Chapter 824 The Last Battle

The coalition forces continued to advance, and finally came to the city and surrounded Rain Shinobi Village on all sides.

This is the last battle of this coalition battle. You don’t even need to make any predictions to confirm that the battle is going well, even if the enemy and the owner of Rinnegan have not appeared.

The so-called alliance of small countries is nothing more than a mess.

However, in this final battle, the coalition forces no longer aggressively proceed. After all, the victory is set. Faced with the enemy’s final shelter, it is most important to reduce their own damage as much as possible. After all, the enemy has the legendary Rinnegan.

The hustle and bustle of the war lasted for a day, and all fell silent at night, and the five shadows finally sat at the same table.

“Five Shadows Talks? Haha, this time it’s worthy of the name.”

This yin and yang strange voice naturally came from the mouth of Ohnoki. Among all of you, he is the only one who can rely on the old and sell the old like this. The words are teasing Mizukage, who is the same as his identity.

When Terumi Mei heard this, she didn’t seem to read the hidden meaning of the other party’s words at all. Sitting there with her eyes squinted and smiling very femininely, this made her already feminine face even brighter.

As for what she was thinking at the moment, no one knew.

Of course, no one cares.

However, Fourth Generation Ai immediately issued a different opinion on Ohnoki’s sarcasm, and as always showed the momentum of Tsuchikage’s needle-point toward Maimang.

This made Terumi Mei a little relieved.

Although she tried her best to show confidence, Kirigakure’s status quo can’t hide from others’ eyes, so now the focus of attention is moved away from her, which is the best result for her.

After all, she asked Konoha for help. The real purpose was to use the strength of the coalition forces to calm the confusion in Kirigakure, because the current situation of Kirigakure has coalition factors in it. This request is not excessive, but Mist Shinobi needs to pay a certain amount for this. The price is certain, and she has been mentally prepared for it.

Seeing that the quarrel between Onoki and Fourth Generation Ai was getting worse again, Tsunade finally slapped the table and drank.

Although the victory of the coalition forces is imminent, Onoki has little fear of Tsunade, but Hokage is the coalition commander, and it really annoys her is also a trouble, so he immediately snorted to Fourth Generation Ai and said, “Don’t follow. After the general knowledge of the reckless man, he turned his head away.

“Master Raikage calms down.”

Tsunade persuaded, and then proceeded to the topic: “Although the enemy’s defeat has been revealed, the coalition forces need to be cautious before that. After all, we all know that the real enemy in Rain Shinobi Village is the owner of Rinnegan. ”

Hearing the word “Rinnegan”, the minds of the people present were all overwhelmed, especially Oh Nogi, who was fighting with the self-proclaimed god at the beginning. After that, when he dreamed back in the middle of the night, he often remembered it. For him, that fiasco was really vivid for him.

“Although a surprise attack at night is also an excellent strategy, even Tsuchikage-sama can’t bear the enemy’s methods, and ordinary ninjas can’t cope with it. Therefore, it is prudent to reduce the loss of the coalition forces. The final battle is set at dawn. What do you think of when?”

As soon as Tsunade’s words fell, Luo Sha firmly agreed with him: “Master Hokage is reasonable, and Sand Shinobi agrees.”

Immediately following Luo Sha’s statement, Terumi Mei quickly said, “Although Mist Shinobi does not have a troop here, Master Hokage’s consideration is indeed thorough, hey! I really regret it!~”

Ohnogi glanced at her, snorted disdainfully, then looked at Fourth Generation Ai, squinted his eyes and said, “Master Raikage has any objection to this?”

Fourth Generation Ai hugged his arms, looked at Ohnogi contemptuously, and said with a sneer: “What does Tsuchikage want to say? Could it be that you have different opinions on Hokage’s words, can’t wait to get revenge? Hahaha!”

When Oh Nogi heard this, he blew his beard and stared with anger, and said in his heart: When did this guy have a brain?

He grunted and said, “Rock Shinobi has no objection.”

Fourth Generation Ai smiled triumphantly, and then said, “Although Cloud Shinobi is prevalent in fighting, the enemy is the legendary Rinnegan after all. It is foolish to rush against him. Therefore, Hokage and Cloud Shinobi have no objection.”

Onoki’s face was sullen, pretending that the other party was alluding to him, but he was already swearing in his heart, making Raikage this kind of reckless ridicule in his eyes, which made him even more angry than defeat in Rinnegan’s hands.

Tsunade nodded in satisfaction and said, “That’s good. Then, I will assign the target.”

Speaking, she took out a scroll from her sleeve and placed it on the table. With a flick of her finger, the content on it was displayed in front of everyone.

Onoki looked at the scroll and exclaimed, “Is this the map of Rain Shinobi Village?”

Terumi Mei’s sight also fell on the scroll. Although she did not speak, she was still shocked looking at the markings of Rain Shinobi Village on the map, because this is too detailed, perhaps not exhaustive, but it is already Summarize the interior of Rain Shinobi Village to make it clear.

Luo Sha retracted her gaze, looked at Tsunade, and exclaimed, “Konoha’s intelligence is really eye-opening.”

In response, Tsunade smiled and said nothing.

Fourth Generation Ai was also surprised and asked, “Hokage, was this drawn just now?”

Tsunade nodded and said, “Yes, so you can rest assured about the timeliness of this map.”

In fact, what everyone is concerned about is of course not the timeliness of the map, but why Konoha’s collection of intelligence can reach such a level, is it penetration spying? Or build an espionage network? But since the other party has deviated from the topic so undisguisedly, obviously even if he asks directly, the other party will not tell the truth.

Of course, even if they really said it, they wouldn’t believe it.

And Fourth Generation Ai didn’t think so much, and said with a smile: “This is the best. Hokage, hurry up and assign tasks. This is the last battle. How about letting Cloud Shinobi’s troops be the vanguard?”

Tsunade blinked and glanced at the ugly face of Fourth Generation Ai behind him. The corner of his mouth was tilted and nodded, “Master Raikage, as you wish.”

Fourth Generation Ahha laughed and said, “Cloud Shinobi won the first round of the final battle!”

Luo Sand Shinobi couldn’t help smiling, and said with a look of admiration: “Master Raikage is full of courage, Sand Shinobi like me is not good. Not only is the number of ninjas scarce, but also not Grandmaster for raid tactics, and can only follow the Cloud Shinobi troops. ”

Having said that, he looked at Tsunade and nodded: “Master Hokage, please assign Sand Shinobi a task.”

Tsunade smiled and nodded. After looking at the map on the scroll, he pointed and said, “Sand Shinobi will attack the two main roads. After cutting off, it will be garrisoned by the Rock Shinobi troops who came afterwards, and then move on and go straight to Rain Shinobi Village. The tower in the center!”

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