“Eonni, don’t have to be so troublesome in the future.” Quanyu Blue looked at noona, his head was sweaty, and his heart was very moving.

“Nothing—” Jeon Bo-ram is absent-minded.

The mood of Quanyu Blue is not so high. “Mom is filming, I am alone at home-“

Jeon Bo-ram lost his face and then smiled easily. “You! Do you have to work hard to know?”

“Ok, I will.”

“Then I am gone, I want to eat on time, I don’t know how to find seonsaeng-nim, don’t be ashamed to ask?”


“Oh… this is my salary last month, 5wKorean Won is not much, you stay on your own.”

“No need… eonni.”

Jeon Bo-ram put the money in his sister’s hand and ran out with his feet up. Quanyu Blue took the heavy Korean Won and his head was low.


It’s been a few days after the girl’s dinner, and although it’s been a few days, the Grand Bell award is still there. The Grand Bell Award is more authoritative than the Blue Dragon Award and the Baeksang Art Awards.

In the naver search list, the movie movie movie queen dominates the first and second place.

The desire of the j7 group is also the hope of Li Junxi. Either don’t do it, do it, and do it best. This is one of Li Junxi’s life creeds.

Td entertainment and the family ran at both ends, Li Junxi did not go out to sneak a slap in the air, quietly wrote the script.

On the evening of the day, Li Junxi received a call from Anna Lee.


When Lee Junxi entered the company, Anna Lee immediately opened the door to see the mountain: “It has already been detected.”

Li Junxi smiled bitterly. “Can you let me drink a drink first?”

Anna Lee’s brow wrinkled. “The audio source website is still no one to intervene, but sk Cui has begun to change the entertainment.”

Li Junxi was relieved. It is still not possible to compete with the sk cui family, as long as there is no handwriting in it, everything is easy to handle, “then use Anxi Technology to acquire.”

If there is no such existence, Li Junxi remembers that the sales of this year’s album did not exceed 70w, or the record of the TVXQ men’s team, even Kim Jong-kook could not break the situation.

“It’s already been negotiated. No accidents, you can take it in a week.” Anna Lee looks complicated. “Why is the acquisition?” The results of the investigation, the director of the sk Cui family is also ready to go up with the high-level, but Li Junxi is the first to take the lead.

Li Junxi nodded, no sk Cui family figure. It’s still a week late. “The first album I released in 03 year is almost tens of thousands of sales of 240. But for a few years, all the singers and albums published by Idol have been greatly discounted.”

Anna Lee bowed her head and fell into meditation. It was indeed as Li Junxi said, and then the eyes were bright, and the sound source might replace the sales of the album. Be the standard for measuring the success of a singer?

Seeing Anna Lee’s doubts, Li Junxi smiled and said: “You think it’s right, this is indeed a big cake. Whether your chaebols are disdain, or how, I don’t have these concerns, I am a monk, can If I make money, I will not pay for it.”

Now the Korean Wave has emerged. As the influence of the Korean Wave continues to grow, the development of the entertainment industry will enter a new chapter. And this development, the same means objective income.

Whether it is an artist endorsement, a concert, a commercial show, or a copyright transfer, it is a huge income.

South Korea is so big, other resources have been divided up by the five major families, and the newborn burdock is not afraid of the tiger, he can only take the sword.

Li Junxi’s concept coincides with Anna Lee. As long as it is allowed, there is interest, regardless of status, as long as it can create benefits, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, Anna Lee is willing to take the plunge.

Seeking for wealth and danger.

Said so much, the tongue is a little dry, Li Junxi licked his dry lips, “Go, help oppa to pour water.”

Anna Lee pointed to herself and squinted: “Are you calling me?”

Li Junxi was puzzled and looked around: “Is there anyone else here?”

Anna Lee looked cold and looked at Li Junxi, who was shameless for a few seconds, and then got up and poured a glass of water to Li Junxi, “Give-“

Li Junxi nodded with satisfaction, picked up the glass and poured it into the mouth, then spit out his face, grasping the tongue that had already bubbling, and vaguely yelling: “Wuxi – are you deliberate?”

Anna Lee sullenly stunned her arms and smiled: “Do you see it?”

Not stupid.

“…” Li Junxi looked at Anna Lee like a monster. “I found that you have a lot of normal people’s emotions on your face recently, such as the gloating fun.”

“Roll!” Anna Lee’s face was a stiff smile, her chest was ups and downs, and the chest under the blue shirt was ups and downs.

“Don’t be angry, this is a good thing, it is worth encouraging.” Li Junxi eyes sly.

When the robot began to show emotions, it meant that Anna Lee gradually became more feminine.

Make a joke and make life more fun, no harm.

“The audio source website will be the standard for measuring the performance of a singer in the future.” And the paid audio source has gradually replaced the album sales, which is also related to the increasingly depressed entertainment industry, and also related to the development of technology. After all, technology is developing fast, there are music software, Who tmd still listen to the album cd? Of course, it is not said that there is no, this ratio is still higher. Most importantly, the music program of the three major TV stations in the future is also linked to the audio source.

At this point, Anna Lee also considered it, but without Li Junxi’s consideration of such a deep, vaguely captured some information, and then Lenovo’s current singer scores, it suddenly became clear.

“Entertainment is actually around, TV, newspapers, tape recorders, internet, etc., will be the spiritual sustenance in the future. So you advocate Samsung to develop entertainment, in fact, I also agree, but it is estimated that your home is old – well, you hal-abeoji I can’t see it.” Samsung’s shareholding in s*m, JYP, and kbs seems to be a compromise in the eyes of Lee Kun-hee, but in Anna Lee’s eyes, this is an investment. And Li Junxi’s idea is the same. This is the investment. Otherwise, Kim Yong-min, the nephew Kim Jae-joong, is in the position of s*m? Everything has traces to follow.

The acquisition of Anxi Technology is a great thing for Li Junxi. This website is Korea’s leading audio source website in the future.

Negotiating the details, the sky is not early, Li Junxi’s stomach is also screaming, look at the time, “Go, go eat!”

Anna Lee hesitated, and finally nodded lightly, “Well.”

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