"I surrender, I give up my weapons, sir, please spare my life!"

"My brother works in Keelung and has been there for seven years. Last time he sent me a letter saying that he had become a naturalized citizen. We are a family!"

"My second cousin married your military master and became his seventh concubine. We are relatives!"

Now, as long as they can survive, the Shimazu soldiers who are kneeling on the ground will do whatever they can to find out their origins with the Keelung Army in front of them, lest these gods of murder turn them into corpses on the ground.

Completely ignoring the truth of the matter, Keelung was only built for four years, so where did the Fusang laborers who worked for seven years come from? There were more men than women in Keelung, and the Department of Household Affairs also stipulated that a maximum of three wives and concubines could be allowed.

An officer who marries seven concubines is doing so knowingly.

"Say it and cut it off." The soldiers were laughed so hard by the surrendered Shimazu family that they couldn't stop shouting, "Hahaha!"

Post-war issues such as cleaning the battlefield and how to take in prisoners had nothing to do with Han Xian and others. They just mobilized their horses to chase Yokota Katsuto's defeated troops at a short distance.

After riding for a few miles, I saw the Shimazu Ashigaru in front of me who were running out of breath. Their eyes seemed to have light, and they rushed across a shallow river, followed the undulating hills, and got into the mountain. Among the dense bushes.

"It seems that this is where Shimazu's ambush is!"

Han Xian looked at the terrain and found that it was indeed a dangerous place.

The terrain is narrow, but many troops can be ambushed on both sides. If you aim at one point, you will have full firepower. Although the creek in front is not wide, it can play a role in blocking the advance of the divided troops. What's even more terrible is that the sound of the waves of the sea can be vaguely heard. It is so close to the sea. If you are ambushed here, you will have to jump into the sea if you don't die!

If you jump into the sea, you will really be dead!

"Report to the lord, we have found the enemy's ambush! Ask him to bring up the cannon quickly!"

"I want to see if they can handle a bowl-sized cannon."

Half an hour later, with the efforts of the heavy troops, except for the three anchored artillery pieces, the other fifty artillery pieces were all gathered three miles in front of the creek. The artillery array was set up, the angle was adjusted, and gunpowder lead was filled.

"Fire!" the gunner shouted.

In an instant, dozens of cannons were fired, and smoke curled up.


Takamatsu Yoritada stood on the castle tower of Kumamoto Castle and tried his best to look towards the north.

The volcanic humus formed by the volcanic ash from Mt. Aso covers the land and becomes fertile. It is a pity that farmland, which used to represent life and wealth, has now become a killing battlefield.

The land soaked in blood will have a better harvest next year!

After getting rid of the pity in his heart, Takamatsu Yorichu felt even more proud.

This will become the land of the Shimazu family in the future. Let the blood of Keelung’s enemy soldiers create more wealth for our family.

Continuing to look, I saw teams of soldiers and horses rushing toward Kumamoto Castle from the plains over there. Judging from the flags and formations, their morale was high and their military appearance was in good order.

Taking a rough look at the number, there were probably more than three thousand people in sight.

In front of the large army column were cavalry sentries with more than a hundred riders. The recognition flags raised high on their backs showed their identities - Keelung Dragon Mounted Cavalry.

They shuttled back and forth between the marching ranks, roaring in and galloping away, their armors shining brightly on their bodies, and their swords and guns shining brightly on their waists. In an instant, he rushed to the foot of Kumamoto Castle and kept running around the city, spying on what was happening on the top of the city.

However, under the strict orders of the garrison general Takamatsu Yorichu, the defenders of Kumamoto Castle only observed with cold eyes and made no movement at all.

These cavalrymen, who carried the flags of the Keelung Army on their backs, circled Kumamoto Castle several times. After seeing the situation above and below the city clearly, they paused for a moment to discuss, and then some of them galloped back to their own troops.

The rest spread out, observing the landscape around Kumamoto Castle, looking for water sources, and preparing a place to camp.

"The reputation is well-deserved! Katsuto-kun was not unjustly defeated!" Putting down the telescope in his hand, Takamatsu Yori-tada let out a long sigh, "It seems this time..."

After Yokota Katsuto's fishing ambush tactics were first eaten up by two thousand decoys, Qin Hao concentrated dozens of large cannons on the ambush position and launched a fierce artillery fire attack.

The iron gunners who had ambushed in the bushes in advance were originally prepared to fight with the wind, but they did not have such strong organizational discipline. When they saw the shells flying like raindrops, they immediately screamed and fled from their hiding places. As a result, they were discovered, and they were chased and killed by the iron artillery team, and then fired with iron cannons.

Five thousand men and horses, carrying 2,000 matchlock iron cannons and twenty large barrels, went out of the city to fight in the field.

As a result, the losses were total, less than 500 people came back, less than 100 iron cannons were brought back, and all the big cannons were discarded.

