Jiang Feng was very accurate. Less than three minutes later, the supervisor brought two waiters over.

The supervisor is a young guy, he looks not much older than Jiang Feng, who is twenty-four or five years old.

Seeing the chaos in the room, the supervisor's expression changed slightly, and he said to the two waiters: "Don't go in and clean!"

"Okay, Director Hu!"

The two hurriedly pushed the tool cart in to clean.

Jiang Feng pulled the director Hu aside, threatening and intimidating: "Your hotel is haunted, and my room is haunted. I can't just leave it alone! Call your chairman!"

According to Jiang Feng's speculation, the supervisor did not dare to take responsibility, and would definitely contact his immediate boss-the department manager.

Sure enough, the supervisor first calmed Jiang Feng a few words, then took out his mobile phone and said: "Manager Ma, room 3007 on the top floor, something has gone wrong, let's see...Can you come over now?"

"What's the situation?" An impatient voice came over the phone.

The supervisor suppressed his voice and said, "It seems...haunted too!"

"What?" The manager's voice changed, and he was silent for a moment, "Pay more and send it away quickly. I'm busy here!"


Jiang Feng heard clearly.

Haunted too!

and also!

Could it be that this hotel has other rooms haunted recently?

Before Jiang Feng wanted to understand, the supervisor walked over with a smile and said, "I'm really sorry, I interrupted you to rest! In this way, what compensation do you want, please mention, I will try my best to satisfy you!"

Jiang Feng said: "I don't want any compensation, I just want an explanation! Call your boss!"

As soon as the supervisor saw this, he stuffed 10,000 yuan in the past, and there were two packs of 95 Supreme, and said, "Brother, do it well, don’t make things too much, it’s not easy for me to eat too much! Let the boss know, I will definitely get fired!"

The other party made sense.

Jiang Feng could not lose his job to the innocent supervisor just because he wanted to see the chairman.

Moreover, this matter seems to have a turning point...

Jiang Feng lit a cigarette and said, "Brother, what do you call?"

Main channel: "My name is Hu Zhihong, how about you?"

Jiang Feng reported the name and said: "Let me ask, do we often haunt the Sky Blue Hotel? Hu brother, you tell me the truth, it doesn't matter!"

Hu Zhihong looked at Jiang Feng's eyes, seeming to be thinking, and finally sighed and nodded: "Yes, in the last two weeks, there have been several cases in succession. The chairman of the board of directors has found many masters from other places, but they are helpless! Directors! Long talk, who can hire a master who has the ability to deal with the haunting of the hotel, immediately reward 30,000 yuan in cash, and promote it to the first level!"

Jiang Feng was overjoyed. He didn't expect to accidentally hit and bump into something like this.

As long as you show yourself a little, wouldn't you be able to meet their chairman!

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng said, "Brother Hu, do you want to be a manager?"

"What...what do you mean?" Hu Zhihong was taken aback for a moment, but didn't react.

Jiang Feng said: "It's true, brother, I also know a little about magic; if you recommend me to your boss, you won't change from a supervisor to a manager!"

"You?" Hu Zhihong looked at Jiang Feng from head to toe, and finally smiled, "Don't be kidding me, brother, I'm serious!"

Jiang Feng said: "I'm also serious, why, don't you believe me?"

Hu Zhihong smiled and said, "If you know spells, why is your room haunted?"

Jiang Feng said: "That ghost was beaten away by me!"


When Hu Zhihong thought, it seemed to make sense!

Because, in the haunted room before, most of the guests had troubles. It was really the first one to live like Jiang Feng!

Jiang Feng looked at Hu Zhihong's eyes, knowing that he was hesitating in his heart.

To make him feel at ease, Jiang Feng stuffed ten thousand yuan into his arms and said, "Brother Hu, take this one!"

Hu Zhihong said, "What does this mean?"

Jiang Feng said: "As long as you introduce me to your chairman, this ten thousand yuan will count me as honoring you! When I help you deal with the haunted problem, I ask for one hundred and eighty thousand yuan, it shouldn't be a problem. ?"

Hu Zhihong said: "If you really have that ability, let alone one hundred and eighty thousand, maybe you can bring you a BMW!"

Jiang Feng said: "So, as long as you recommend it, I won't treat you badly after it's done!"

Hu Zhihong was moved, and said, "Do you really know spells?"

Jiang Feng smiled mysteriously, took out the paper and pen, "brushed" and drew an invisibility charm, and then put it on himself.


In an instant, Jiang Feng disappeared, leaving only a pair of empty clothes floating in the air.

"I go!"

Hu Zhihong jumped up in fright, looked around and said, "Brother, come out, come out, I believe you! I really believe it!"

Jiang Feng took off the invisibility talisman and said, "How about?"

Hu Zhihong was so excited that he grabbed Jiang Feng's hand and said, "Brother, from now on, my future is entrusted to you!"

