"Give way! Give way!"

The two Keelung General cannons were dragged to the river bank by the gunners. The skilled gunners quickly loaded their muskets and began to fire cannonballs on the city.

Under the cover of artillery and gunfire, the filled river became wider and wider, extending to the other side of the river. Finally, with the last efforts of the Hong Kong recruits, several straw bags emerged from the water on the other side of the moat!

"Quickly, lay down the door panels!"

Under the command, the recruits quickly stacked door panels and floor boards on the dam made of straw bags. This method allowed people and artillery to pass quickly without worrying about getting stuck in the muddy water.

Seven or eight six-pound cannons and five Keelung General cannons were on the river bank, pouring shells frantically towards the city. The effect of the shooting just now was already visible. The solid bullets were used against such a strong wall, and the effect was very average. , Therefore, Jiang Jianke adopted another artillery battle tactic.

Use artillery suppression to create a time window for the infantry to board the city, and attack the city in one fell swoop!

Dozens of long ladders made of bamboo were carried across the moat with shouts from the soldiers. When one of the ladders just reached the other side, it was stabbed to the ground by the anxious soldiers. Several spearmen pushed it with their spears. He fell forward on the bamboo ladder.


There was a muffled sound, and the ladder trembled a few times before resting firmly on the wall of the village.

"dash forward!"

Several sword and shield soldiers went ahead and climbed up the ladder. Under the ladder, a group of musketeers held up firecrackers, vigilantly searching for possible resisters on the city wall.

Fortunately, when the first sword and shield soldiers rushed to the city, no one on the stronghold came to stop them.

"Kill!" The sword-and-shield soldier jumped onto the wall of the village, holding a shield in one hand and a knife in the other. He used the shield to protect his head and face, and quickly patrolled around the crenellations around the ladder.

The second soldier following the Keelung Army also appeared at the top of the city.

Then the third person jumped to the top of the city that was full of broken bricks, rocks, corpses and garbage. The three people formed a small formation on the city wall to prepare for Kam Tin Wai's counterattack.

"Tell Jiang Jianke to concentrate the artillery fire on his iron gate and blow it open for me!" Weizhou, who had been watching the flag array, could see clearly through the monocular telescope and calmly ordered the commander beside him. .

After receiving the new general order, Jiang Jianke naturally did not dare to neglect, and moved four twelve-pound cannons to the position facing the Kam Tin Wai Iron Gate to strengthen the firepower here.

After a round of artillery fire, the suspension bridge with its planks shattered by artillery shells fell with a deafening sound.

The gate of Kam Tin Wai is already half open!

"Grandpa, I can't stand it anymore. The iron gate can't hold up anymore! Keelung's army is coming up on the city. You hurry up... I'm the queen!" Deng Wulang was holding a sword in one hand, and the sword was still ticking down. With blood dripping on his face, he limped into the ancestral hall.

The iron breastplate that he had always been proud of was covered in blood. It was unknown whether it was his own blood or the blood of the Keelung Army. The helmet on his head was blown away by a passing shotgun, which also broke his bun. The residual heat of the shotgun caused his hair to spread out, emitting a disgusting burning smell.

"The people in the circle are in chaos, the defenders on the wall have collapsed, and the Nanmanzi dog thieves keep rushing in. Grandpa, if you don't leave, it will be too late!" Deng Wulang panted.

"Let's go, where are we going? I am old, and I will die when I die! You are still young, live a good life in the future, let's go! Remember to leave blood for the Deng family! Don't let us cut off the incense and blood food!" Over time, Deng Wentian has become so old and haggard that he no longer looks like a human being.

After saying that, he walked towards the depths of the ancestral hall without looking back, where the tablets of the ancestors of the Deng family were enshrined.


Deng Wulang knelt on the ground, already sobbing.

The chain iron gates that were once the pride of the people surrounded by Kam Tin lost their former sturdiness under heavy artillery fire. After a loud bang, they slumped to the ground and lost their former glory.

"Sir, the fence is broken!" Chief Si called Weizhou excitedly and softly, who was taking a nap on the wicker chair.

