"Boss, are you an immortal?" Lu asked impatiently as soon as he entered the door, staring at Zhou Xuan with a look of excitement.

Mio, who followed closely behind, looked at Zhou Xuan, more like seeing a deity in a temple, with a hint of fanaticism in his solemnity. If Zhou Xuan said, "Ah, my believer, I will give you light", I'm afraid Mio will instantly turn into a priestess worshipping the gods.

Dai Wei rushed in excitedly, "Boss, here's an egg fried rice."

Sure enough, in the world of foodies, there is only delicious food to live up to.

"Boss, I'm here again, please take care of me." Qin Chuan was the last to come in, and he was still so polite.

Seeing the four Qingyin girls appearing in front of him, Zhou Xuan smiled and said, "So you are all here to eat golden fried rice?"

"Yes, I also want to shine when I play like Tsumugi!" Lu looked at Zhou Xuan eagerly.

Immediately afterwards, the four young girls told Zhou Xuan in detail how they had saved the chemistry student ghost.

"So this is ah!"

Zhou Xuan pondered for a moment, looked at the girls who were full of anticipation, and explained: "Golden fried rice can make you have the protection of light, but it has a time limit. After a week, your own power of light will be exhausted. What will you do then?"

"Then why don't we have another golden fried rice?" As long as it comes to eating, Dai Wei's reaction speed is much faster.

"Yes, we can come every day."

"And that delicious afternoon tea snack."

Several others joined in.

"I'm afraid that won't work," Zhou Xuan said with a smile: "This is a very special place. In the future, it may be difficult for you to come to this place again."

"Ah, what then?"

The soft-voiced girls looked at each other with disappointment in their eyes.

"Well, you can eat first, and talk about future things later."

Soon, the four servings of golden fried rice were delivered to each of the Qingyin girls. The golden light when the lid was opened surprised several people, and when they looked at Zhou Xuan again, there was a bit of awe in his eyes.

The boss is really a god, right? !

The four of them swept away the fried rice on the plate and slumped on the chair with great satisfaction. Even if Tsumugi, who was worried about his own identity, lost the previous etiquette at this time, and patted his stomach like Ritsu and Dani.

In a leisurely time, Zhou Xuan saw a ray of light emerging from each of the four of them, gathering together in mid-air, condensing a golden note.

This golden musical note seemed to be something substantial, and it fell into Zhou Xuan's hands lightly.


The system suddenly appeared.

"Special belief item detected - golden note."

"This thing contains the power of faith, and it is the bond between the host and its own believers."

"Remarks: As a future god, how can you not have followers of your own? Keep this golden note, it will be an important material for your promotion to god."

Zhou Xuan remembered that his system seemed to be called the "Master Chef Sign-in System", which meant that he would become a real god in the future.

However, with Zhou Xuan's current strength, this will be a long way to go.

Because the goal is too far away, Zhou Xuan has no real sense.

But when he held this golden note, Zhou Xuan only had a sense of it.

"It turns out that the system said that there will be unexpected benefits for entertaining diners who suddenly appear!"

Zhou Xuan knew that this was the system's intention to let him cultivate believers!

Light-tone girls are indeed good targets. Although they are just ordinary people, they are also the protagonists of the world in which they live, and they will have a huge influence on the world.

They became Zhou Xuan's believers, which was also of great benefit to Zhou Xuan.

And old customers like Stark, Nuliang Slipper and Whitebeard, they can't believe in Zhou Xuan at all, but their existence can allow Zhou Xuan to improve his power step by step.

The space gem that Stark ordered, the little cone of the Demon King brought by Nura Slippery, the two-color domineering imparted by Whitebeard, and the bound diners who will appear in the future, they will become a huge boost for Zhou Xuan to become a god.

After realizing this, Zhou Xuan smiled and hung the golden note on the kitchen wall.

He is going to sort out this wall and use it to hang the fetters between himself and the believers.

Maybe when one day this wall is covered with fetters, it will also be the moment when he becomes a god!

The Qingyin girls left contentedly with a large bag of Amy Kueh. Even if they couldn't come back to the late-night cafeteria, with that golden note, Zhou Xuan could completely transmit the power of golden fried rice to them.

Jingle Bell

The wind chime at the door rang, but it was another pleasant sound.

