.

At the same time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was also a little bit dissatisfied with Xiaochun who turned to sleep in his heart. What is the difference between you and Kizaru for such a trivial matter as working hours?

"Let's talk about it first. I have read all the documents and materials on the desk. I will talk about the specific ideas later. The purpose of this morning's meeting is to discuss changes to the village management system."

Following Huang Yuan's words, everyone ignored the episode just now and looked at Huang Yuan attentively.

Compared with a working hour, the change of the management system is a big deal, which is related to everyone's future status and power.

"Before I explain in detail, I have prepared four plan documents, you can take a look at them first." After speaking, Huang Yuan handed out the documents he brought.

The four elders of the village each took the handwritten document from Huang Yuan, and began to read it carefully.

Huang Yuan's handwritten document is not too detailed, but only briefly describes the several departments he wants to set up, as well as the scope of power and responsibility of each department.

It took a few minutes to read through the one-page document. The expressions of the four people present changed in different ways.

In general, Danzo was expressionless, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was very calm, and the two consultants looked not very good.

"After reading it, let me know if you have any comments!" Leaning back on the sofa, Huang Yuan raised his legs and put his hands on the armrest, asking with a smile on his face.

"Elder positions are set up in each village to assist the management of Ying, and also to prevent Ying from being influenced by personal emotions at certain times, going his own way, and making decisions that damage the village.

If the position of the elder changes according to the way you designed, what ability is there to stop Ying's wrong behavior when necessary? "

It was a matter of core interests, the two consultants couldn't sit still, this time it was Mitomon Yan who spoke.

"Since I became a ninja, have I ever made a decision to harm the village?" Looking at Mitomonyan, Kizaru asked calmly.

"It doesn't exist now, but it doesn't mean it won't appear in the future. Even if you don't make mistakes in the fourth generation of Hokage, can you guarantee that the future Hokage can do it too?" Mito Menyan said questioningly.

"Hokage in the future? There will be no more Hokage in the future. If there are no accidents, I can sit in the position of Hokage for hundreds of thousands of years! It depends on when I get tired of sitting, and then consider changing people. At that time, Elder Yan You are definitely gone, and your family may not be there, what are you worried about?"

Stunned by Kizaru's answer, Mitomonyan opened his mouth halfway, wanting to say something, but was a little speechless.

You are going to live for hundreds of thousands of years, what can I say? You have threatened me with my family and my affairs, how should I answer?

"Fourth Hokage, the lifespan of a ninja has an upper limit. Do you have any secret technique to prolong life?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun asked curiously, with a little greed in his eyes.

Apart from Kizaru himself, among the four people present, only Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo knew about Kizaru's conversion to immortality, and the two advisors did not know.

"Secret technique? Forget it! I have completely mastered the fairy technique of Miaomu Mountain. According to the words of the Great Toad Immortal, there is no problem in prolonging life for thousands of years." Now that the celestial technique has been mastered, there is no need to hide it.

After listening to Huang Yuan's words, excitement and greed appeared in the eyes of the two consultants who knew this for the first time.

If Huang Yuan succeeds in cultivating immortal arts, he can prolong his life for thousands of years, so can we do the same?

"The difficulty of fairy art cultivation is extremely high. If you are not careful, you will be eroded by natural energy, and your whole body will be petrified and turned into a toad statue. Danzo and I have tried it, but it didn't work." Seeing the expressions of the two friends, the ape Fei Ri Zhan immediately guessed what they were thinking.

Hearing that among the four, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had the highest talent and strength, had failed in training, disappointment flashed across the faces of the two advisors.

"I'll talk about the fairy art later. If you want to try it, I can take you to Mount Miaomu." With one sentence, the discussion of the immortal art was over, and Huang Yuan continued to return to the topic.

"Aside from worrying about future generations, what other opinions do you have?"

No longer speaking casually, the two advisors looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi, hoping that the teacher of Kizaru, the former Hokage, could speak a few words.

"I support Kizaru's proposal!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi spoke, but unfortunately it was not what the two advisors wanted to hear.

"Very good, there are others?" Seeing that his teacher supported his reform, Huang Yuan was very pleased.

"I support it too!" Naturally, Danzo didn't need to say much, supporting his nephew without thinking.

Seeing that the two with the most power and strength among the four spoke out in support of Huang Yuan, the two advisors had no choice but to grit their teeth and nod in agreement.

"Very good! Thank you for your support!" With a satisfied smile on his face, Huang Yuan thanked him.

Seeing the two consultants with bad expressions and feeling as uncomfortable as eating shit, Huang Yuan felt even happier.

Whether he or Sarutobi Hiruzen, they will not tell these two people. Before today's meeting, the two have reached a deal. After the reform of the management system, the permanent secretary of the secretariat, the Sarutobi clan will occupy a position.

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