The latest chapter in the voice of Korean entertainment, the 398 chapter is not very optimistic, floating astronomy

When I first arrived, I ate a cockroach, and I wanted to cry without tears.

“I am funny, okay!”

“Where are you funny? Just irrational.”

Noh Hong-chul also attacked Kyrgyzstan in the same way as Seok Jin-soo.

Everyone is so familiar, naturally no need to be polite. I want to say anything, I feel very relaxed.

“Hey, guys, are you really funny to show you?”

After being attacked by two people, Kyrgyz was angry. With wide eyes, I really want to play a funny spirit.

Park Myeong-su immediately screamed.

“Yah!! The bald guy, when you come, will be honest.”

Yoo Jae-seok also stopped Kyrgyzstan.

“Gil, you are here to help. Quietly finish, go quietly, don’t mess with Noh Hong-chul and maknae. You don’t know who they are, can you cope? ?”

Kyrgyzstan panicked, thought about it, decided to listen to Yoo Jae-seok’s advice.

In this period of recording, Jeong Jun-ha left early, but there was one more.

It was very late in the studio, Kim Yun-a was happy, and everyone was very happy to see her again.

However, Kim Yun-a’s schedule was very busy. After the recording, he refused everyone’s invitation to dinner and rushed to the next event.

Because Ji is here, everyone played it.

At the table, Yoo Jae-seok jokingly asked, “Gil, how does the Infinite Challenge feel?”

Kyrgyzstan drank a lot of wine and spoke a little bit casual.

“Of course it is good, I really want to join in. Brother, if I join in, you will welcome it?”

“Ani ~yo…”

Unexpectedly, Seok Jin-soo was very happy and directly cut off his thoughts.

Although there are only two words, everyone on the table is inexplicably scared, including Kim Tae-ho and Ji Yeong-jae.

Yoo Jae-seok was also awkward and tried to ease the atmosphere.

“Maknae, why are you saying this? Is your relationship with Kyrgyzstan not very good? What kind of person is he, you should be very clear.”

That means telling him why is it so ruthless?

But no one thought that Seok Jin-soo was not a joke, but it was serious.

“Because I know what kind of person he is, I don’t want him to join in. If it is to replace Haha Hyeong to help, it doesn’t matter, but if it is fixed, Gil hyeong, your life will be ruined.”

It was a relaxed topic, and it was totally different.

There was no excitement on the table, everyone was sullen, and there was no atmosphere of joy.

In fact, the arrival of Kyrgyzstan is an unexpected event from the program, which was invited by Jeong Jun-ha to replace himself.

In fact, this is not the case.

From the end of last year, the production team has been looking for suitable candidates.

Because it used to be a seven-person system, you can play a lot of things. After Haha entered the army, he became six people, and sometimes it was difficult to record.

The last time Haha took a holiday, when he met with everyone, he recommended Kyrgyzstan.

Because Haha and Leessang are friends who have known each other for more than ten years, they are familiar with Kyrgyzstan.

Today’s recording is an inspection of the production team.

Overall, Kyrgyzstan’s image and performance are very well matched with the members. Therefore, the dinner after the recording is actually a ventilation meeting.

But no one thought that Seok Jin-soo, who had been playing with Leessang, clearly opposed the addition of Kyrgyzstan.

This is a situation that no one expected, and it also made everyone very scared.

Kyrgyzstan did not even say it, a sad face, did not expect to be treated like this by a good friend.

“In fact, I really didn’t think that you would think so. I usually have a lot of things. You should be clear about your brother. Now Leessang’s career has reached a bottleneck. It needs more people to know why it should be blocked. My way?”

Although it is finally decided whether Kyrgyzstan can join the production team, Seok Jin-soo is an important member of Infinite Challenge, and his opinions cannot be ignored.

Seeing Jitong with a fat face and bloodshot eyes, it is obviously very angry. If you don’t get it, you will have trouble.

Noh Hong-chul quietly took a Seok Jin-soo under the table, hoping that he would not say it.

Seok Jin-soo, in turn, took his hand and motioned him to be safe, and everything was under his control.

I looked up and looked at it without any retreat.

“Gil hyeong, from the perspective of friendship, I certainly hope to be able to record a program with you. To be Come To Play, we are not very happy. But not here, here is Infinite Challenge, this is the national variety.”

