When I walked to the east of the town, I saw a lonely temple standing in the field, about the size of a house. There were many people around the entrance of the temple, pointing there.

Jiang Feng walked over curiously and said, "What temple is that?"

Gentlely said: "Niangniang Temple."

Jiang Feng said: "Which empress is enshrined?"

Gentlely said: "The White Snake Empress."

"White Snake Empress?" Jiang Feng said, "What the hell? What kind of empress is White Snake?"

Gentle explained: "That's it. It is said that a long time ago, a tiger demon came to the town, and every night of the full moon, he would run into the village and bite when he saw people. The townspeople were panicked and scared tonight. He didn't dare to go out. Later, a person who claimed to be the White Snake Empress passed by and fought the tiger demon for three days and three nights, severely wounded the tiger demon, and drove him to the tiger's head cliff. She is a human. However, the White Snake Empress herself was bitten by the Tiger Demon, and she was recuperating in the town for a while, and finally died. The townspeople built a Empress Temple here in memory of her."

As they spoke, the two came closer.

I saw that this temple was already very dilapidated. The door was covered with spider webs, and the inside was also covered with dust, as if no one had been here for many years.

It turned out that in the 1970s, the Niangniang Temple was smashed once. At that time, the village chief swears to defend the Niangniang Temple. He didn't expect that he was beaten to death. Later, no one offered incense here.

But at this moment, many people surrounded the temple, whispering and whispering to each other from time to time.

The two squeezed in to take a look and found a strange thing!

Inside the dilapidated temple, clusters of fascinating flowers grew. The branches and stems resemble snakes hovering, and the flowers resemble snakes spitting out a snake letter.

"Dragon Snake Flower?"

Seeing this kind of flower, Gentle couldn't help but cried out.

Jiang Feng had never seen this kind of flower, and said casually: "What's the origin of this flower?"

Gentlely said: "There is an old saying in our town called'Dragon snake flowers bloom, cut down acacia", which is said to be ordered by the white snake empress before her death; it means that if one day, the empress woman's temple is full of dragon snake flowers, All the acacia trees in the town will be cut down!"

Jiang Feng was puzzled: "What is the reason?"

Gentle shook his head blankly, and said: "This was uploaded by the ancestor. I don't know the specific reason."

At this moment, an uncle on the side interrupted and said: "Young man, you only know the first half of the sentence, but you don't know the second half!"

Jiang Feng hurriedly said: "I would like to hear the details!"

The old man took a mouthful of dry smoke and said: "Before the White Snake Empress died, she left two sentences. The first sentence was'Dragon Snake blossoms, cut down the acacia.' Coffins everywhere'; now the dragon snake flower has bloomed, if we don’t cut down all the acacia trees in the town, our Hutou town will be over and die, and coffins everywhere!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone sneered and said: "So many acacia trees have been cut down and sold to you? Not to mention there are many young saplings. Are you going to cut them all at once?"

The uncle said: "Anyway, this is the will of the White Snake Empress. If you don't cut it, you can just wait for the dead at home!"

"Hey you old guy, how do you talk?"

"I'm talking like this! Why, not convinced? Your grandfather has to call the third uncle when he sees me, you little bitch, you have gone out to work for two years, and you have forgotten who your ancestor is!"

"Old stuff, lean on the old and sell the old, with a mouthful of dung, I will kill you!"

"Little boy, you try to move me!"


The more noisy they got, the more fierce they got, and they almost fought.

It turns out that these people are arguing over whether to cut down the acacia tree!

The townspeople are roughly divided into two camps.

One camp is dominated by young people. They advocate not cutting acacia trees, because the acacia trees are the economic lifeline of Hutou Town, and it is not a good season to sell timber. Now that the trees are cut down, a lot of money will be lost!

The other camp is mostly elderly people. They are more superstitious about what their ancestors have uploaded. They think this is a matter of life and death in Hutou Town; therefore, the acacia tree must be cut down, and none of them can be left!

In the end there was too much noise, and even the mayor was alarmed and came over in a Santana sedan.

Of course, the mayor did not believe in the white snake empress, and immediately ordered the eradication of the dragon snake flower in the empress temple.

After giving the order, the mayor personally took the lead and led a group of young people to work with shovels. In less than half an hour, all the dragon snake flowers in the temple were wiped out.

After finishing the work, the mayor was proud, threw the shovel, and said: "This is all right. If there is no dragon snake flower, there is no need to cut the acacia tree! Are you both satisfied?"

Of course, the young camp was satisfied, and praised the mayor so much. As for the old camp, they cried and cried, as if the sky was about to collapse.


As soon as the mayor left, the townsfolk also dispersed.

Only some elderly people stayed here, crying to the Niangniang Temple, praying for the White Snake Niangniang to show up and come out to bless them.

Jiang Feng and Wenrou were about to move on to other places. At this moment, an old man suddenly shouted, "The flowers are blooming! The dragon snake flowers are blooming again!"

The two of them moved in their hearts, stopped at the same time, and went back to the temple gate to take a look. As expected, the dragon snake flower that had just been eradicated by the mayor, in the blink of an eye, actually grew branches and leaves and flowers, and, More luxuriant and more coquettish than before!

The old people cried heartbreakingly, and said: "This is the white snake empress reminding us that if we don't cut down the acacia tree, our Hutou Town is really going to end!"

Jiang Feng pulled gently and said, "Go, go in and take a look!"

Entering the temple, I saw a portrait hanging on the wall just north of the temple, which should be the portrait of the White Snake Empress.

Because there was no one to worship for too long, thick dust fell on the portrait.

Jiang Feng was a little curious about the white snake empress, so he took off his coat, stepped on the altar and wiped the portrait clean.

In the portrait, it is a young and beautiful woman with a graceful posture and a kind smile on her face. Her body faintly exudes a holy temperament, which is impressive.

Jiang Feng felt that the woman in the portrait was very familiar. He looked back and looked at him softly. He was silly at the time and said, "Senior Sister, isn't the person in this portrait you!"

How did you pay attention to Gentle at first, after Jiang Feng reminded him, he looked up, really!

I saw the white snake empress in the portrait, she looked exactly like herself!

The two looked at each other and they were all stupid.

Soon, those old people also found out that they were wrong, and they knelt down in front of gentleness, crying bitterly: "The White Snake Empress is reincarnated! White Snake Empress, please save us Tiger Head Town!"

These elderly people do not know all about Gentle, but most of them are their elders.

She hurriedly helped the old people up and said, "Get up, everyone, I am Gentle, Xiao Rou who lives in the southwest of my house! I am not a white snake empress, don't get me wrong!"

Wherever the old people are willing to believe, no matter how gentle they persuade, they just refuse to get up and knock their heads "bang".

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