Jiang Feng was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Hu Zhihong said: "That's it! My immediate superiors, Mare and Manager Ma, he also found a master today. He is now going to the station to pick someone up. It is estimated that he will arrive in the afternoon. At that time, Manager Ma and I will definitely meet. Become a direct competitor; it depends on your brother, you are good, or the person Marley hired is good!"

"So..." Jiang Feng said, "Don't worry, everything is on my body!"

Hu Zhihong said: "Then you take a break first, I'll contact the chairman and make an appointment."

"Okay, hard work, brother Hu!"

Before leaving, Hu Zhihong threw 10,000 yuan back to Jiang Feng.

He has seen Jiang Feng's ability, believe him, and believe that he can definitely step on Marley to the top.


After lunch, Hu Zhihong wrote a letter.

I went to see the chairman at 3:30 in the afternoon and let Jiang Feng prepare well.

When Jiang Feng saw that it was still early, he fell asleep.


"Brother Jiang Feng? Brother Jiang Feng?"

I don't know how long I slept, there was a knock on the door outside.

Jiang Feng opened the door and found out that it was Hu Zhihong. He yawned and said, "Brother Hu, came so early!"

"Morning?" Hu Zhihong said without slamming, "Look at what time it is!"

Jiang Feng took out his cell phone and took a look, only to find that it was almost four o'clock, and there were several missed calls, all from Hu Zhihong.

Jiang Feng smiled embarrassedly, and said, "I'm sorry, I slept too hard, I didn't see it!"

"Hurry up!" Hu Zhihong directly took Jiang Feng out and said, "The master Marley invited has already arrived, let's not be too behind!"


The third floor of the hotel is the office area.

When he arrived at the innermost chairman's room, Hu Zhihong adjusted his breathing, humbled himself, and knocked gently on the door.

"Please come in!" A woman's voice came from inside.

Hu Zhihong pulled Jiang Feng and pushed in.

"President Qi, this is Mr. Jiang Feng." Hu Zhihong started to introduce as soon as he entered the door.

Jiang Feng looked up and saw a tall woman standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows facing south, wearing a black overalls and suit, from the back, she should be only in her twenties.

Behind her, there is a long desk, very grand, with a sign of "Chairman-Qi Muyao" on the corner of the table.

"So young?"

Jiang Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the chairman of such a big hotel was actually a woman, and she was only in her twenties!

If it is not the rich second generation, then like Su Mei, she is an absolute strong woman in the mall!

"Qi Muyao..." Jiang Feng said in his heart, the name is also good, it must have been started by a fortune teller, the five elements are good.

In addition to Chairman Qi Muyao, there are two other people in the office.

One of them, a middle-aged man in his forties, was naturally Hu Zhihong’s immediate superiors—Marei and Manager Ma; the other was a Taoist priest in earthy gray robes, who seemed to be 60 or 70 years old. Holding a whisk, the white goatee is long, the cheeks are thin, the cheekbones are prominent, it really smells like fairy bones.

After Jiang Feng and Hu Zhihong came in, Marei looked at them with a guard.

After watching for a long time, he finally couldn't help it. He chuckled and said, "Xiao Hu, is this the master you're looking for?"

Hu Zhihong said: "Mr. Ma, don't think Jiang Feng is young, but he is very capable. I have seen it with my own eyes!"

Marei snorted and said contemptuously: "What's the skill?"

"This..." Hu Zhihong said, "When I cast the spell, I won't know it!"

"Don't!" Marley said, "show us a hand first, otherwise he will have something wrong later, and the blame will be on our hotel instead! Did you mean, Xiao Hu?"

Ma Lei was Hu Zhihong's immediate boss. He didn't dare to talk back too much, so he didn't speak, and looked at Jiang Feng earnestly.

Jiang Feng said lightly: "My spells are used to deal with ghosts, not to perform! I am sorry, Manager Ma, for your request, I can't agree to it!"

"I think you are a liar!" Ma Lei bowed to Qi Muyao's back and said, "Chairman Qi, this man is young, he is here to eat and drink at first sight. You hurry up and ask the security to drive him out. Come on! The Master Zhou I invited is the most famous master in Yanjing. Don't worry if he is here today!"

After a long time, Qi Muyao turned her body around.

She has a thin face and delicate features, but her look is slightly exhausted, which should be the reason for her stress recently.

She glanced at Jiang Feng and frowned secretly, thinking in her heart: "What kind of master is this younger than me, right?"

Hu Zhihong hurriedly said, "President Qi, Jiang Feng is really capable, so give him a chance!"

Qi Muyao thought about it, and finally let go, and said, "Okay, since people are already here, let's try it together at night!"

As soon as the voice fell, Master Zhou suddenly stood up, "hum", turned and left.

Ma Lei was dumbfounded, and Qi Muyao did not expect a change.

"Master Zhou, what are you doing?" Marai hurriedly pulled him.

