Lao Tzu is Hades

Chapter 333 Staff Dormitory [2]

Zou Ning said: "Birthday gifts are also bought and forgotten to give, ha ha, do you believe it?

"I..." Gentle was suddenly at a loss. When asked by Zou Ning's yin and yang, he felt very wronged.

Seeing Gentle not speaking, Zou Ning became more suspicious, and said: "By the way, he just said that he will be looking for you this afternoon, what is he doing?"

Gentle was feeling wronged in her heart, and said negatively: "Do I have no privacy of my own? Do I have to report everything to you?"

Seeing gentle and angry, Zou Ning wilted and said with a smile: "Why are you so sensitive? I just asked casually!"

After hesitating tenderly, he told the truth and said, "Tomorrow I will buy work clothes for the employees in the store!"


While talking, the two arrived at school.

Zou Ning drove Gentle to the girls' dormitory, took a thousand yuan from his arms, and said, "This is my salary for tutoring this week. Take it!"

"I don't want it!" Gentle shook his head.

Zou Ning said: "You take it, my aunt will be hospitalized soon, how can I do it without money!"

Gentlely said: "You don't have a wealth of money, just keep the flowers, I will ask you if I need it!"

Zou Ning was unhappy, and said, "Why, you don't think you are too young?"

"No!" said softly, "put it with you first, keep it for yourself, and I will speak to you if I need it!"

"Okay!" Zou Ning took the money back, and before leaving, said, "I will get off work early in the future. It is not safe to be so late. Fortunately, the place where I am tutoring today is close to you, so I brought you along!"

Gentle did not speak, but thought in her heart, I didn't deliberately dragged off work so late to wait for you!

However, the atmosphere between the two of them was not quite right today, so they didn't say the gentleness, so as not to make them unhappy more and more.


After class the next afternoon, Gentle is reviewing.

Suddenly, the squad leader came over and said, "Gentle, someone is looking for you outside!"

Gentle knew that it should be Jiang Feng, so she hurriedly closed the book and prepared to go out.

At this moment, Zou Ning suddenly came over and said: "Gentle, I will go with you!"

Gentle frowned, and said, "What are you doing in our shop? You are not in our shop, and moreover, don't you still want to be a tutor?"

Zou Ning said: "I took a leave of absence for home tutoring today!"

Gentlely said: "Why ask for leave? Just to monitor me?"

Zou Ning Qiangyan smiled and said, "What are you talking about, I...well, I asked for leave because I wasn't feeling well..."

Gentle said: "Since you are uncomfortable, then you go to the dormitory to take a good rest, I'm busy!" After speaking, he left the classroom.

Seeing the gentle leaving back, Zou Ning gritted his teeth with hatred.


When I arrived in the corridor, Jiang Feng was waiting for him.

Somehow, I was very happy when I saw Jiang Feng, because I was very relaxed and comfortable with him, not at all like Zou Ning, it was very tiring to get along with, especially the heart.

Gentleman Jiang Feng took the gentle book and said: "Let's go, senior sister!"


When he got outside, Jiang Feng drove gently in the direction of the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

When he arrived at the trendy shopping mall, Jiang Feng stopped the car.

Wenrou knew that the trendy shopping mall was full of specialty stores, and the things were very expensive. At that time, she hesitated and said, "Are you sure... come here to buy work clothes?"

"Of course!" Jiang Feng said, "Our new store is positioned for high-end cuisine, and the clothing of the employees should not be too casual!"

"Well then..." It was the first time Wen-rou went to the mall with a boy, and she felt weird in her heart; however, she was a little bit novel and satisfied.After all, shopping in the mall is a woman’s nature, no matter whether she looks beautiful or ugly, there is no distinction between poor and rich.


Jiang Feng didn't know much about clothes at first, but after getting along with a group of women for a long time, he got a little bit of understanding.

After visiting a few stores, I first bought two British casual suits for Wenrou with a shirt and high heels, which cost more than 6,000 yuan!

