Lao Tzu is Hades

Chapter 518 Five Animals

When I arrived at the door, the family was stupid.

I saw that the swimming pool was densely packed with animals.

There are foxes, weasels, hedgehogs, snakes, and mice... there are not 10,000 in total, but 8,000!

Under the moonlight, these animals looked serious, screaming, groaning, alert, or restless, as if something serious was about to happen!

As for dozens of workers, these animals are all enclosed in the huge pit where the swimming pool is going to be built, and they can't get out.

"No, it's the Five Immortals! I'm afraid it's a disaster!" Qi Shi glanced, his expression changed drastically, and then said to Tian Pujun, "Junjun, you tell Wang Ma, let her set off immediately, Wang Zhenren please come!"

"Yeah!" Tian Pujun also looked serious, and quickly turned around.


Wang Ma, a servant who cooks and washes in Qi's house, Tian Pujun learned a lot of cooking and cooking skills from her.

In a short while, Tian Pujun led an old aunt in her fifties out. It looked like she was muddy and she was Wang Ma.

Seeing the picture at the door, Mother Wang was also dumbfounded, and stammered: "My God, what's the situation?"

Qi Shi said, "Mother Wang, go to Wangjiagou quickly and invite Zhenren Wang!"

"Okay, okay, I'm going now, I'm going..."

Mother Wang hurried to the electric car, followed the small door of the foreign building's courtyard, and left immediately.


Wang Zhenren is the most famous master in Shizi County. It is said that he can fly into the sky and escape, catch ghosts and demons, there is nothing he can't solve.

However, this Wang Zhenren is a bit retro, and he has never used modern technology products such as mobile phones. If you want to invite him, you must visit him in person, and people who are not sincere can't please.

And Wang Ma, and Wang Zhenren had a kinky relationship, so Qi Shi let her go.


The animals in front of them didn't mean to leave at all, but more and more.

Under the moonlight, the darkness was pressed down, and even the air was filled with a strong breath of wild beasts, which was disgusting.

Tian Pujun took Qi Shi's arm in fear and said, "Stone, shall we go in first?"

Qi Shi shook his head and said, "The workers are still trapped inside. At this time, how can my Patriarch leave them!"

Tian Pujun stopped talking, still respecting her husband.

Qi Muyao was also very scared and wanted to take her father's arm.

However, seeing Tian Pujun and her father tired of being together, she dispelled the idea and unconsciously moved closer to Jiang Feng.

But her eyes still looked at her father, and said, "Dad, what's the matter? How come there are so many animals?"

Qi Shi shook his head, and said: "It's still unclear, but what is certain is that something big will happen!"

Qi Muyao said: "How can you see it?"

Tian Pujun is also very curious, looking at his husband, waiting for him to explain.

Qi Shi pointed to the opposite side and said, "Look carefully, what kinds of animals are there?"

Tian Pujun and Qi Muyao counted at the same time.

Fox, weasel, hedgehog, snake, mouse...

After counting for a long time, the two said at the same time: "Five kinds!"

"Not bad!" Qi Shi said with a worried expression, "Moreover, these are not five ordinary animals, but five immortals!"

"Five immortals?" Tian Pujun and Qi Muyao were puzzled.

Qi Shi explained: "There are five great immortals in the folk, the fox fairy (fox), the yellow fairy (weasel), the white fairy (hedgehog), the willow fairy (snake) and the gray fairy (mouse), collectively referred to as'fox yellow white willow ash' Legend has it that when the five great immortals gather, great things will happen!"

Qi Shi explained this, Tian Pujun and Qi Muyao understood.

Because the legend about the Five Great Immortals is very popular among the people.

These five types of animals are naturally good at breathing, snorting and worshiping the moon, and a few of them can be cultivated to be refined, and their mental power is even stronger than humans!

Therefore, if humans accidentally provoke them, they will often suffer crazy retribution!


While waiting for Wang Zhenren, Qi Shi told a few short stories and folk customs about the five great immortals, so that his wife and daughter were immersed in the story and not so afraid.

Jiang Feng also listened with interest.

1. Fox fairy, fox.

By the way, there is a guy in the village who is not doing his job properly, married a wife and gave birth to twins. With a hard life, he wants to make money all day long.One day, he unintentionally digs out a fox den and catches a female fox and two young foxes that have not yet been weaned.This guy heard that fox skin is valuable, and in front of the little fox and the villagers, he killed the female fox and skinned it.Later one night, this guy came home drunk, somehow, he went into the utility room in a daze, lit firecrackers, caught fire and killed his wife and two children, but he escaped by himself.Since then, this guy has become nagging, saying that this is the little fox's father who has come back to avenge him. He wants to give himself a taste of the loss of his wife and children, leaving one person to suffer in the world!

2. Huang Xian, Weasel.

Weasels are great fortune immortals, they can transport gold and silver treasures from elsewhere to your home, and they can also transfer the souls of dead people to living people.People in rural areas are often possessed by ghosts and gods, and this is what bumps into guests, that is, weasel makes trouble.In the past, an adult in the next village beat a weasel and blocked the hole with firewood. Six months later, his son became mentally ill at the age of 14, killing the whole family and burning the house.

3. Baixian, hedgehog.

People regard the hedgehog as a mascot to make money and prevent diseases. According to folklore, the old lady Bai is a god who evolved from the hedgehog. She is proficient in martial arts and heals and saves people.In Tianhou Palace, there was once a statue of Mrs. Bai, which was rebuilt by pilgrims with donations after it was destroyed.

Fourth, Liuxian, snake.

The climate in the south is mild and humid, suitable for all kinds of snakes to thrive. If a snake is found at home, it cannot be killed because the snake was sent by the ancestors to patrol the safety of the house. Whoever enters it indicates that the house is safe.If you find a few snakes on the side of the road, you must immediately pull off a button on your body to express repentance, and then walk away as if you haven't seen it.It is said that this is the kind of thing the snake is doing, and the viewer is rebellious.

5. Gray fairy, mouse.

Some people think that rats can predict the future, can fortune-telling, and make people rich, so they regard them as the gods of wealth and pray that they will bring treasures for their masters in the dark.If you see a line of mice at home, you can’t fight, because this kind of mice is also called the money mouse. Although their eyes seem to be blind, their hearts are very bright. If they are scattered or even killed, they will often last a lifetime. Poor, no fortune.


These are small stories and customs that have been widely spread among the people. Children who grew up in the countryside must have heard of them more or less.

However, Tian Pujun was born as a model and lived in a metropolis before. He has never heard of this.

Qi Muyao is the same. Since her mother passed away, she has rarely talked to her father; when she was studying, she devoted herself to her studies; after graduation and work, she was used to being alone, and there was no one to talk to. Never heard of these.

Therefore, both of them look very novel.

At this time, Tian Pujun and Qi Muyao looked at the five immortals in front of them, they were not so afraid, only a trace of awe.

Because Qi Shi said, although the five immortals are powerful, psychic, and capable of spells; but, if you don't actively provoke them, they will generally not take the initiative to harm people.

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