This means that he is not a diners from another world, but a visitor from this world.

"Amitabha, donor Zhou, long time no see."

The person who came was actually Shi Qiaojue, a young monk from the Jialan Temple. It had been more than half a month since the last meeting. The two had never contacted each other, but Zhou Xuan had no idea why the young monk suddenly came to visit.

"It turned out to be you, little monk, is there something wrong?" Zhou Xuan asked with a smile.

Shi Qiaojue walked in slowly on lotus steps, with a serious expression on his face.

"Donor Zhou, the little monk came here today to tell me something special. It's urgent, so I'll keep it short."

"The reincarnation tower used by my Buddhist sect to suppress Specter was attacked by demons last night, and many Specters escaped. My Buddha's great ability to see the cause and effect with the eyes of the sky, and observe that there will be a foodless ghost coming to your shop tonight to make trouble."

"No food ghosts?" Zhou Xuan was curious.

Shi Qiaojue said, "This savage ghost is a very ferocious ghost of the hungry ghost realm, and it is one of the thirty-six types of ghosts recorded in my Buddhist sect."

This Specter can't eat, it runs in the wilderness every day, crying and running, it's hard to find a spring, just about to drink, the water is dry, and it's hard to find a wild fruit, just about to eat, the wild fruit is rotten.

This ghost was insidious and cunning during his lifetime. He often did things that provoke alienation and wronged good people to get this reward. Even if he was reincarnated, his life was very short, and most of them were stillborn.One of the thirty-six kinds of hungry ghosts in Buddhism.

"The foodless ghost can't get food, and the hunger in its belly is unbearable, which will also cause its resentment to skyrocket and become more and more tyrannical."

"Master Zhou, this is a very dangerous ghost!".

Chapter 56

There is a saying in "The Dharma Mindfulness Sutra. Hungry Ghosts": "No food ghosts, hunger and thirst are burning, screaming and running, only to see the spring pool, the water will dry up, or see the water guarding evil spirits beaten and can't drink. Jealous and lying, frame a good person, put him in prison, die of hunger and thirst, from this evil karma is born as a ghost without food, retribution to all living people, how difficult it is to save the womb, even if it is born, it will be short-lived and difficult to starve to death. middle."

Shi Qiaojue folded his hands together, and there was a trace of worry on the serious baby fat face, "This foodless ghost had the strength of the fifth-rank realm a long time ago, and it was very ferocious. A hundred years ago, when my great master of Buddhism suppressed him under the Reincarnation Tower, It has killed more than [-] people."

"Now, the more than [-] dead souls have all been transformed into the ghost realm, which is even more difficult to deal with."

Zhou Xuan thought of Qian Fangfang, who was also a fifth-grade evil spirit.

But Qian Fangfang is only the first-born master of the ghost realm, and she doesn't have much resentment, so she can only exert two or three out of ten if she has the power.

Zhou Xuan invited the young monk to sit down and asked curiously, "There are so many great powers in Buddhism, such as first-rank Bodhisattvas and second-rank Arhats, why are there demons that can capture the Samsara Tower?"

Shi Qiaojue explained: "Since a week ago, strange things have happened frequently in Xuanlong Kingdom. First, the Xihai Mingchi was turbulent, and then the wild monsters of the North Continent were born. The hospital leaders went out to suppress them one after another."

"Ashamed to say, the Reincarnation Pagoda originally had a solid formation defense, and the golden body of the predecessors was guarding it. On the top of the pagoda, the Buddha's bone relics left by the Buddha's nirvana were enshrined. This is a foolproof place. So I neglected to take care of the reincarnation tower."

"However, all precautions are taken, but the many arrangements of the Samsara Tower are ignored to prevent the invasion of evil things, but this time, the one who captured the Samsara Tower is a pangolin monster who has not done any evil."

"That pangolin has never been evil since birth, so it didn't cause a reaction from the Tower of Samsara. And pangolins are the best at digging holes, piercing the ground directly and getting under the Tower of Samsara."

"The reason why the Reincarnation Tower can guard thousands of demons and ghosts is because there is a nine secluded well under the tower. ."

Pixiu, originally a mythical beast to attract wealth and treasure, it has a characteristic that it "devours all things without venting", and it can only enter and cannot.