Weizhou opened his eyes, and the light shone at two o'clock. The efforts for many days were finally in vain, and he ordered: "Let all the battalions rush in quickly and control the situation. This time, let's dig up the old roots of the Deng family. Make up for our losses!”

The news that Jintianwei was breached by the Keelung Army in one day and one night was spread like lightning to every village in Jinping County with the deliberate spread of the Keelung Army troops who monitored the besieged villages. I was stunned by this dazzling news.

There were sounds of panic in various villages, fearing that they would become the next target of the Keelung Army.

Faced with the tough demands of the Keelung Army outside the siege, the leaders of the besieged villages had to take the young people in the village to Jintianwei to participate in some kind of rally organized by the Keelung Army.

Although they didn't know what it was, no one dared to violate it. Those who violated it disappeared into thin air yesterday.

The door of Kam Tin Wai is open, welcoming this group of "guests" who "come" from all directions.

In the open space in front of the enclosure, the Keelung Army built a wooden platform with wooden planks. Under the platform, dozens of wooden stakes were buried deep in the soil. The leader of a group of Jintianwei prisoners headed by Deng Wulang was tied up. Tied to a wooden stake. As for Deng Wentian, who hanged himself, his body was also carried over, swept up with a reed, and put aside.

The village chiefs and the small clan chiefs of a certain house who were driven from nearby besieged villages were politely placed in shacks set up on the side of the platform by the Keelung Army, watching the sharp swords and guns and the sharp artillery fire. In the Keelung Army, all the normally proud and prominent figures have become disgraced and have completely lost their former prestige.

Now for them, as long as they can save their lives, it is worth suffering the humiliation like Han Xin!

Otherwise, the house, the gold, silver and jewelry, as well as the beautiful little wives and the eldest girls in the house, will never know which guy will squirm under his crotch from now on!


"Hello fellow citizens of Jinping County! When we started our army in Keelung, we came with the purpose of punishing the people and doing justice for heaven. What we want is for the people of the world to be safe, well-fed and warm, and to punish evil. Promoting good deeds and eradicating local tyrants and evil gentry will do no harm to ordinary people and law-abiding people!" Weizhou stood on the stage and said something official, which made the crowd of spectators below feel dizzy. sleep.

If it weren't for the weapons around him, some people would have denounced him long ago, left the table with disdain, and went home to sleep.

"Our army is not breaking through the Jintian siege for the property like passing bandits. In order to win the trust of the people, our army has decided to send the following materials..." Weizhou's topic changed, and people felt that his tone was wrong, I immediately opened my eyes wide to listen to what he said next.

"What will happen to the finances?!" Many people looked up and waited.

"This time we seized 6,000 sets of fine silk and satin clothes, more than 700 pieces of fur clothes, more than 60,000 sets of single-colored clothes, and more than 80,000 dan of grain, including more than 20,000 dan of rice, 30,000 dan of rice, and the rest were all wheat. There were also more than 80,000 dan of grain. More than 20,000 pieces of cloth of various colors and 3,000 pieces of fine salt.”

Listening to a series of numbers makes people intoxicated. In the past, where did people go to hear so many property numbers? Even if the property behind these numbers is not their own, it is good to listen to it and enjoy it. The specifications are even more unimaginable!

"These properties belong to Deng Wentian's family. They have collected them from everyone in the Deng clan over many years under various names. General Qin Hao thinks that God has the virtue of good life and cannot bear to compete with the people for profit. Now he has decided to All the money confiscated from the Deng family will be returned to the members of the Deng family." Facing the bright eyes in the audience, Weizhou couldn't help but read aloud.

"Everyone has one, no matter old or young. Later, he will go to Keelung Juncunzheng to register his household registration, so that he can receive his own share of property according to the distribution rules!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud bang, and the entire open space was like a cannon being ejected from the chamber. The air suddenly became heated. All the people in the audience kept asking each other, lest they heard wrongly.

After confirming that the information was correct, their eyes began to look crazy!

"If you want to receive the village name from the finance, come here and register your household registration. Once registered, you can take your things home!"

A mayor of Keelung Army stood at the other end of the venue on an Eight Immortals table taken from Kam Tin Wai. He held a copper trumpet high in his hand and announced loudly to the crowd.

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