A huge defeat, an unprecedented defeat for the Shimazu family!

"Lai Zhongjun, please pass the order on my behalf, order all the soldiers in the city to arrest the Kumamoto residents, let them work overnight for us to make city defense equipment, count the food reserves, go out of the city to cut down trees and fill up wells. At the same time, we will kill Kumamoto men, including old people Young, all enlisted in the army!"

Katsuto Yokota, who has seen Keelung's sharp firearms, is doing everything possible at this moment. Although he knows that this may make the management of Kumamoto more difficult in the future, this is the only way for now.

If you can't keep it, everything is just talk. If you defend it, these sacrifices will not be spared.

"Moreover, we must have enough defensive equipment and defensive forces in the city before the Keelung Army arrives. We must be fast, we must be fast!"

"In addition, please personally mobilize the people to dig a large number of traps, trenches and pits around the city wall, and transport the large barrels in the city to the direction where the enemy troops are coming. Let the enemy troops advance on the ground full of trenches, no matter how many they have Even our troops can't rush to the city at once, and they will eventually become the targets of the iron cannons in our city! Let them bleed dry under this Kumamoto Castle!"

Katsuhito Yokota, who was scratched in many places by the iron cannon but luckily survived, was wrapped in white fine cotton and told Takamatsu Yoritada to make defense adjustments.

"Time is precious! Please, Lord Lai Zhong!"

"I will definitely finish it!" Takamatsu Yorichu immediately led his bodyguard Hatamoto to go down to the city to catch people, and at the same time drove the women, old and children out of the city.

Their staying in the city is also a destabilizing factor. Letting them attack Keelung's army can buy them a little more time for their own arrangements.

As a main city, Kumamoto Castle gathered a large number of Kumamoto family members. There were more than 3,000 women, young and old who were expelled by Takamatsu Yorichu.

The impact of the large population forced Qin Hao to order a stop and began to take in these women and screen them at the same time. Although the possibility of female spies appearing was very small, it was always right to be cautious.

This plan bought nearly two days of valuable time, giving Takamatsu Yorichu just enough time to dig trenches and clear the fields under Kumamoto Castle.

Looking at the sharp bamboo thorns that can be seen everywhere under the city, Takamatsu Yorichu smiled happily.

But before they were happy for a long time, the Kumamoto laborers in the city had trouble and they wanted to leave the city.

Kumamoto Castle is destined to become a battlefield, and they cannot die here. Moreover, Takamatsu Yorichu had promised them that as long as the task was completed within two days, he would let them go out of the city to reunite with his wife and daughter.

Now it's time for him to fulfill his promise.

Takamatsu Yorichu looked at the workers in the city who were making trouble with hoes and axes, with a grim look on his face. If they were smarter, they wouldn't ask themselves again.

He conveyed several orders to the guards beside him expressionlessly, and soon the sound of "hissing" of swords cutting heads was heard from the city, and there was also a faint smell of blood. As for the howling and cursing, Takamatsu Yorichu Didn't take it to heart at all.

At the same time, the First Army also solved the problem of screening and arranging Kumamoto women and asked them to hide in nearby mountains, which was far away from the battlefield and very safe.

After dealing with it, the large army of people rushed towards Kumamoto Castle in overwhelming numbers, with flags covering the sky and the sun.

Soon, several large camps appeared on the north, east and west sides of Kumamoto Castle relying on the mountainous terrain, surrounding Kumamoto Castle.

In the sky above the large camp, a single Keelung flag tree stood, while the other flags with family crests and emblems of various colors were flying endlessly. Teams of patrol soldiers patrolled inside and outside the camp constantly, and the baggage soldiers led some Saga laborers to and from the mountains, rivers and the main camp, carrying water and cutting firewood, and leading the war horses to the river to drink water. .

At night, the lights above and below the city are brightly lit, lest they be attacked by the opponent.

In the main camp of the Keelung Army, Qin Hao sat high up, and together with General Han Xian accepted the worship of the generals.

In the battle of Chiba River, they defeated 5,000 Shimazu troops who were good at fishing for wild ambushes, and captured many prisoners. This result immediately made the great names of Kyushu feel happy.

When the results of the battle were checked, the eyes of all the famous figures almost fell to the ground.

The fire cannons killed and wounded more than 1,300 Shimazu troops, the big guns killed more than a thousand people, and captured more than a thousand prisoners, and some scattered ones are not included. More than 1,300 matchlock iron cannons were seized, of which 15 were usable. Eight of them were either destroyed by gunpowder or lost their parts and were temporarily unable to be used.

All the daimyo were salivating over these seizures.

Qin Hao also generously handed over these weapons to them, making them feel grateful and virtuous. Although he was more envious of the firearms of Keelung's army, the general was too strict. Although these Shimazu's were not comparable, they were much better than their own.