Gentle usually wears school uniforms, or sells goods at very cheap prices, and can hardly see any figure, but Jiang Feng knows that she is quite expected inside!

Sure enough, putting on new clothes, her plump figure was outlined vividly, with a unique sense of beauty!

Every time I try on a gentle dress, I look at the person in the mirror and my face turns red!

After checking out, walking into the public hall, Gentle suddenly stopped.

Jiang Feng said: "What's wrong with you?"

Gentlely twisted and said: "These clothes, I temporarily...may not have money for you, can I deduct it from my salary in the future?"

Jiang Feng froze for a moment, and said with a smile: "What are you talking about! These are work clothes, of course the store paid for it!"


Gentlely said: "Such expensive clothes, we haven't officially opened yet, now they are so extravagant... not so good, right?"

"What's wrong!" Jiang Feng said, "I am the boss, I have the final say!"

Gentle was moved in his heart.

"That's right!" Jiang Feng said, "Did you... have something happened and you are short of money?"

After gentle hesitation, she still didn't say that her mother was sick, because she didn't want to cause trouble to Jiang Feng, smiled and shook her head, and said, "It's nothing!"

Jiang Feng said: "If there is anything, just tell me, don't see outsiders! I still count on you, the store manager, to make a lot of money for me!"


When he arrived at the supermarket on the first floor, Jiang Feng bought two more aprons, fantasizing about putting on the aprons tenderly.

However, someone who has a boyfriend, Jiang Feng shook his head and scolded himself a beast!

However, just thinking about it, isn't it illegal?

Then Jiang Feng began to fantasize again...


After staying in the mall for two hours, after eating the hot pot, I went out and found that it was raining heavily.

The heavy rain "cracked" down, the world was foggy, and the streets became congested.

I was dumbfounded when I looked at it tenderly, and I felt very worried, and muttered: "How can I go back here!"

Jiang Feng moved in his heart and said, "Or I will take you to the staff dormitory!"

Gentle and delighted: "Does our store have staff dormitories?"

"Of course!" Jiang Feng said, "It's nearby, not far from the noodle shop, just a few steps away, no need to drive!"

Seeing the gentle promise, Jiang Feng bought another umbrella and led her to the famous eastern city in the rain.

Although they were holding umbrellas, the storm was too great. When they arrived in the corridor of the community, the two of them were as drenched as Luotangji.

Jiang Feng severely stomped his feet on the rain, leading gentle to 401.

When the door was about to be opened, suddenly, the opposite door opened, and a long leg in red high heels and black stockings stepped out.

Looking up, it turned out that it was the neighbor Yoona, wearing a stewardess uniform and carrying an exquisite suitcase, making her figure slim and charming.

Jiang Feng was taken aback at the time, wondering why Yuner was not the princess of the nightclub, and why he became a stewardess again?

By the way, the nightclub must have a theme night tonight, so I dress like this!

The two smiled at each other and nodded slightly as a greeting.

Seeing Yoona was going out, Jiang Feng reminded her: "It's raining heavily outside, don't you bring an umbrella?"

Yoona smiled and said, "It's okay, our airline has a shuttle bus, right at the gate of the community!"

Return the airline, it's just as true!

Jiang Feng was a little funny in his heart, thinking that if gentleness were not present, he would have to strip off your hypocritical coat and look at your dirty body!

But... the words can't be so absolute!

At the beginning, Wen Rou had worked in the hot spring area of ​​the restaurant, but she was a pure and clean girl; maybe, there is something unspeakable about Yoona!

"School brother, this beautiful stewardess... is it your neighbor?"

Seeing Jiang Feng Chong Yuner's back in a daze, he gently reminded him; because he was soaked in rain, his clothes were tightly attached to his body, which was a bit uncomfortable.

"Ah, yes!"

Jiang Feng's face blushed, he recovered, and quickly took out the key to open the door.

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