This is an opportunity!

A chance to kill the opponent in one go!

It's a pity that Jiang Feng has already used up all his auras after just taking off the masks of the four people. Although the four people on the opposite side were laughing and laughing, they were still four people and four cultivators.

Jiang Feng didn't dare to continue taking risks. It was a blessing in misfortune to be able to escape.

So he hurried back to the car and rushed out with an acceleration.


After driving for a few kilometers, Jiang Feng parked the car on the side of the road only after visually checking it was completely safe.

On the way, Qin Keling had been "chuckling" and trembling with laughter, his face flushed with laughter, and his smile was so bad that he couldn't stop.

Jiang Feng looked back at her with a distressed look, and said, "How do you feel?"

"Chuck..." Qin Keling looked pained and pitiful, but his voice was still smiling, and said, "It's so uncomfortable...Haha...I'm so uncomfortable Jiang Feng..."

"Can you still hold on?" Jiang Feng glanced back, for fear that someone would catch up.

Qin Keling knew that it was too dangerous now, so he nodded fiercely, and said, "Hey...I...can bear it...I'm going to die...hahaha..."

As soon as Jiang Feng saw that this continued, Qin Keling would not be poisoned by the previous dumplings, he was afraid that he would have to laugh to death!

So he opened the armrest box, there was a pair of socks in it, which he had put in it before, so he blocked Qin Keling's mouth and said, "Bite it, it will be better!"

Qin Keling's consciousness was blurred, he didn't even notice what Jiang Feng was stuffing his mouth, and subconsciously bit on it.

As a result, the laughter stopped, but there was still a burst of breath in her nostrils, and her body was trembling.

Jiang Feng took out seven silver needles again and brushed them... and pierced them at seven acupuncture points on her body.

Finally, after some tossing, Qin Keling stopped smiling, lying there weakly, as if he was about to die.

Jiang Feng patted her hair and said: "Be patient and bear it first, I will pick up your sister first when I get settled down, and then I will give you a good check and treatment!"


Back in the community, Jiang Feng parked the car downstairs.

Qin Keqing had just finished talking with Jiang Feng, and soon came down, and said, "What's the matter, Xiao Feng? What happened?"

Jiang Feng said: "Get in the car first, it may not be safe here!"

Qin Keqing stopped asking more questions and got in the car quickly.

On the way, Jiang Feng said the matter briefly, saying that the Xue family should find the community soon, so they can't stay here.

Qin Keqing was afraid after listening for a while, then paused, and said, "Where shall we go? We can't hide like this for a lifetime, right?"

Jiang Feng said, "Let’s find a hotel to stay temporarily. When I recover completely, no one will be afraid!"

Qin Keqing said, "You always talk about complete recovery. How many days will it take? Is there an exact time?"


Jiang Feng looked back at Qin Keling and said, "If Ling'er is willing to help me, I can heal in one night!"

"Really?" Qin Keqing was overjoyed and said, "How can I help?"

Jiang Feng said: "Let's talk about it later, let's find the hotel first."


Qin Keqing thought for a while, and said, "Go to the vicinity of the West Bus Station. There are many people and hotels, so it should not be easy to find."

Jiang Feng had this intention, so he went straight to the direction of West Bus Station.


There is a Tianzhilan Hotel near the West Bus Station, an industry owned by the Qi family.

Jiang Feng used to help Qi Muyao catch ghosts. He has the national chain VIP card of their hotel. It is free to open the room, and there is no need to register, so he is not afraid of being checked.

So I took the Qin Keqing sisters and moved in directly.

The room is a good room, a large suite with two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom, which is more spacious than Qin Keqing's house, and the decoration is even more luxurious.

There is a large window facing south in the room, and the window is opened. Below is a wide river. The waves are surging and the current is swift.

This river is called Sanjiang, and Jiangdong, Jiangnan, and Jiangbei are all three cities within the encirclement of this river, hence the name.

At this point, Jiang Feng finally breathed a long sigh of relief, and he was finally safe for the time being.

Qin Keqing was still worried, pointing to Qin Keling on the sofa in the living room and said, "What's the matter with my sister? When will I wake up?"

Qin Keling was in a coma because he laughed so hard, and was poisoned in his body.

Jiang Feng rolled up his sleeves, picked up Qin Keling, walked into the bathroom, and said, "Don't be afraid, I will help her detoxify and heal her injuries."


You need to be quiet during treatment. Although Qin Keqing was worried, she did not dare to go in, so she could only wander around the bathroom door.

After this whole hour passed, finally, the bathroom door opened.

Jiang Feng hugged Qin Keling and walked out of it, his forehead and body covered with sweat, obviously very tired.

As for Qin Keling, there was only a bath towel covered on his body, and nothing else.

Qin Keqing walked up quickly, looked down at her sister, and said, "Ling'er?"

After shouting twice, Qin Keling opened his eyes in a daze, with a grieved expression: "Sister, Jiang Feng bullied me again!"

Hearing her talking, Qin Keqing was completely relieved and said with red eyes: "My sister will help you out and hit him immediately!"

"Yeah!" Qin Keling rolled his eyelids slightly, glanced at Jiang Feng, and said weakly, "However, don't beat him too hard, he seems to be quite tired."

Jiang Feng felt relieved and said: "Ling'er, you finally know how to be considerate of me!"

Qin Keling stopped talking, closed his eyes, and said, "So sleepy, sister, I want to sleep."

Jiang Feng took her to the bedroom, put her on the bed, covered the quilt, closed the door, and went out with Qin Keqing.

"Xiao Feng, thank you!" Qin Keqing looked grateful when he got outside.

"It's okay!" Jiang Feng was really tired, sitting on the sofa and lighting a cigarette.

Qin Keqing poured him a glass of water and said, "By the way, in the car before, you said there was a way to completely recover your injury overnight, really?"

Jiang Feng nodded, but did not speak.

Qin Keqing said: "What is the solution? Let's hurry up!"

Jiang Feng said: "Although the method is simple, I'm afraid Linger would disagree."

Qin Keqing was taken aback for a moment and said, "What does it have to do with Ling'er?"

Jiang Feng said: "If I want to quickly recover from my injury, just smelling Ling'er's clothes is not enough!"

"Uh..." Qin Keqing said, "What do you want to smell then?"

Jiang Feng said, "Let me borrow her aura for one night."

"Borrowing" aura, Qin Keqing had also seen it, so she stopped talking.

You have to say to borrow it, it is excusable, it seems to be playing with a child, but borrowing for a night... is too exaggerated!

After all, you two haven't officially become boyfriend and girlfriend friends yet, what's that like!

Jiang Feng also knew that this method would not be passed so easily. He smiled and said, "It's okay, I will recover here. It shouldn't be a few days before."

Qin Keqing said: "I didn't mean that. Of course I hope you two can be together. I hope you can recover as soon as possible. That's Linger's side... or wait for her to wake up, I'll go take a look, maybe there is hope It."

Jiang Feng finished smoking a cigarette and said, "I have to rest for a while. Sister, take care of Ling'er. If anything happens, please call me anytime."

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