Master Zhou glanced at Jiang Feng contemptuously, and said, "Since you can't believe in the poor, what are you telling me to do? Your Beihe City is too deep, I'll go back to my Yanjing!"

Marley said, "Master Zhou, it's not that we can't trust you, this isn't... one more person, one more layer of insurance? Give me a face, give President Qi a face, don't leave!"

Qi Muyao also panicked.

The first time she saw Master Zhou this time, she felt unfathomable and pinned all her hopes on him. She didn't expect that he would leave now.

As for Jiang Feng, really, it's just a spare tire.

However, his subordinates are also kind to help him find someone and want to help the hotel out of trouble; at this juncture, even if he knows that Jiang Feng is a liar, he cannot be blasted away, otherwise he will lose his popularity.

Finally, under the repeated begging of Ma Lei and Qi Muyao, Master Zhou finally agreed to stay.

To this end, Qi Muyao paid a promise of double the price.

The 200,000 originally promised is now about 400,000!


The people have already been set, they are Master Zhou and Jiang Feng.

Qi Muyao rubbed her temples and said, "Okay, let's do this first. Manager Ma, Director Hu, you take Master Zhou and Mr. Jiang to rest first. Let's meet here on time at eight o'clock in the evening."


Leaving the office, Jiang Feng stretched out and said, "Brother Hu, isn't it a ghost hunt now? I thought I would start now!"

Hu Zhihong said: "How can it be so fast! It was just a meeting with everyone in the afternoon, President Qi didn't nod his head, everything was in vain, it was just an interview!"

Jiang Feng said: "Then how is my interview?"

Hu Zhihong said: "If you pass through danger, there is no danger! As for whether you can make a blockbuster, it depends on your performance at night!"

After a pause, Hu Zhihong said again: "By the way, Brother Jiang Feng, you also came from Yanjing. Have you heard of that Master Zhou?"

Jiang Feng shook his head, and said, "It's just a clown, how could I know such a person!"

"Jumping beam clown?" Hu Zhihong was a little surprised, said, "Could he be a liar?"

Jiang Feng said: "The liar is not good, there are still some means!"

Hu Zhihong said: "Then we have to be the first to take the shot at night, and we can't let him win!"

Fortunately, Hu Zhihong reminded him, otherwise Jiang Feng really didn't care.


After dinner, it was already half past seven.

There was only half an hour left before the time agreed by Qi Muyao.

Jiang Feng opened the window, staring at no one below, "swish" and jumped directly from the 30th floor.

Standing at the bottom of the building, looking up.

I saw that the entire hotel had a very good Feng Shui, but at the corner of the top floor, there was a trace of ghost hidden.

If nothing else, that room should be haunted.

Jiang Feng pointed his toes, and the people rushed up again, put on the wall-piercing charm, and entered the room.

"Hey, come out!"

Jiang Feng lit a cigarette and called to the bathroom.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Soon, a vicious male ghost walked out and walked around Jiang Feng, flaring his teeth and claws, as if he was about to eat Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng grabbed his hair with one hand, "banged" him and shoved him to the ground!


The male ghost was thrown into black smoke!

"Big...Master, spare your life!"

Experts know if there is any.

The male ghost knew that the young man in front of him was so powerful that he was definitely not something he could resist, so he shivered with fright.

Jiang Feng said: "Don't be afraid, I won't kill you, just do me a favor."

The male ghost said in a hurry: "Master, please say, the younger one must do it!"

Jiang Feng looked at the time and said, "About twenty minutes later, a group of people will come to catch you. Among them is an old man named Master Zhou, who has a bit of cultivation skills. Later you will help me fix him, and I will forgive you. One life!"

"Master Zhou?" the male ghost said, "Is it the first-grade onmyoji they invited from Yanjing?"

"Oh?" Jiang Feng said, "Do you know him?"

The male ghost said with a bitter face: "More than knowing, a friend of mine was killed by him! I heard that he is coming over tonight, and he is about to escape!"

The first-rank onmyoji is equivalent to the first-rank martial artist.

Although it is not the same as Jiang Feng's third-rank martial arts sage, it can be regarded as an expert among the folks.

Jiang Feng said: "In this way, don't leave in a hurry, help me to teach him before leaving!"

The male ghost said: "But the small cultivation base is low and low, where is his opponent!"

Jiang Feng thought for a while, drew a talisman, and pasted it on the male ghost.

The male ghost was startled and said, "Master, you...what are you doing?"

"Don't be afraid!" Jiang Feng said, "I'm not a ghost-expelling talisman, but to help you increase the ghostly energy! In the next half an hour, your ghostly energy will increase by a hundredfold. Remember, put that The worse Master Zhou gets it, the better!"

"Ok, little one understands!"

The male ghost tried it, and sure enough, the ghostly spirit on his body instantly increased by hundreds of times, and he was overjoyed.

Watching Jiang Feng leave, the male ghost had a lingering fear, and said in secret: "They all say ghosts are terrible, but they are not insidious!"

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