War is coming.

Although the village did not issue a formal public announcement, both the ninjas and upper ninjas who participated in the high-level mobilization meeting, as well as ordinary middle and lower ninjas, knew that the war was coming.

During this period of time, the overall atmosphere of the village has always been loose on the outside and tight on the inside. The experienced ninjas are already making various preparations before participating in the battle.

Walking on the street, the 21-year-old elite Chunin and Chuan Junshan are also making their own preparations for the upcoming war.

Oikawa Junzan, who came to Konoha from his grandfather's generation, until his generation became a ninja, without the guidance of his elders, can only refer to the suggestions of his colleagues and well-meaning seniors, plus his own accumulated experience as a ninja for so many years. Prepare for battle.

According to the past practice, all ninjas in the village who participated in the battle will receive combat suits issued by the logistics department.

This combat suit includes Kunai, Shuriken, Detonating Talisman, Bingliang Pill, Antidote, and some auxiliary props.

If ninjas have specialized weapons, such as ninja swords, meteor hammers, axes and other special standard weapons, they can also apply to the logistics department for customized purchases at a preferential price far below the cost price that is usually impossible to obtain.

Ji Chuanjunshan has no expertise in using special weapons, and his combat style belongs to the most conventional and traditional ninja combat style.

He went to the street today with only one purpose, and that was to go to the weapon shop to buy some additional ninja tools.

It wasn't that there was a shortage of the combat suits issued by the village's logistics office, nor was there any quality problem. On the day Ji Chuan Junshan got the suits, he carefully checked and tested everything in the suits to confirm that they were of high quality. Sophisticated high-quality ninja gear.

The reason for additional purchases is simply because Jichuan Junshan's character is too stable.

Since graduating from Ninja School and becoming Genin, up to now, Jichuan Junshan has been able to maintain a 100% mission completion rate and teammate praise rate, all due to his steady style of acting.

Whether it is the lowest D-level task, or the highest A-level important task that he can access, Ji Chuan Junshan is always used to making a comprehensive execution plan before executing the task.

Moreover, there are always more than one set of plans formulated by Jichuan Junshan, the optimal execution plan, the preliminary execution plan, and the prepared preliminary execution plan

After accepting a task, Jichuan Junshan will basically formulate three to five sets of plans.

Three to five sets of execution plans are not the upper limit of Chuan Junshan, but are affected by the upper limit of time available between accepting the task and starting to execute the task. There is only time to formulate so many plans.

He Chuanjunshan, who is stable, treats the mission with such caution, but he is even more cautious when it comes to wars with higher risks and accidents, and he has no combat experience.

Going to the weapon shop on the street to purchase ninja tools is one of Oikawa Junshan's preparations for the war.

Except for the usual set of kunai and shuriken, plus a set distributed by the village, Chuan Junshan plans to buy at least three more sets to prevent the village from having logistical problems after participating in the war and unable to provide follow-up ninja equipment support in time.

At the same time, Oikawa Junshan felt that although all the kunai and shurikens were produced by the standard, there were still subtle differences. After the ninja got it, he needed to spend time practicing to ensure that he was familiar with the weapon enough.

Compared to going on the battlefield with the new weapons temporarily supported by the village, Ji Chuanjunshan prefers to prepare a few more sets by himself and get familiar with them in advance.

Buying a few more sets of ninja gear is nothing more than spending a little more money. Money can be earned back after use. If something happens in battle because of using a new weapon that has not been checked and practiced well, and you are injured, Even death, that is the worst loss!

You can earn money after you use it, but you only have one life, and if you lose it, you really lose it.

"Brother, you are here. I have prepared all the ninja tools you want for you!" Ming Ye, the owner of the weapon shop, was deeply impressed by Oi Chuan Junshan, a regular customer.

"Thank you, Uncle Mingya!" Thanks aloud, Oi Chuan Junshan walked to the counter and opened the box that the weapon shop owner Mingya put on the counter.

Seeing Oikawa Junshan carefully inspecting all the ninja tools in the box, Akira just looked at it with a smile and didn't speak.

It took almost half an hour to check all the ninja tools ordered, and after confirming that there was no problem, Oi Chuanjunshan handed over the final payment to Mingya.

After receiving the final payment, Ming didn't check or count it, and turned around and put it in the middle drawer of the cabinet against the wall.

"Brother, wait!" After putting away the money, Ming also called out when he saw Ji Chuan Junshan picking up the box and preparing to leave.