Ji Yan slammed the cup on the table, and he was even more angry.

“Oh, the national variety show, it turned out that my grade is not enough.”

Obviously he was misunderstood and has already become hostile to Seok Jin-soo.

Seeing the atmosphere is very bad, Kim Tae-ho is rarely open.

“maknae, let me know what you have.”

For a long time of cooperation, he has always stood in the perspective of a third party, so he can see many aspects of Seok Jin-soo that others can’t detect.

At the very least, he knows that Seok Jin-soo is not a stingy person, and he has no warning about others.

He is definitely not because of the joining of Kyrgyzstan, he feels that he threatened his position and opposed it.

Seok Jin-soo is not the bottom of the Infinite Challenge. In addition to Yoo Jae-seok and Park Myeong-su, he is even more important than Noh Hong-chul.

Since he is so strongly opposed, there must be a reason.

Since pd spoke, everyone had to endure it and listen to the reasons for Seok Jin-soo.

Seok Jin-soo is still looking at Kyrgyzstan, a firm and pure look that shows that he is not malicious.

“First, first, brother, look at your status, is it suitable to enter without a pick?”

Your own state?

Gim was so innocent that he touched himself one by one and didn’t realize how he was.

Really, I have never seen such a stupid thing, and Seok Jin-soo decided to speak more straightforwardly.

“If you want to join the unprovoked words, brother, do you have the confidence to stop drinking? Your alcohol addiction is too big, and it is very sloppy after being drunk. If you go on like this, sooner or later, something will happen.”

When I heard Seok Jin-soo’s reasons, the other members were shocked and scrutinized.

South Korea likes to drink people everywhere, even women like to drink two glasses. Even among the unlisted members, several people like to drink.

Both Park Myeong-su, Jeong Jun-ha, Jeong Hyeong-don, and Noh Hong-chul are very careful not to delay things because of drinking.

Not to mention, there are Yoo Jae-seok and Seok Jin-soo, which are completely alcohol-free.

Ji Ke is not only a friend of Seok Jin-soo, he has friendship with the unspoken members.

So what kind of person he is, everyone knows very well.

Now Seok Jin-soo says that other people’s ideas have changed.

“Gil, maknae is right, you drink, it’s really awkward.”

Park Myeong-su is straightforward and the first one echoes the words of Seok Jin-soo.

“Really, if you are like this, you will really delay things.”

Jeong Hyeong-don has a little control. After all, he is the same age as Kyrgyzstan, so his speech is not so excessive. But the meaning is also in place, and it is also very good for Ji Ji’s alcohol addiction.

Faced with everyone’s doubts, Kyrgyz retorted: “I don’t drink when I record, do Come To Play together, do I have a drink recording program?”

This time Noh Hong-chul also shook his head.

“Gil hyeong, what we are saying is that you are a little addicted to wine. The place where things go wrong is not just a program.”

Seeing Kyrgyzstan is still a bit unreasonable. Seok Jin-soo swings his hand and signals everyone to be safe. He has other reasons.

“Gil hyeong, the matter of wine is not mentioned first. You are not a singer. If you do Infinite Challenge, are you not ready to sing in the future?”

This is even more inexplicable, and Kyrgyz’s tone is also a bit more intense.

“Why don’t I sing? You are not making music too? You can, why can’t I?”

Seok Jin-soo is still calm.

“I was originally gagman. It is only a sideline job. The recording of the Infinite Challenge has always been a mess. When I am busy, I have no time to rest, and I don’t have the energy to think about anything else. Can you still be a singer? You are a combination, you have to think about Gary brother. What’s more, your music needs life experience and sentiment. When you are busy with the recording of the program, can the singer’s activities continue?”

Leessang is different from the average singer. Basically all works are their original.

Kyrgyz’s composition and gary’s lyrics are a combination of heaven and earth.

And Leesang’s work is highly critical and highly controversial.

In the past, they were underground singers, and they rarely appeared in front of the public. This is no problem.

If you become a TV personality, you should always accept the public’s review, which will definitely limit their inspiration.

Although the program can expand the popularity, it may also bring huge profits to them.