You have to eat in one bite, so don't be too hasty with this weapon.

After bowing and kowtowing respectfully towards Qin Hao, everyone began to discuss matters.

"Tomorrow's battle is to capture Kumamoto Castle! This time to capture Kumamoto, all troops must fight bravely to kill the enemy! No matter which one is the first to conquer, the general will have a heavy reward! One hundred flintlock guns!"

Han Xian's words were ups and downs, which was really pleasant to listen to. Immediately there was an uproar in the big tent.

one hundred! Flintlock!

It's the kind of musket that can kill enemies at a distance of a hundred steps and fires extremely fast! ?

"That's right!"

After being confirmed by General Han Xian, all the Kyushu daimyo present were jealous, especially Saga Touichi. He had been following the general for so long. No matter how brave he fought in the past, it was just to transfer the title, reward some money, and increase the height of the stone.

He never got a firearm from Keelung. No matter what, I have to take down such a weapon this time!

"Starting from tomorrow, the Chinese army will fire artillery as a signal, and all units will begin to attack!"

"Now let's choose the attack direction of each department!"

As soon as Han Xian said these words, the originally warm atmosphere immediately became cold.

Everyone knows who will attack first and who will die first in a siege, let alone Kumamoto Castle, which is famous for its sturdiness?

Just looking at the trenches, traps and pits in front of the city is enough for everyone to drink!

That would cost lives, otherwise Qin Hao would not be willing to let these big names from Kyushu follow.

They took advantage of a lot before and their pockets were full, but now it's time for them to pay.

"Which lord is willing to capture the north of the city?"

Everyone was silent for a while, no one came forward.

"Which adults are willing to be the first to attack the city?"

Still no one said anything. The atmosphere suddenly became slightly awkward.

Qin Hao's eyes began to stare, "If no one is willing, just go back."

"General, take your leave." The head of the Jiuzhou Mountain family was the first to go out of the tent. His pockets were bulging, but he didn't want to make any effort.

It's a pity that not even a moment after leaving the tent, he came back again, but he came back with his head carried.

"The kid from Shanxia escaped from the battle and was killed by me. Who else wants to die? Go out and try!" Zhao Dahai was like Yama, holding the head of Shanxia who was still dying, standing outside the tent with a bloody green steel knife, shouting loudly road.

Immediately, he was so frightened that his body trembled, but he still said nothing about his resignation.

"Lord Han Xian, let's do this! Draw lots to decide which family will attack which side, what do you think?" Saga Chaoichi came up with this idea of ​​Hexi Ni.

"That's good! If you get there first, you can get double rewards!"

The reward of two hundred flintlocks made these daimyo temporarily put aside their fear of Kumamoto Castle.

"Every daimyo will go to the positions assigned to you and prepare for the attack. Tomorrow, we will use the sound of Chinese artillery as a signal to attack from all sides!"

"The artillery is divided into two artillery groups, the north and the south. The north artillery group is mainly composed of the artillery carried by Saga Chaoichi and the fifteen large barrels captured this time. The southern artillery group is solely responsible for the Keelung Artillery Team!"


Because it is adjacent to the seaside and it is midsummer, the moisture in the air is particularly abundant. It rained several times in one day, making it quite slippery for your feet. The more people stepped on it, the more it became muddy.

The sun lazily poked its head out from the depths of the East China Sea, dispersing the water vapor on the sea and spreading a huge amount of heat to the battlefield that was about to be massacred.

On the artillery position, the gunners of several 10-pound cannons were nervously conducting parade activities. The driver led the six horses responsible for towing the artillery cart to a safe area and tied them up. The five gunners, under the command of the gunner, supervised the farmers accompanying the army. Nervously transporting ammunition and organizing artillery.

Waves of shouts came from the main formation of Second Army Commander Saga Toichi.

"The general has an order! Whoever of the second army reaches the city first in this battle, whether he is a samurai, a ronin, or a farmer, will be rewarded with three thousand taels of silver dollars!"


The whole army was in an uproar!

Three thousand taels, how much is that? The farmers calculated the value of their farmland and could probably buy a thousand acres of good paddy fields and become the largest landowner in the area.

Rondos compare the number of times they go to izakayas to drink the best wine and play with the most beautiful girls. They can go to izakayas at most three liang at a time, and they can go a thousand times. Three thousand liang can last them for ten years of unbridled squandering;

The samurai thought of using three thousand taels to buy several villages from the daimyo, becoming lords themselves, and living a life of scolding the common people.

Everyone was immersed in the joy of three thousand taels, and the greed in their eyes spread like wildfire!

The exciting sounds of war drums and horns reached the castle tower, where Takamatsu Yorichu and Yokota Katsuto, who were commanding the entire city's operations, looked at each other with awe and looked at each other, "Finally here!"

"I don't know how many samurai will shed their last drop of blood in front of Kumamoto Castle today."

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