Lao Tzu is Hades

Chapter 342 Mu Feiyan's Missing

Worry even more with wine

Jiang Feng was full of thoughts. He was only planning to have a few drinks and chat to relieve boredom.

Hu Cheng was so drunk that he had to let Ruyan take Jiang Feng to the hot spring.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but went with Ruyan.

Jiang Feng planned that if there is no news from Yu Xiaoyao and Hu Cheng's men at eight o'clock, they have to set off for everything.


When they arrived at the hot spring area, the three of them changed their clothes and went into the water.

Ruyan wanted to find a chance to tease Jiang Feng, but Jiang Feng has always been inseparable from gentleness.

Ruyan couldn't find a chance, so after soaking for a while, he got up with anger.

As soon as Ruyan left, Jiang Feng said, "Senior sister, where exactly is Hutou Town?"

Gentlely said: "It takes more than an hour to drive from here. It's very remote! Moreover, the place is a bit evil. If you go, you must be very careful!"

Jiang Feng curiously asked, "What an evil way?"

Gentlely said: "There is a mountain range in Hutou Town. Among them is a place called Hutou Cliff. Legend has it that there is a tiger fairy living there. Every night of the full moon, there will be a whistling sound and will go down to eat children!"

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "This is the story made up by the old man to scare the child?"

Gentle shook his head and said, "I don't know the details, but people do often disappear in that place. In the past, some developers wanted to build tourist attractions there, but accidents happened on the construction site one after another, and then they stopped."

Jiang Feng said: "By the way, when did your family move out of Hutou Town?"

Gentle said: "My dad disappeared the year I graduated from junior high school. Some people said that I had seen him in Yanjing City. My mother took me to Uncle Yanjing’s house and stayed temporarily. While doing a small business, I looked for my dad. , But after so many years, there is still no news of him."

Speaking of this, tenderness felt sad for a while.


Jiang Feng was about to comfort her a few words, suddenly, a figure in the distance rushed over, with a bit of murderous aura.

Jiang Feng thought it was an enemy, so he stood up and stood in front of Genrou.

However, when the other party arrived, Jiang Feng discovered that the person here was actually Yu Xiaoyao.

I don't know what happened, Yu Xiaoyao seemed to be seriously injured, staggered to the side of the pool, looked at Jiang Feng, called "Master", and then fell into the pool with a "choice".


Jiang Feng's expression changed drastically, and he quickly fished out Yu Xiaoyao and let her lie on the shore.

I saw that Yu Xiaoyao didn't get hurt much, but his breath was free and Yang Qi was weak. I don't know how to do it.

Jiang Feng pressed a palm on her lower abdomen, sending a yang energy past.

For a while, Yu Xiaoyao slowly opened his eyes.

"What's going on? What happened?" Jiang Feng looked concerned.

Yu Xiaoyao took a few breaths, sat up, looked around, and said, "Master, has Miss Mu come back?"

"Miss Mu?" Jiang Feng said, "Isn't it a smoke?"

"Huh!" Yu Xiaoyao said, "has she come back yet?"

Jiang Feng didn't know, so he wondered how to get involved with Mu Feiyan, shook his head and said, "I didn't see her!"

Yu Xiaoyao said, "Master, then go to Hutou Town and save Girl Mu!"

"What the hell is going on? How could Feiyan be there?" Jiang Feng was startled.

Yu Xiaoyao said: "When we set off at noon, we happened to ran into Girl Mu. She said that she had nothing to do, so she went with us!"

"Then what?" Jiang Feng asked.

Yu Xiaoyao said: "Then, we from the Shadow Gate and the Assassination Pavilion went to Hutou Town together. Once we got there, we started to inquire about the bronze statue, but we didn't find any useful information, so we searched for it ourselves. Get up. Find the vicinity of Hutou Cliff, a black demon wind suddenly blows in the forest, the demon energy is strong, covering the sky; being blown by the demon wind, the whole body can not lift half of the strength. When the demon wind dissipated, I found nearby Many people have died, and Miss Mu can't be found. Since Miss Mu hasn't come back to look for you, I'm afraid she hasn't come back in Hutou Town!"

Jiang Feng was very scared!

Mu Feiyan is a fourth-rank martial sage, and his cultivation is the same, if something goes wrong with her, then things will be tricky!

Jiang Feng hurriedly called Ruyan and asked her to take Yu Xiaoyao to the room to rest and prepare to leave.


When he arrived at the restaurant parking lot, Wen Rou also followed out, saying that he would go with Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng said: "Senior sister, it's too dangerous to go here, or you should stay?"

He shook his head gently and fiercely, and said: "Since it is dangerous, I can't let you take the risk alone! I grew up in Hutou Town, and I am familiar with it anyway, so don't persuade you, let's start! Don't worry, don't think I am a girl, I won't drag you down!"

"Alright!" Jiang Feng couldn't think of being gentle and knowing how to care about himself, "So, from now on, you have to follow me every step of the way, have you heard?"

"Hmm!" With a gentle expression of joy, she nodded fiercely, as if she could help Jiang Feng, she was very happy.


Leave the city and head north.

After driving for about an hour, it was already very desolate. On both sides of the road, there were endless wheat fields.

Gentlely said: "In another half an hour, we will almost reach Hutou Town."

Jiang Feng said, "Where is Tiger Head Cliff?"

Gentlely said: "Hutouya is still north of the town. There is no highway, so you can't drive. You will have to walk there later."

Sure enough, after driving for another half an hour, a remote town appeared in front of him. Hundreds of families were sparsely populated with scattered lights. It was Hutou Town.

Gentle’s hometown, in the southwest of the town, looks like an ordinary brick house from the outside.

Jiang Feng parked the car at the door of Wenrou's house, and the two walked towards Hutouya.


The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the evening breeze is cool.

On both sides of the road, the cries of crickets came from time to time.

Seeing that Gentle seemed to be cold, Jiang Feng took off his coat and put it on her.

Gentle heart warmed.

Jiang Feng took the opportunity to grab her little hand and said, "From now on, there may be danger at any time. You have to hold me and never separate!"

Gentle and softly "hmm", but complaining in my heart, it is clear that you are holding people, where is someone holding you!

Although it is a complaint, her tender heart is extremely sweet.


In a moment, a stretch of mountains appeared in front of him.

The jungle on the mountain is luxuriant, and the sounds of birds and animals are endless.

Among them is a mountain that is extremely steep, standing below and looking up, like a tiger's head, roaring with its mouth open.

Gentlely pointed to the mountain and said, "That's Hutouya!"

Jiang Feng took out an amulet from Qiankun's bag and said, "You stick this inside, next to your skin, and you may be able to save your life at the critical moment!"

Gentle took the amulet, gave Jiang Feng a shy look, turned around, opened his clothes, and stuck the amulet inside.

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