浣哠eok Jin-soo 鐭ラ死锛岄煶涔愬彲鏄粬浠殑鐏甸琼锛屾槸leessang瀛桦湪镄勫熀纭

涓庡叾鍒 椂 椂 chain 掍笉濡傜幇鍦ㄥ chain ammonia 璁╀粬鎯 竻妤氥 竻妤氥

鏋 劧锛屾秹鍙婂埌娣卞埢镄勮瘽棰桡纴钖夌殑姘斿娍鍏ㄩ兘娌 锛岃劯鑹 锛岃劯鑹 锛岃劯鑹 锛岃劯鑹 櫐鏆椾笉鏄庛 櫐鏆椾笉鏄庛

Key 屽叾浠栦 钖埌浠栫殑璇濓纴涔熼兘鍦ㄩ渿鎯娄箣浣欙纴瀵 钖埌浠栫殑璇濓纴涔熼兘鍦ㄩ渿鎯娄箣浣欙纴瀵 粬鍒洰鐩 粬鍒洰鐩 粬鍒洰鐩 粬鍒洰鐩

鐪熸槸娌°C湁鎯冲埌锛宫aknae 鑳借鎯鎯埌杩欎箞娣卞ゥ镄勫眰娆纴杩樻槸璁╁掼鍝ヤ纴杩樻槸璁╁掼鍝ヤ纴杩樻槸璁╁掼鍝ヤlike €

涔嫔墠澶 閮 閮 閮 閮 鍗曪纴锲犱 鍗曪纴锲犱 鍗曪纴锲犱 缂 缂 汉 汉 嬶纴 嬶纴 嬶纴 嬶纴 嬶纴 嬶纴 嬶纴 嬶纴 嬶纴

鍙槸鍦⊿eok Jin-soo 璇村嚭杩欎箞澶氱殑闂钖庯纴澶у嶅彂嶅彂夛纴浜嬫儏娌°C湁闾d箞绠€鍗曘€

Chain 潵澶   夊缑 夊缑 Seok Jin-soo 宸茬粡鎯 Chong 殑寰堟 鍒讳 锛屽鏂橲 锛屽鏂橲 eok Jin-soo 鎺ヤ笅鏉ョ殑璇濓纴旋村姞璁╀簨鎯呭彉镄勫鏉

鈥滆缮 chain 夊 鏄纴鏄庡 鏄纴鏄庡 鏄纴鏄庡 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 aha aha 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 浼氲撶牬锛岃镐庝箞锷烇纻鈥

杩欎竴娆$殑镵氶锛屽师儹闂儹闂儹闂殑姘旀皼锲犱殑姘旀皼锲犱Seok Jin-soo 镄勫喎闱栾€屽湪锏屽湪锏劅浜ら泦涓粨鏉熶劅浜ら泦涓粨鏉熶


Seok Jin-soo 涔熷緢涓嶆槸婊嫔懗锛岀煡阆 浜嗗悏镄勫 浜嗗悏镄勫 銆 銆

鍙珯鍦ㄥぇ瀹剁殑鍒╃泭 掑 掑 锛屼粬涓嶅缑涓嶈 锛屼粬涓嶅缑涓嶈 锛屼粬涓嶅缑涓嶈

鍙槸 夊缑瀵 夊缑瀵 夊缑瀵 悏锛屾墍浠ュ紑鍙 悏锛屾墍浠ュ紑鍙 悏锛屾墍浠ュ紑鍙 锛 锛 锛 锛 锛 锛 锛 锛 锛 锛



璇 inch 潃锛屼粬涔熸 夎窡澶 chain 夎窡澶    婂埆锛岀洿鎺ュ紑杞 浜嗐 浜嗐 浜嗐 浜嗐 浜嗐

鍙槸鐪嬬潃浠栬翻铡荤殑杞〉奖锛孲eok Jin-soo 銆乊oo Jae-seok 鍜孠im Tae-ho 涓変汉鍏ㄩ兘鑴歌壊闅剧湅銆


鈥 粷瀵 粷瀵 秴镙囦 秴镙囦 秴镙囦 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 缁忓埌浜嗛唹閰掔殑绋嫔 傗 傗 傗


杩欐绠 鐭殑瀵 鐭殑瀵 鐭殑瀵 瘽锛岄櫎浜嗕笁浜 瘽锛岄櫎浜嗕笁浜 瘽锛岄櫎浜嗕笁浜 纴鍒 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 夊惉鍒

鍙 鏄 鏄 鏄 畾浜嗗悏镄凪 畾浜嗗悏镄凪 i-rae 銆

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