However, the ghostly Pixiu killed by the Tathagata was transformed by the beast soul after the death of Pixiu. The grievances filled the sky and turned into a ghost beast.

The Buddha cultivated into a golden body of six feet under the Bodhi tree in Lingshan Mountain, and entered the gloomy ghost realm of the ghostly ghost.

Because the ghost realm of the ghostly Pixiu runs for thousands of miles, and the pure glaze of the Tathagata can obliterate the demon's own yin qi, it was built into a nine secluded well by the Buddhist sect, and then suppressed by the reincarnation tower, which is specially used to imprison some indelible powerful forces. of evil.

"The pangolin made a hole all the way down to the wellhead of Jiuyoujing, which caused a loophole in the defense formation of the Samsara Tower. Those imprisoned demons and ghosts seized this loophole and escaped."

Shi Qiaojue told Zhou Xuan what happened, this was indeed the trouble caused by the carelessness of their Buddhist sect, but in order to restore the image of the Buddhist sect in Zhou Xuan's heart, the little monk explained softly:

"But don't worry, Shizhu Zhou, most of the demons didn't even go out of the boundary of Lingshan, they were brought back to the Jiuyoujing by my Buddhist master, and only a few demons escaped."

Zhou Xuan was not interested at all in the affairs of the Buddhist sect, but was more concerned about the foodless ghosts, so he asked, "So the Jialan Temple sent you to me to arrest the foodless ghosts?"

Shi Qiaojue's face turned red, "The little monk's cultivation base is not good, and he is not the opponent of the Ghostless Ghost, so he has to rely on Zhou Shizhu."

Zhou Xuan stretched out his hand with a smile, and said, "Your Buddhist family has a great business. If you want to ask me to take action, you need to pay some money, right?"

The little monk nodded, took out a clay pot with a capacity of about one liter, opened the lid, and there was a thick golden liquid inside.

"What is this?" Zhou Xuan asked curiously.

"This is the emperor's pulp, and it is the treasure of my Lingshan!"

Zhou Xuan touched the pot with a light hand, and the system in his mind appeared.

Special ingredients: Diliu pulp

Attribute: Essence of Heaven and Earth (Yuehua)

Explanation: Geng Shen Yeyuehua, in which there is Diliu pulp, its shape is like innumerable olives, ten thousand golden threads, and it hangs down to the world. Plants and trees can become demons when they receive their essence, and foxes and ghosts can show their magical powers when they eat them... . . ... The grass and trees have nature and no life, and the slough has nature, which can supplement life; foxes and ghosts have their own lives, so eating is very beneficial.

Remarks: It is not edible by humans. It is colorless and odorless, and has no side effects on the dishes. Adding a little bit can make monsters and monsters coveted.

"nice one!"

Zhou Xuan's eyes lit up, and he took the clay pot containing the emperor's slurry into his arms, and said with a smile: "Look at this clay pot, there is only one liter of emperor's slurry, it's too little."

"A lot, a lot!"

Shi Qiaojue hurriedly waved his hands, his face flushed red, and explained, "This emperor's slush is very precious, even if I can only accumulate ten liters of Lingshan every year."

"The formation of the Emperor Liumao is too cumbersome, and it only exists in the moonlight. The demon spirits can directly refine the moonflower and absorb the emperor's slurry inside."

"But I, such as human beings, even a first-rank master can't directly extract the emperor's pulp from Yuehua."

"And the emperor sap of my Lingshan is the bodhi tree under which my Buddha Tathagata sat when he realized the Tao. It uses its own bodhi leaves to attract the moonlight, condensing the emperor slush on the tip of the leaf, and then it can be dropped drop by drop. Receive it."

"The emperor's jelly will only appear during the full moon, that is, on the fifteenth night of each month, there are only twelve opportunities to receive the emperor's jelly in a year. If there are several cloudy days, the harvest will be even greater. not enough."

Zhou Xuan asked, "Are you lying to me?"

Shi Qiaojue put his hands together, his face solemn, and said, "Monks don't lie, and the monk never lies."

"Okay, since you've already paid the money, I'll entertain the foodless ghosts." Zhou Xuan carefully put away the Emperor Liujiao, preparing to meet the Emperor next time when Nuliang Slipper arrives. Drool's attraction to monsters.

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