
The orders of the iron artillery troops on top of Kumamoto Castle rang out one after another.

Amidst the clanging metal sound, the iron gunners took the black iron cannons off their shoulders and mounted them on the lime walls, the castle tower and the perforations of each oar.

"Only in the battle of Chiba River, the loss of iron cannons will be too great. Otherwise, there are still more than 5,000 iron cannons in the city, so why fear the 4,000 or 5,000 enemy troops below the city?"

Visually observing that the Ronin's line was less than a hundred steps away from the trenches dug in front of the city, Yokota Katsuto felt regretful.

If it weren't for the heavy losses in the previous battle, more than 5,000 iron cannons alone would have caused the Keelung army to return home with heavy losses under the city!

Under the tremendous pressure, the ronin who shouted wildly all the way rushed to the edge of the city wall covered with earthen pits and trenches in a few breaths. He threw the earthen bags into the earthen pits with all his strength, then quickly turned around and retreated, running back to the road. go.


Accompanied by the subtle sound of burning match ropes, there were dull shooting sounds.

At the same time, screams continued from the front of the city. Although there are not many iron gunners in the city, only 500, they are very familiar with the terrain below the city, and they know how far away the various pits and trenches are from the city.

"Put it back!"

At this time, a huge thunder exploded, and the big tube at the top of the city began to exert the power of the giant beast. The rogues, who had just been lucky that the iron cannons at the top of the city were not powerful enough, were instantly knocked off their feet by the cannons.

The impact of such a close range bombardment once again gave the Rongers fear.

Facing the direct baptism of artillery fire, the ragtag group of ronin was completely unable to withstand it.

What we saw was another self-trampling defeat.


Keelung's musketeers took advantage of the opportunity for the iron gunners at the city head to retreat to reload their ammunition, and began to fire blockades at the arrow holes on the castle tower, lime walls and other defensive facilities on the city, allowing the rogues to temporarily stop. He stopped escaping and continued to work carrying the dirt bag.

The sound of gunshots, like exploding beans, resounded below the city, and puffs of white gunpowder smoke rose up.

The projectiles fired either flew straight or diagonally, sealing the firing ports of each iron cannon oar so tightly that the Shimadzu iron gunners suppressed them and did not dare to take the lead. The Keelung Musket is much better than them in terms of rate of fire and accuracy.

As soon as the sound of the first column of gunfire stopped, there was another wave of military fans from behind the vanguard. Immediately afterwards, the second column of Keelung's musketeers stepped forward and opened fire on the city head.

Only a shout was heard from the vanguard, and another trench-filling activity began in the darkness. In the blink of an eye, several sections of the trench under the city were filled in.

Half a moment later, the trenches in front of the formation were filled in.

"It's time to kill!"

Following Qin Hao's order, three thousand Keelung troops officially began to charge towards Kumamoto Castle.

This time, Katsuhito Yokota, who was commanding at the top of the city, was even more ruthless. Seeing the main force of the Keelung Army attacking, he endured even more patience and waited until the others were within the best range of the Dafolang machine before ordering the fire.

Cannonballs whizzed past and fell into the Keelung army's formation.

However, the First Army was well versed in artillery skills and did not rush forward in one fell swoop. Instead, they dispersed in batches and attacked the city. From time to time, they stopped to seek shelter in shelled artillery pits, and used them as bunkers to fire lead bullets at the city. .

As for the Kyushu Rongers of the Second Army, they howled one by one as they watched the main force coming up, as if they were afraid that they would not be able to hit them at the top of the city. They gathered together and frantically carried the ladders and rushed towards the top of the city.

"The city will be destroyed today!"

Qin Hao howled loudly in front of the formation, encouraging his men to attack bravely.

The black crowd rushed to the castle in a blink of an eye. Kumamoto Castle, which could scare away countless people in the past, looked so pale in front of the ladder. It was as if a weak woman had lost all her clothes in front of her husband.