Stopping what he was doing, Oi Chuanjunshan looked at Mingya, wondering what the shop owner was up to.

"This is for you!" He took out a wooden box from the display cabinet in front of him, put it on the counter, and pushed it towards Ji Chuanjunshan.

Looking down at the wooden box, Oikawa Junshan looked at Mingya with a puzzled expression, "This is it?"

"Here are 50 Detonating Talismans," Mingya said with a kind smile. He was overweight and had a fat face. He smiled like a Maitreya Buddha. I left some for you."

Normally, the price of a Detonator Talisman is about 700 to 1,000 taels, which can be regarded as an expensive one-time consumable ninja tool.

In the early stage of the war like now, although some villages took action to stabilize the price of ninja equipment, the price of detonating charms still rose, and the price of one piece reached about 1,500 taels.

Ming also gave Jichuan Junshan 50 Detonation Talismans, with a total value of about 75,000 taels, which is equivalent to a B-level mission bounty, which is not a small amount.

More importantly, at a special time like now, it is almost impossible for a civilian ninja with no background and connections to get 50 detonating symbols.

Ming Ye, the owner of the weapon shop, gave Ji Chuan Junshan 50 Detonation Talismans at this time. To put it bluntly, it was half his life.

No kidding, and Chuan Junshan's steady combat style, with these 50 detonators, his survival rate on the battlefield can be increased by at least 30%.

"Thank you, Uncle Mingya!" Without politeness, Oi Chuan Junshan looked at Mingya and thanked him earnestly and sincerely.

"You must come back alive!" Nodding with a smile, Ming Ye's words contained his sincere blessings to the ninjas of the village.

Nodding seriously, Jichuan Junshan picked up the box with one hand and the wooden box with the other, and left the weapon shop.

Putting his hands on the counter and watching Oi Chuanjunshan leave, Uncle Mingya slowly suppressed his smile and sighed slightly.

Having opened the weapon shop for more than ten years, Ming also saw too many customers. After buying ninja tools, he never came back.

Some of them went to other shops, and Ming also complained in his heart when he found out when he was young.

But later, Ming Ye, who was getting older, hoped that those ninjas who never returned would go to other weapon shops.

Walking out of the weapon shop, Ji Chuanjunshan was ready to return home as soon as possible, and sorted out the purchased ninja tools, especially the 50 detonating charms that Uncle Mingya gave him.

After walking a few steps on the street, an Anbe ninja wearing an animal mask jumped from the roof and landed in front of Oikawa Junshan.

"Oikawa Junshan, the Fourth Hokage-sama wants to see you, come with me!" Hearing Anbe Ninja's words, Oikawa Junshan couldn't help but lift his heart, and a lot of doubts arose in his heart.

I am a little Chunin, or a civilian ninja of ordinary origin, what should the Fourth Hokage-sama pay attention to?

"Excuse me, can I go home and put down the things in my hand? These are the ninja tools I just bought." Oi Chuan Junshan asked carefully.

Looking at a box and a wooden box that Oi Chuan Junshan was holding in both hands, the Anbu ninja who conveyed the order nodded.

Compared with the ninjas at the roots, the ninjas in Anbu still have to talk about some human touch.

There are two more updates in the back, and it may be a two-in-one 5,000-word chapter!

The original plan was to cook a noodle at 5 pm, and code it after eating.

As a result, the little orange cat that my roommate caught in the community a week ago rushed into my bedroom while my roommate was helping me fix the bedroom doorknob, and jumped out of the open window of the bedroom (both cats are raised In the living room, the windows are all closed, only the windows of the three bedrooms and the kitchen are open), the most frightening thing is that the stupid cat jumped from the window sill outside the window to the air conditioner next to the sealed glass wall (We live on the top floor on the 22nd floor). I have a slight fear of heights. Just watching the cat's operation makes my body sore and my palms sweat.

Then, in order to save the cat, the three of us (all friends) in our shared house did a fancy rescue. As someone who is afraid of heights, I ran outside on the first floor to remind passers-by residents to take a detour, in case there is an accident during the rescue and falling objects hit people. After tossing for more than two hours, finally tied the kitten's neck with a rope and rescued it from the air-conditioning platform. After such a toss, plus the time for dinner later, it will be after nine o'clock to start coding.

But don't worry, even if it's all night tonight, I will write the remaining two updates.

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