Under the huge temptation of the huge reward, the wanderers quickly raised the ladders to the top of the city. A ladder was pushed down by the defenders at the top of the city, and another ladder was quickly erected.

Three thousand taels of silver dollars made them happy.

Finally, ladders were erected, and the soldiers swarmed up.

"Lancers arrayed!"

Yokota Katsuto had no choice but to play his last trump card.

Hundreds of spearmen completed the formation in the area densely packed with siege ladders. Their eyes were full of bloodthirsty fire and killing intent. Some people licked their chapped lips with scarlet tongues to make them moist under the dry hot sun. .

A warrior from the Second Army appeared at the top of the city. He cheered and waved the sword and flag in his hand, "I, Sanjuro Ashigaru of the Takeda family, have become the first..."

Before he finished speaking, the heads of five or six spears had already reached his chest.

The colorful internal organs were punctured and blood flowed across them, while the body was lifted up by the combined force. He was thrown down the ladder at the top of the city fiercely, acting as a rolling log and stone.

Several nearby ladders were identical. The Kyushu warriors were like ants clinging to the city, but before they could reach the top of the city, the ladders were overturned by the Shimazu defenders. A series of screams came one after another.

But even so, the large number of Kyushu samurai, ronin, ashigaru and farmers continued to attack Kumamoto Castle.

They put life and death aside just for the reward of being the first to climb.

More and more ladders are approaching, and many of them have flying hooks on their heads. Once they hook onto the city wall, they cannot be knocked down no matter how hard they hit them. The hook head is made of iron, so even if the defenders slash it with swords and axes, it is not easy to cut it off.

The battle at the top of the city has been the most brutal since ancient times, even in the age of firearms.

In a hidden place behind the city wall, Shimazu Ashigaru kept boiling water in a large pot, and the boiling water was steaming. Then he carefully wrapped his hands and face with cotton cloth, scooped out a full gourd of boiling water with a long wooden gourd, and poured it down on the wanderers who were on the ladder.

The howl, which was not like a human voice, resounded throughout the world, giving Qin Hao and others behind the formation goosebumps.

Only after looking through the telescope to find out the reason, Qin Hao couldn't help but admired: This Shimazu family is really cunning.

As the boiling water continued to splash down, the exposed skin of each ronin instantly turned blood red, and then large areas of blisters immediately appeared. The unlucky one was directly hit by the boiling water on the head, and the entire scalp was immediately scalded, exposing the The bright red tender meat under the skin.

"First invite them to drink tea, and then invite them to warm themselves over the fire!"

Following Yokota Katsuto's order, the Shimazu troops on the city dropped bundles of straw.

Those straws were sprinkled with gunpowder and soaked with water. After being ignited, the fire rolled along with the thick smoke at the foot of the city. Countless ronin were attracted by the straw, and their clothes were on fire. Each one rolled on the ground with their whole body on fire, or brought them with them. He rushed into the crowd with his body covered in flames and screaming.

In the thick smoke, many people were coughing and breathless, and their eyes were so red and swollen that they could hardly open their eyes.

"What a good trick!" Qin Hao was so angry that the defenders of Kumamoto Castle felt numb.

"Bike this city today!" He made the final decision.

The war has reached this point, no matter what, we can no longer give up.

Spears stabbing, iron cannons bombarding, bows and arrows throwing, boiling water scalding, are constantly taking place in front of the city.

Both sides held on to their last breath, vowing to fight until the other side fell to the ground.

Today, Kumamoto Castle has become a huge meat grinder.

That night, Qin Hao, who climbed to the top of Kumamoto Castle, suddenly seemed to be lost in listening to Han Xian's report.

The First Army suffered more than 500 casualties, and the Second Army suffered 3,000 casualties.

One general succeeds and ten thousand bones wither.

With the cold wind blowing and listening to the wails of the wounded soldiers in the city, Qin Hao was suddenly speechless.

Did you make a mistake in conquering Fuso this time?

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